Montessori for Flint
May 2018 Newsletter
Upcoming Application Deadline for New Students: May 15
Thinking about applying to Flint's Montessori elementary program for the fall but haven't done so yet? There's still time (but not much).
The application window for NEW elementary students (early 5/kindergarten through 3rd grade) will be closing on May 15. You can download the application today at http://www.flintmontessori.org. (Currently enrolled Flint Montessori students do not need to re-apply.)
If you have questions, please contact Montessori for Flint Parent Liaison, Elizabeth Jordan at jordanel19@yahoo.com.
Current Elementary Students
If your child is currently enrolled in the elementary Montessori program this school year (2017-18) and you plan to continue, you do not have to do anything. (If you do not plan to continue, please inform Pam Mosher by emailing pmosher@flintschools.org ASAP so we can release your spot to another family.)
New Elementary Students
To be considered for the elementary program, which will serve early 5/kindergarten through 3rd grade next year, you must turn in an application to the Flint Community Schools administration building by May 15. For the Early 5/kindergarten class, students must be 5 years old by December 1, 2018. If you have questions, you can call the enrollment office at 810-767-6158. The application is available for download on the Montesori for Flint website: https://www.flintmontessori.org.
New Pre-K Students
The first step is to pre-register for the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) by calling (810) 591-KIDS or visiting https://michiganpreschool.org/. Be sure to select Flint Community Schools- Durant Tuuri Mott Montessori as your preferred program. Once you do, please also call the Flint early childhood office at 810-767-8018. Ms. Wilson or Ms. Shellman can help walk you through the rest of the process. Because the pre-K enrollment process has several steps, we have developed a guide for families which can be emailed, upon request.
The Montessori for Flint website has additional resources and information available to help you. Thank you for your interest in the Flint Montessori program.
Montessori Math Lesson- Number Rods
- Encouraging opportunities to succeed rather than overtly correcting mistakes, which builds confidence
- The three-period lesson, which is used when introducing many concepts
- Fostering care for the classroom environment and materials
Help Stock the Pre-K Room!
One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child. - Maria Montessori
Seeking Teachers
Volunteers Needed!
DTM will host a resource fair from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday, May 19, 2018. Montessori for Flint has been asked to have a table in order to provide information about the program. We are seeking 1-2 volunteers to take 2 hour shifts. If you are available, please contact Elizabeth at (810) 610-7209 or jordanel19@yahoo.com.
Thank you, in advance, for your support of the program!
May Montessori for Flint Advisory
Friday, May 18, 2018, 04:00 PM
Durant Tuuri Mott Child Care, University Avenue, Flint, MI, USA
Substitute Teaching Opportunity
Montessori for Flint is seeking individuals who are interested in being available as a substitute teacher for the Montessori classrooms. Having at least 90 hours of college credit is required, and knowledge of Montessori philosophy is preferred. To register, visit PESG (the company that coordinates substitutes for Flint Community Schools at www.mypesg.com. If you or someone you know is potentially interested please register as soon as possible. If there are potential substitutes who could be a good fit for the Montessori program but don’t yet have Montessori training, there are possibilities. Contact Elizabeth Jordan with questions or for more information.
Reach 4 the Stars: Raising Great Readers
Montessori at Home: Practical Life
The goal of Practical Life is to help your child gain independence, control in the coordination of their movement, and adapt to society.
Here are some suggestions from a member of the Montessori for Flint Advisory, Mrs. Starletta Rett-Henry, for Practical Life Works:
Dusting (Materials Needed: Duster and Tray)
Pouring Grains
Wet (Liquid) Pouring
Using a Funnel
Using a Baster
Using an Eye Dropper
Grating Soap
Arranging Flowers
Grinding Coffee Beans
Spooning Works
Tonging Works (Provide new materials to tong, like pom poms or felt balls)
Locks and Keys
Assembling a Flashlight
Creating a Noodle Necklace
Pencil Sharpening (Materials Needed: Sharpener and Pencils)
Boot Scrubbing (Materials Needed: Large Boots and a Scrubber, Liquid Cleaner, Oil-Optionally)
Small Weaving Boards
Sorting Trays
Picking Grapes
Spreading Butter
Polishing Silver or Wood
There are four main "areas" of Practical Life:
1. Care of self, 2. Care of the environment, 3. Control of movement, and 4. Grace and courtesy.
Use activities you feel will hold your child's interest, and benefit your them at the moment. Be sure to rotate Practical Life activities periodically.
About Montessori for Flint
Montessori for Flint serves as the advisory group to the Flint Community Schools' Montessori program. To be added to the advisory group email list or get more information call (810) 610-7209.
Email: jordaniel19@yahoo.com
Website: www.flintmontessori.org
Location: Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary, University Avenue, Flint, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 610-7209
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montessoriforflint/