Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge Janaury 2024 #2
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Greetings from a snowy Saturday
Hope everyone is/was able to get out and enjoy the snow. I haven't ventured out yet but it sure looks pretty!
If you signed your child up for a club beginning the week of January 22nd, you will receive an email this coming week. However, if you signed them up that means there was room, so they're in! The email will confirm their day/time. Big thank you to Mr. Scheafer in 5th grade for coordinating all the after school opportunities.
A quick note on safety and our dismissal, please use the crosswalk in the parking lot to get back to your parked car or walk home. We will also talk with students. I am going to try and post a crossing helper there as well. Additionally, I met with our construction and facility teams and finally, we will be getting school speed zone flashing lights along Kinnaman by the end of the month (this is the date I was told, hoping even with the weather, we are able to make it happen). We appreciate your help!
I have also received inquiries on Preschool for the 2023-24 School Year, I do not have info yet. The preschools in Hillsboro schools are funded through grants and processed at the district level. I should know more in April and will communicate as soon as I am able. I am hopeful and will do what I can on my end to support it.
A message from our School Counselor, Mrs. Goritz
Hello Tamarack Families,
A quick note to inform you, I will be on maternity leave starting in early February, as I am expecting a baby! During my time away, students will continue to receive Counseling, 504 and Success Coach support from an experienced long term substitute, Marika Hartfeil. Additionally, our counseling intern, Maya Duncan, will continue her internship. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to connect to counseling or student success coach resources while I am gone, please reach out to your student’s classroom teacher or Christy Walters and they can connect you with the correct person.
I plan to return in May and I look forward to celebrating the close of our first year together!
Thank you,
Holly Goritz
Counselor/Student Success Coach
Dates for your planning
To keep you up to date, here are some for your calendar. I always find that once we get past the first two weeks of January, the remainder of the year begins to progress swiftly!
Some you already have, others are new and offered through our school district and community partners. We will also add to this list as more opportunties present themself. For now here is what is being offered. If you have questions, please feel free to email for more information:
- 17th: Native American/ Alskan Native PAC Meeting In-person I Jan 17 I 6:30-8:00 pm I HSD Admin Center Room 281 (upstairs) NA AN PAC Meeting.pdf
- 18: A Safer Community for All I A partnership with Washington County Juvenile Department and HSD I Brookwood LibraryI Thursday I Jan 18 I 6:00-7:30 pm I Flyer
- 20: TAG your IT workshop at South Meadows, see below to register
- Saturday Family Academy @ RA Brown Middle School I Saturday, Jan. 20 I 8:00-12:00 pm I An event for families to learn about integrated approaches and sessions on social-emotional learning, mental health, technology, and more. register using this link or the QR Code on the flier: Flier
- 25th: Tamarack Chick-Fil-A Tamarack Fundraiser! Please support the school by eating out!
February - State Testing begins
- 2nd: No School; Report Card Prep *report cards will be mailed home after they are finalized
- 5th: No School; Teacher Prep Semester 2
- 8th: Asian Pacific Islander Family Engagement Meeting @ JW Poynter Middle School I Feb 8 |5:30-7:00 pm. Flyer
8th: LatinX PAC Meetings @ 6:30pm Google Meet joining info https://meet.google.com/uqr-onug-mgk February 8th
9th: Tamarack Kinder/1st grade Family Social @ 5:30-6:30 cafeteria
15th: Tamarack Family Science Night @ 5:30-7 - w/food trucks!
19th: No School; Presidents' Day
- 12th: Tamarack 2nd and 3rd grade Family Social @ 5:30-6:30 cafeteria
- 25th-29th: No School - Spring Break
- 12th: No School
- 18th: Tamarack Family Night: Multicultural Event @ 5:30-7:30pm w/ food trucks & talent show more information to come!
- 19th: Tamarack 4, 5, 6th grade Family Social @ 5:30-6:30 cafeteria
- 7th-10th: 6th grade Outdoor School at Camp Merriwether
- 16th: Tamarack Kindergarten Orientation @ 5:30-6:30pm Gym
- 24th: Tamarack Otter Fun Run-family fundraiser & health event (all day)
- 12th: 6th grade Promotion Ceremony @ 8:15 am Gym
- 13th: Last Day of School, early release @ 11:20 (lunch served K-6)
TAG Your IT! Enrichment Saturday Opportunity
OMSI Partnership
As you know we are closely partnered with the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry offering classes onsite weekly to students and supporting our evening events, including the planetarium that will be hosted in our gym at our February 15th Science Night. Additionally Ms. Ehl has been serving Witch Hazel Elementary, Minter Bridge with evening events and Farmington View with field trips to our campus. OMSI has been incredibly generous in supporting Tamarack by funding this position as well as our trips thus far to the main campus. We will also be hosting OMSI Summer Camps for Hillsboro at Tamarack this summer, more info to come!
Here are some events happening at the Museum that may interest your family as well!
You may not know but OMSI offers $5 Sundays, the next dates is February 4
For more information: https://omsi.edu/events/5-day/Here are a list of featured events and shows: https://omsi.edu/featured-events-shows/
Garden plots for Tamarack!
Big thank you to the Reed Crossing Community for giving Tamarack Elementary two garden plots for the season! Our 2nd grade team will be supporting the start of our plots and we look forward to growing our garden and knowledge! It is a gift to have something relevant to our community that we can walk to! Thank you!