Emmett School District Newsletter
Emmett Ensures Educational Excellence

Happy Summer from Emmett School District!
Celebrating the 2023-2024 School Year: Highlights and Heartfelt Thanks
Dear Emmett School District Community,
As we wrap up the 2023-2024 school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve all shared. This year has been marked by remarkable achievements, tireless dedication, and unwavering support from every corner of our community. I am grateful for the sacrifices and efforts that have made this year one of the most memorable in my 30 years in education.
Honoring Our Staff’s Dedication
Our staff have gone above and beyond, putting in countless hours beyond their scheduled time to ensure our students were not only challenged but also engaged in enriching and innovative lessons. Your commitment to providing engaging educational opportunities has been nothing short of extraordinary. The dedication to staying late, preparing materials, and fostering an environment where every student can thrive is deeply appreciated.
Acknowledging Transportation Department, Activities and Athletics Coaches
Our transportation and coaches deserve special recognition for their sacrifices. You have provided our students with invaluable learning experiences beyond the classroom. Whether it was chaperoning trips, organizing activities, or coaching teams, your efforts have given students memories and lessons that will last a lifetime. Managing the complexities of working with diverse groups of young minds on buses and in athletic fields, you have shown a commitment to bringing out the best in every child.
Appreciating Our Support Staff
A heartfelt thank you to our support staff who have been the unsung heroes behind the scenes. Whether it was fixing a leaky pipe, securing a building, or driving snowy roads to ensure the safety of our school operations, your willingness to be called in after hours has not gone unnoticed. Your commitment ensures that our schools remain safe and functional, providing a safe environment for learning.
Gratitude to Parents and the Community
To the parents who made the extra effort to bring and pick up your children before and after school, enabling them to participate in sports, drama, and other activities—thank you. Your support is critical in fostering a well-rounded education for our students.
To the committees that worked diligently to research and propose new schedules, and to everyone who chose to seek the truth and communicate effectively rather than spreading misinformation—your efforts are crucial to our progress. Your commitment to constructive dialogue and community engagement helps us move forward together.
Looking Ahead
As we reflect on this year, it’s clear that Emmett School District is not yet where it wants to be, but we are undoubtedly moving in the right direction. The collective efforts of our staff, parents, and community members have laid a strong foundation for continued growth and success.
Thank you for an amazing and fun year. It has been one of the best years I have experienced in my educational career, and I am excited about what the future holds for Emmett School District.
Craig Woods
Superintendent, Emmett School District
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
Emmett High School Graduation at Home!
On May 24, Emmett High School graduated 181 students! It was so special to host the graduation ceremony at home! What a wonderful experience! Even the rainbows showed up to help us celebrate! We are so thankful for the donation that allowed for the new bleachers and for all of the ESD staff, students, and community members who worked hard to make the dream of graduation at home a reality.
2024 Black Canyon High School Class of 2024!
On May 23, Black Canyon High School graduated 15 students! Some of these students graduated early!
Sports & Activities
Congratulations to our Mixed Doubles Tennis Team!
Congratulations to our Emmett High School Mixed Doubles Tennis Team--Kylie Barrus and Adrian ParraPardo! They placed 2nd at State! We're so proud!
Congratulations to Emmett High School Track!
Some of our EHS athletes qualified to compete at the state track meet! Here are the results!
* Tucker Welling–4th pole vault
* Addi Richards–STATE CHAMPION pole vault
* Erin Hadley–6th triple jump
* Kenyon Carter–2nd 300 hurdles
--4th place 110 hurdles.
We are so proud of these athletes, their hard work, and their success!
Emmett High School Softball
Another Congratulations goes to the 4A Coach of the Year – EHS Varsity Softball Coach Shawn Marquez!
We also want to give a shout-out to our softball players who made the All-Conference teams!
P: Oakley Scheibe, fr., Emmett
C: Raegyn Dupree, sr., Emmett
INF: Harper Goodwin, sr., Emmett
INF: Katey Martinez, sr., Emmett
INF: Kayla Vahlberg, sr., Emmett
OF: Rylee Rountree, sr., Emmett
OF: Natalie Goslin, jr., Emmett
DH: Avery Reynolds, fr., Emmett
UTIL: Kellann Steppe, sr., Emmett
We’re so proud of these amazing athletes and all they have accomplished!
Emmett High School Club Lacrosse!
To cap off a fantastic season EHS Club Lacrosse placed 2nd in their division at State!
Shout-out to EHS and EMS Drama!
Teacher Appreciation!
Thank you to everyone who participated in giving shout-outs for teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week! We have over 120 shout-outs submitted! These were posted on our social media pages and can be viewed on our Facebook page. We loved hearing the personal stories of how individual teachers have impacted their students. It was beautiful and inspiring to hear first-hand how much of a difference our teachers make every day.
Free Meals for Kids Ages 1-18!
The Emmett School District will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program, providing FREE meals to children ages 1-18.
* Who: All children ages 1-18
* When: May 28 - July 2 (Monday-Friday)
* Breakfast: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
* Lunch: 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
* Where: Emmett High School
Important Notes:
* All meals will be served in the cafeteria and must be enjoyed there.
* No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria area.
* Meals will only be served during the specified time frames.
* This is a great opportunity for families to ensure that their children receive nutritious meals this summer. Spread the word, and we’ll see you this summer!
Community Activities for Kids!
While school is not in session, there are other activities available in our community to keep kids busy and learning through the summer!
Summer Reading Program at the Emmett Public Library!
Make sure you stop by the library to sign up for the summer reading program and pick up a trail map to track reading and earn prizes. They have options for kids AND teens! Also make sure to check out the Friday Fun Activities! These activities are in cooperation with the Gem County Recreation District and are open to all, regardless of Summer Reading Program enrollment.
June 7th, 1-3pm: Survival Sills
June 14th, 1-3pm: Yellowstone National Park
June 21st, 1-3pm: Nature Walk
June 28th, 1-3pm: Storytelling & Halfway Camp Cookout (Hot dogs & Moon Pies)
July 1st-3rd: Pick up your Grab n' Go Kit (library closed 7/4, 7/5, 7/6)
July 12, 1-3pm: Summer Games @ Emmett City Park Splash Pd
July 19th, 1-4:30: Glow Party 1-3pm, Ice Cream @ 3pm, Big Prize Drawings at 3:15ish
Gem County Recreation District
Here is a calendar of activities offered through the GCRD this summer!
Emmett School District Summer Projects
Shadow Butte Roof
This project has an estimated cost of $250,000 and will be completed by Signature Roofing. The existing roof is original to the building. Time and normal wear and tear have created some issues and necessitate it be replaced. This project is funded through the May '23 levy and is estimated to be completed by the beginning of August.
EHS Turf Project
At the May Regular School Board Meeting, the ESD Board of Trustees voted to replace the Emmett High School Athletics field with artificial turf. This decision was made following a discussion involving the available options. The current field conditions required either a full sod replacement or a change to turf due to safety concerns and the age of the field.
The costs of a turf replacement are currently projected to be around $1,316,000.
This decision included multiple factors. A turf replacement will allow a broader use of the field for multiple sports and activities including football, track, marching band, boys and girls soccer, rugby, and lacrosse. Other factors included easier, more cost-effective maintenance and increased longevity were discussed. Whereas a sod field does not need to meet requirements for safety, a turf field must meet multiple requirements continually–a factor contributing to the assessment that a turf field may provide increased safety for our student-athletes.
In addition, turf fields can generate revenue with other programs seeking such a venue to host events. There is discussion of the possibility of leasing the field for 1A and 2A state playoff games and to a semi-pro football team that has made inquiries.
No funding for this project will come from locally-funded levy dollars. Instead, the project will be funded with ESD carryover funds, state legislative carryover funds, and budget adjustments. Additional funding for non-sports-related facilities costs is expected from the state level next year and will assist in allowing funds to be adjusted for this and other needed projects.
The project of replacing the field with turf will be completed by Wright Brothers Construction and is expected to be completed and ready for the start of the football season August 12, 2024.
There is much optimism that a turf facility will bring many benefits to all in a safe, cost-effective, long-term solution for our schools, district, and community..
EHS Weight Room Updates
This project has started and is being completed by Wright Brothers Construction. The purpose is to create a safer, more usable space for the numerous students and programs that use the weight room daily. General funds will cover the cost. The project is expected to be completed by August 1
Emmett High School Visitor Bleacher Project
The home-side bleachers were replaced earlier this year, courtesy of help from a generous donation. However, the visitor-side bleachers are deteriorating due to age and pose a safety risk for guests to our facilities. Taggart Construction will be replacing these bleachers this summer. The cost is funded through the May '23 levy.
Emmett High School Safety Lighting on 12th Street and the Bus Lane
We are looking forward to increasing safety for our students, staff, and visitors through this lighting project. It will be completed by Morrow Electric and is funded through the May '23 levy.
Emmett Middle School Cafeteria Wall Removal and Replacement
A foldable wall currently separates the cafeteria from the music room at Emmett Middle School. Due to age and instability, this wall has become a safety hazard. Anderson Construction will be removing this wall and replacing it at an estimated cost of $30,000 funded through the May '23 levy. We are thankful to be able to make this area safe at the middle school.
Butte View Elementary Front Office Wall (Principal's Office)
Butte View Elementary will be a full K-5 school this fall. The current principal's office is located in the library, which does not allow easy access to the rest of the school. This project will allow a principal's office and a nurse's office to move to the front of the school where they can better serve the school's needs. The project will be completed by Anderson Construction and is funded through the May '23 levy.
Other Projects
Our to-do list this summer includes other projects such as replacing the Butte View Chiller Pump and resealing and repainting the asphalt at Carberry, Shadow Butte, and Emmett Middle School. Summer also involves numerous smaller projects to maintain and clean our facilities. The projects outlined here are just the big ones! We have a busy summer ahead as we constantly seek to improve and maintain our facilities.
May '23 Supplemental Levy Update
After reading about all of our summer projects, we want to provide you with an update regarding the May '23 levy and how much these projects are costing you as a taxpayer.
At the time of the May '23 election, the estimated cost to taxpayers was $36.40 per $100K of assessed value. Due to additional funding from the state and the sharing of taxes amongst a growing number of households, the actual amount paid by taxpayers was around $3.64 per 100K of assessed value.
Residents should have received their property tax assessments this month. We encourage you to take a look at the detailed breakdown of your tax amount and where those tax dollars are going. You may be surprised to learn the amount going to fund our local schools. In fact, here in Gem County, we pay significantly more to get rid of mosquitos than we do to locally fund our schools!
Levy reporting is available each month in the Budget Report and can be accessed on our website through the agenda of any regular school board meeting. To see the agendas of all school board meetings, please follow this link.
4-day School Week
Emmett School District is utilizing a 4-day calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Following the first three Fridays of the school year, Fridays will be a non-school day for students. This calendar can also be accessed in a printable version on our website at this link.
Daily Schedules
Here are the start and end times for each of our schools. These images can also be accessed in printable versions on our website at the following links.
'24-'25 School Supply Lists
Emmett Middle School Supply List
Ola Supply List (Coming Soon!)
Important Dates
June 17: Regular School Board Meeting--6:00, Butte View Board Room
July 15: Regular School Board Meeting--6:00, Butte View Board Room
August 12: Regular School Board Meeting--6:00, Butte View Board Room
August 14: Secondary Open House (EMS & EHS)--5:00-7:00pm
August 15: Elementary Open House--5:00-7:00pm
August 19: First Day 1st-12th--1/2 day Kindergarten
August 20: First day Kindergarten--All grades in session
September 2: Labor Day--NO SCHOOL
We are so proud of everything our students learned in the '23-'24 school year! While we are still getting test results back, we are so proud of the growth we see in so many areas. We are happy to close out a successful '23-'24 school year.
We are also proud of the many projects we have accomplished as we continue to work to maintain and improve our facilities. We are very fortunate in the Emmett School District. Some of our neighboring districts are struggling, with concerning reports of cuts to staffing and even closing schools in effort to navigate difficult financial situations. Fortunately, ESD is not in a similar situation. While we are always looking to use our resources wisely, we will NOT be making large-scale cuts like some other school districts.
We credit our current financially solid circumstances to the wise allocation of Covid funds and other resources provided to us. We have not tied vial expenditures to temporary funding. While our recent 10-year Facilities and Maintenance Plan clearly shows that addressing our aged facilities is necessary, we are pleased that we have made steady progress thus far.
Navigating educational waters is always challenging, with constantly changing laws and state funding. We are hopeful to continue our improvement in all areas and are looking forward to exciting projects ahead. Most of all, we are grateful for the support of our local community.
We wish everyone a Happy Summer and look forward to good things in Emmett School District's 2024-2025 school year.
Our district Facebook and Instagram pages are active with lots of information. If you haven’t already, please connect with us through those platforms.
As always, our doors are always open to communication, suggestions, and feedback. Please feel free to call and make an appointment with any of our district admin. We also have open-door office hours available for anyone to drop by the district office from 2:00-3:00 on the Wednesday following a school board meeting. We also have online Feedback forms available on our website.
You can also always email any questions to info@isd221.net.For other contact links, see below!