Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
End of Course Exams
December 5th-14th: Students needing to take End of Course Exams (state tests) will begin testing. EOC's are mandatory tests. Students and their primary parent/guardian were sent an email stating which tests they need to take and the date/location of their first assessment. Students who have multiple assessments to complete may need to report for consecutive days. It is very important that testing students arrive on time as it is a timed test. Absent students will need doctor's note and will need to schedule a make-up test with Mrs. Hess, assistant principal.
You can find practice tests here. If your student needs additional practice or support they can reach out to their content teacher, their counselor, or assistant principal to get connected.
Students that are currently scheduled in Algebra C and Government classes will test during their scheduled exam block during THS exam week, December 15th-20th. The exam schedule can be found here.
Please make sure your student brings their CHARGED CHROMEBOOK to school for each test.
Additional information about EOCs can be found here.
Club Meetings
Sunday, December 3rd
Mock Trial 6:00-8:00pm, Media Center
Monday, December 4th
Robotics Club 3:00-4:00pm, Room 412** Please have your parent/guardian complete the FTC form online
Tuesday, December 5th
Mock Trial 5:30-7:30pm, Room 315
Wednesday, December 6th
Thursday, December 7th
Robotics Club 3:00-4:00pm, Room 412
Mock Trial 5:30-7:30pm, Room 315
Talawanda Tribune 7:45, Koffenya
Friday, December 8th
Diversity Club Meeting Tutorial, Room 400
Best Buddies Meeting Tutorial, Cafeteria
On the Horizon
Diversity Club Holiday Party Wednesday, December 13th after school Room 400
Sunday, December 3rd
Monday, December 4th
7:00 TMS Band Concert, PAC
Tuesday, December 5th
7:00 TMS Orchestra Concert, PAC
Wednesday, December 6th
6:30am-2:30pm Blood Drive, Aux. Gym
7:00pm Athletic Booster Mtg. Media Center
Thursday, December 7th
6:00pm Board of Education Work Session, Media Center
Friday, December 8th
Saturday, December 9th
7:00pm Drama Variety Show, PAC