Essential Practices
for Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Classroom
Disciplinary Literacy and the Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy: Grades 6-12
Disciplinary literacy, according to Dr. Elizabeth Moje, incorporates the "belief that each discipline has its own literacy and that by stripping away the one-size-fits-all literacy 'strategies' and engaging students in the way that historians and scientists [among other disciplinary experts] actually read and write, literacy learning will be central, no longer a side dish" (Peterson, 2010). Dr. Moje is one of several key researchers that supported the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force in the development of the Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy: Grades 6-12.
The Disciplinary Literacy Task Force is comprised of consultants from across the state, each of whom brings his or her own disciplinary expertise. We meet monthly, and our most pressing goal is to continue to scale this work statewide. We also prioritize equity in the delivery of our services as well as building and leveraging partnerships across the state in an effort to promote this important work.
Task Force Happenings
Currently, Task Force members have been engaged in the revision and creation of our supporting documents: the Essential Practices for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction in the Secondary Classroom: Grades 6 to 12 and the Essential School-Wide and Center-Wide Practices for Disciplinary Literacy (currently in draft form).
Our ongoing work includes planning for, creating and implementing professional learning for secondary educators and using this newsletter, our blog, Twitter, and other publications to broaden awareness about this initiative and its benefits to our secondary students.
We look forward to increased opportunities to work with you!
Disciplinary Literacy Task Force 2021 Professional Learning Offerings
MiELA Conference: Disciplinary Literacy Session
During the two-day Institute, participants will explore big ideas around improving literacy for adolescents and deepen understanding of disciplinary literacy. In addition to participating in hands-on experiences that support inquiry, participants will use the Essential Practices for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction in the Secondary Classroom (Grades 6-12) to frame their thinking about literacy within their discipline. Teachers, leaders, and coaches from all disciplines are encouraged to attend and join the statewide conversation about disciplinary literacy.
Disciplinary Literacy for Secondary Leaders
If we have learned anything about learning this school year, it is that getting (and keeping) kids engaged is our biggest hurdle. As a secondary administrator, how can you support your teachers in moving toward more inherently motivating, academically rigorous learning experiences? The Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA), General Education Leadership Network (GELN) and Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP) are proud to announce a learning series built for secondary administrators looking to increase student motivation and engagement, as well as literacy skills, across all content areas. This brand new series has been designed with today's unique realities in mind--changed schedules, blended learning, potential interruptions to learning, and increased use of technology.
With three options to choose from (including self-guided modules), every secondary administrator can select an option that best fits their busy schedule. We can't wait to learn with you!
Click HERE to find out more and register.
Disciplinary Literacy Introductory Institute
Looking to start the journey toward implementing disciplinary literacy?
The Disciplinary Literacy Task Force is excited to offer another Introductory Institute on August 5, 2021 from 8:30 to 12:00pm via Zoom.
Target Audience: Secondary educators including teachers, instructional leaders, coaches, consultants, and administrators.
Cost: $25.00
SCECH: 3.25 hours pending
Registration link HERE
- Use this guide when creating a Learning Stream account, but if you cannot locate your district and/or building when creating the account, please complete this form.
Note: Participants registering for the Disciplinary Literacy Deeper Dive Institute are strongly encouraged to attend the Introductory Institute prior to attending the Deeper Dive series.
For assistance with the registration process, please click here.
Disciplinary Literacy Deeper Dive Institute
Looking to further your implementation of disciplinary literacy?
During this professional learning series, participants will engage in synchronous and asynchronous learning, using a virtual platform. It is expected that participants will have attended the Introductory Institute prior to joining this Institute.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Friday, August 13, 2021
All synchronous learning will occur via Zoom from 9:00-11:00am
Participants are expected to attend all synchronous learning sessions and engage in approximately two hours of asynchronous learning in between each session.
Target Audience: Secondary educators including teachers, instructional leaders, coaches, consultants, and administrators.
Cost: $50.00
SCECH: 12 hours pending
Registration link HERE.
- Use this guide when creating a Learning Stream account, but if you cannot locate your district and/or building when creating the account, please complete this form.
For assistance with the registration process, click here.
Spotlight on Darin Stockdill!
Resources for Support
Disciplinary Literacy Essentials Support Request Form
For additional information about these events, please contact Jenelle Williams.
Email: jenelle.williams@oakland.k12.mi.us
Phone: (248) 209-2340
Twitter: @GELN612literacy