The Pawsome Print
September 15, 2023
Dear Pawsome Families,
We had a great first five-day week at Loring! It was great to see all of you at Open House last night. You are an essential part of our school community. We also had our first early release ILAP day on Wednesday. During this time, all educators participated in professional development activities through the district. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sara Harvey
A Message from our Pawsome Library Teacher
Dear Families,
I'm looking forward to a great year of getting your students excited about reading!
Loring students have a 40 minute library class every week. During library class, students listen to a read-aloud, discuss the reading and have an opportunity to check out books. Students in kindergarten may take home one book each week. Students in grades 2-5 may take home two books each week. Students may check out new books when they return their previously checked out books.
The library website has more library-related information.
Please feel free to contact me anytime!
Amy Stout
Recess Volunteers
A huge thanks for all the volunteers that we had today for lunch and recess! With your help, we were able to provide time for classroom teachers to meet together as teams.
If you missed the fabulous opportunity, here is the link to sign up to be a volunteer at lunch and recess on Fridays. It is a wonderful way to learn more about our Pawsome Loring community. Please remember that you can sign up for multiple grades even if you do not have a child in that grade. We hope to see you there!
Breakfast Sign Up
If you would like your child to receive breakfast at school, you must sign up using this link.
Breakfast is available in the cafeteria each morning from 7:35-7:55 a.m. If your child will be part of the breakfast program, they should enter the front doors of the school at 7:35 a.m. and head straight to the cafeteria.
Some students decide to take their breakfast and eat it later for snack in the classroom during snack time. If you want your children to do this, they still need to be signed up and they will need to stop in the cafeteria before heading to the classroom in the morning to pick up their breakfast/snack. Otherwise, you should be sending in a snack each day for your child to have during snack time.
If you are unable to provide a snack for your child, please reach out to Sara Harvey or David Gaita to discuss how we can help with this. Please know that we do not have extra snacks available if your child forgets to bring one.
Family Information Form
If you have already filled out the family information form, thank you. If you have not had the chance to yet, please take a few minutes to complete this form. This information is very helpful as we continue to ensure that all students and families have a sense of belonging here at Loring School.
As of last night, we were missing about 250 forms. Please take a few minutes this weekend to complete a form for each of your children.
School Council
We're excited to announce that Kristen Fox will join the Loring School Council for a two year term as a parent representative. Please click here to learn more about Kristen and read why she'll be a valuable addition to the team.
Attendance Policy
We wanted to share and remind everyone of the attendance policy as we kick off another school year. It is extremely important that your child is in school regularly and on time.
Students may be excused from school for reasons including:
Illness or quarantine
Bereavement or serious illness in the family
Inclement weather that might endanger the child
Major religious holidays
Other exceptional reasons at the discretion of the principal/designee
Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to:
Family vacations
Non-emergency family situations
School refusal
Chronic or irregular absences or tardies without medical documentation, which may be requested. DESE considers a student missing 10% of the school year to be chronically absent.
You will receive an attendance letter when you child has:
Five (5) or more unexcused absences
Five (5) or more unexcused tardy arrivals
Five (5) or more unexcused early dismissals
Ten (10) or more total absences (unexcused or excused) should be used to identify students who are approaching the chronic level of absenteeism.
PTO Meeting
Join the PTO (virtually) for the first General PTO meeting of the year! Thursday, September 21st at 7:30 pm. Principal Harvey and Assistant Principal Gaita will join for a Q&A for the first 30 minutes.
The PTO will also review the budget and provide some other updates for the school year. Please join us at the link below:
Or dial: (US) +1 347-354-1532
PIN: 578 850 815#
Important Upcoming Dates - Please mark your calendars!
September 20
School Pictures
September 21
PTO Meeting
September 22
Fall Book Fair
September 23
Leopard Festival
September 25
Yom Kippur - No School
September 29
Food Pantry
October 4
Early Release
October 9
Indigenous People's Day - no school
October 18
Early Release
Loring Core Values
At Loring School, we are PAWSOME because we show our Core Values! These values are part of everyday life at Loring and reinforced in the classroom, on the playground and all around school. Students are taught the meaning of each word and how they make us better students and citizens.
Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Best Effort
The Loring Pledge
The Loring Pledge is said every morning during announcements. Loring students embody our pledge and we hope this stays with them not only when they are at school but home as well.
Community Corner
Contact Us
Location: 80 Woodside Road, Sudbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-579-0870