Believe. Empower. Leave a Legacy
Launching Leadership and Creating Culture 11.5.18
Be the Leader You Wish You Had
The greatest joy a leader has is to become the one who helps others find the vision they are looking for.
To see those in their charge do more than they thought they were capable of.
To watch the group take care of each other. To see the team work together to solve unsolvable problems.
This is what it means to become a leader. It is not a journey to rise in the ranks, it is the journey to help those around us rise.
Wildly Important Goals & Big Rocks
Learning Goals
During the 2018-2019 School year, we will reduce the following by 50% over the 2018-2019 school year:
Students not meeting projected growth on the MAP assessment by 17% (33% were Absolute No)
Reduce students scoring in level one on the State Assessment by 9 students (7%) (17 scored in Level 1)
During the 2018-2019 School year, we will reduce the following by 50% over the 2017-2018 school year:
Students not meeting projected growth on the MAP assessment by 16% (32% were Absolute No)
Reduce students scoring in level one on the State Assessment by 7 students (7%) (13 scored in Level 1)
On the End of Year MRA, our students will score in the 75th percentile in the area of personal effectiveness.
Learning Steps to meet those Goals
- Strengthening our PLC process
- What do we want our students to learn?
- How do we know if they have learned it?
- What do we do if they have not learned it?
- What do we do if they have learned it?
- Using the Instructional Model/PLC Framework to develop Learning Targets from our Standards, so that the instruction we provide aligns with student needs. Use this process in accordance with the four PLC guiding questions.
- Leader in Me
- Second Step
Staff Birthdays
11/3: Tammy Whitlow
11/4: Jill DeGroot
11/7: Susie Zimmerman
11/8: Dawn Keen
11/10: Dayna Richardson
11/10: Keeley Tyrer
11/13: Chris Lucas
11/17: Pam Griffing
11/23: Sharon McCartney
11/28: Michelle Safstrom
Staff Kudos
PC Specialists Having Fun!
Upcoming Dates
- 11/07: Fall Picture Retake Day
- 11/07: Chris gone AM
- 11/08: LIM Principal Community Coaching Day at PC
- 11/09: Veteran's Events: 8:00am
- 11/09: LIM Lighthouse Coordinator Community Coaching Day at PC
- 11/14: BLT Training at IRC at 4:00pm
- 11/15: Chris gone AM
- 11/16: PC Pals
- 11/19: Dr. Cook comes back, Chris begins leave (will return Jan. 3rd)
- 11/21-11/23: No School
- 11/30: Classified Staff Meeting
- 12/05: Dr. Cook gone AM
- 12/11: 3rd Grade Music Program @ 6:30pm
- 12/12: Dr. Cook gone AM
- 12/12: PC Staff Meeting
- 12/13: 5th grade to UMKC and Planetarium
- 12/14: PC Pals
- 12/18: Special Chorus Tree Lighting 6:30pm
- 12/19: Winter Parties & Holiday Spirit Wear 2:30pm
- 12/20-01/02: Winter Break, No School
- 01/03: Staff PD: Prof Dev. AM, Educator Prep PM
- 01/04: Staff PD: District Prof. Development
Chris' Schedule
Monday: PC All Day
Tuesday: PC All Day
Wednesday: Chris gone AM
Thursday: PC All Day: In Leader in Me meetings all day
Friday: PC All Day
Hearing Screenings
On the morning of Tues Nov 13th, hearing screens will be completed on students in K, 1, 2 and 5 as well as students new to the district or on an IEP in 3 and 4. Students who fail the screening will be rescreened at a later date. Parents will be notified if their child fails the rescreen. Parents will be notified immediately if there is a medical concern. Notify Nurse Dayna if you prefer your child not be screened.
To Do:
- Complete Watch List Template for your Grade Level PLC within Microsoft Teams
- Continue using the Microsoft Teams group PC Collaboration and report on all the great things you are seeing in each others' classrooms!
- Continue establishing leadership roles in classroom
- Quarter 2 Learning Target Work
- Post PLC notes in Microsoft Teams
- Choose Awesome!
PC Staff Duties
Learning Services
Special Education
- The dates for the 2018-19 Olathe Special Services Site Council Parent Information sessions have been set - see attached brochure
- Para Professional Development (Debbie Pflumm)
Most paras should have completed their required amount of professional development. Classified building reps should have entered the October PD hours into mylearningplan for your building. If you don’t have a rep, please send me the sign in sheets with the PD information.
New hires will be asked to meet to complete PD hours. They will be scheduled as the year progresses. Paras who are short PD hours will be notified on how to complete the hours. Any building or classroom trainings can count towards PD hours just make sure to have your classified building rep or me record them into mylearningplan. ALL PD hours should be completed during the work day so please allow your paras the time. All PD hours need to be completed by April 1st but I would like everyone to have at least half of their hours completed by the end of the semester.
There are no more professional development days scheduled into the paras’ work calendar! They should not attend any of the certified PD days. Paras will return from semester break when students return (Jan. 7th) and Spring Break (Mar. 19th).
Any questions, please contact me.
Second Step
Building Bridges for Student Success Info.
Recess Reminders for Substitute
We have heard from substitutes that they feel like they are asked to do extra recess duties when substituting on poor weather days. It has been something that seems to be mentioned most over the winter months, so to stay ahead of this, just a quick mention to staff that that they should stay on the normal recess rotation even if there is a substitute there.
A few other recess reminders for substitute teachers:
They should always have a key card
They should always have a radio
They should not be on recess duty alone
Prairie Center Elementary
Email: crlucas@olatheschools.org
Website: http://schools.olatheschools.com/buildings/prairiecenter/
Location: 629 North Persimmon Drive, Olathe, KS, United States
Phone: 913-780-7610
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prairiecenterpto/
Twitter: @PCPioneers