Volume 1
Message from the Principal
Happy Fall Husky Families!
I am super proud of our students and staff! Our teachers have been very busy creating and implementing learning opportunities for all of our students! Our classrooms and hallways are buzzing with excitement, laughter, questioning, and challenges to explore and learn. Herget also has a variety of clubs and activities as well as winter sports that are underway; please continue to read more in this newsletter to check out opportunities that are available to our students.
A strong school-to-home partnership is incredibly important. We look forward to our discussions with you for parent-teacher conferences during the month of October.
As always, we wish to express our sincere gratitude toward our entire school community. We would not be the amazing school that we are without the help and support of all of you. Thank you and may you have a safe, healthy, and happy fall season!
Ms. Larry
WELCOME to all of you new to Herget & WELCOME BACK to the rest of you Huskies!!
Our Commitment to meeting the District’s Vision of Embracing the Curiosity, Complexity and Joy of Learning has us at Herget focused to making the following commitments:
Commitment to Learners
Relationships are important and matter to create environments where learners feel welcomed, safe and connected.
We honor a continuum of growth, recognizing and valuing the diverse path of every learner
Learning is set up as a journey not a destination. We know where we are, where we are going and the next steps to take.
Opportunities are created and modeled to intentionally honor the diversity within our classrooms
Commitment to Dialogue
Dialogue creates space for learners to expand and reinforce ideas that share and deepen their perspectives
Planned dialogue opportunities are created and modeled to intentionally challenge student thinking and understanding
In August, our teachers have spent time reconnecting, getting to know your students, and sparking students' curiosity and joy in learning. We have been working on ways to IGNITE students' brains to engage them in learning. From bell ringer activities to discussion prompts, from collaborative work to quizzes, we have been getting back into the cadence of school. If you don’t follow our Herget Middle School Facebook page, please do, to see much of our learning highlighted there!
September has been busy, and we are only halfway through the month! We finished our Beginning of Year diagnostic testing with iReady. These tests provided results to act as a “Check-up appointment” to diagnose where each student is during the snapshot time of their testing window, and help us (the facilitators of their learning) help them achieve their typical growth goal that iReady has laid out for them.
To help facilitate that growth, we will be having conversations with your students on data and goals; while also helping them monitor that growth throughout the year. This allows our students to be aware and to be able to progress monitor their learning attempts. You may hear them speak to these goals and to the personalized instruction that the iReady platform provides for them to improve their reading and math skills. We are excited to see what results arise from this use of Responsive Teaching Time.
Dates, Events and Information to put on your radar:
Midterm grades will not be sent home this year! Please know that your student’s grades can be accessed at any time using Schoology.
If you need help accessing that please contact the district Technology Help Desk,
First Quarter Grades Available in Home Access Center - Friday, October 20, 2023.
Parent Teacher Conferences are done online - check your emails for information about how to set those up.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Friday, October 6, 2023
Husky BARK!
Our Husky B.A.R.K. helps to keep our school a safe place! Please remind your student to Be Ready, Accept Responsibility, Respect Others, Self, and the Environment, and Keep Your Hands and Feet to Self. Teachers will be awarding positive behavior at school with Husky Points in our online application called Minga! Students can use these points to buy things from our school store, The Husky Shop!
Tardies: It is important to arrive to school each day on time and to be at each class on time! We want to maximize the amount of time spent in the learning environment. Repeated absences or tardies can result in a loss of learning and we want to see you succeed! We have a Herget Tardy Policy which is provided below. The Tardy Policy resets at each quarter.
- Tardies 1-4 Warning
- Tardy 5 Restorative Reflection
- Tardy 6 Phone Call Home
- Tardies 7-9 1-Hour Detention EACH
- Tardies 10-12 2-Hour Detentions EACH
- Tardies 13+ Parent Conference, ISS, Administrative Review
Keep Track of your Belongings
- Please make sure that you are not leaving your backpacks, chromebooks, or other materials unattended at school. Items have been misplaced and/or damaged due to this. Please use your locker as necessary and make plans accordingly because backpacks are not allowed in PE lockers. If you need organizational support, please stop by Student Services and we will assist you in planning your day!
- Minga is an online application is used for digital hall passes.
- Teachers will use Minga to award positive behavior and following our Husky B.A.R.K. expectations. Points earned in Minga can be used to purchase items in the Husky Shop!
- Explore the Husky Shop!
- Minga also tracks cell phone/Chromebook issues and lets parents know by sending out emails about technology concerns.
- It is important to charge your Chromebooks at night and bring them to school.
- Keep your cell phone off/away-NOT on your desk or in your hands.
- Please also use your Chromebook for school assignments and not to play games or watch videos during the school day.
Bus Behavior
- Students who do not follow the Husky B.A.R.K.-Be Ready, Accept Responsibility, Respect Others, Self, and the Environment, and Keep Hands and Feet to Self may receive a bus referral which could result in a bus suspension. Please listen to the driver, stay in your seat, and get off at your appropriate stop. Additionally, food and drink are not allowed on the bus. If a student is taking a bus that is not their assigned bus, they could receive a bus referral and consequences as well.
To report an absence please call the attendance line: 630-301-5230
A reminder from the health office: A school physical and required immunizations are due by October 15 in order to continue attending school after that date! This applies to all 6th graders and new students. If you already have it done, please turn it in as soon as possible for review; please do not assume that all requirements are met until it has been reviewed by the school nurse. If you need help with getting an appointment before the deadline, your school nurse can help with that too, through a partnership with the VNA! Please call Amy Brolley, RN at 630-301-5240 (English) or Elizabeth Silva, RN at 630-301-5243 (English and Spanish)
Amy (Capp) Brolley, RN, BSN
Herget Middle School
Phone: 630-301-5240
Fax: 630-907-3146
The fall season is off and running. You can look up all the athletic schedules on the Herget athletic website located at https://il.8to18.com/herget/. On the website, you can find game schedules, practice schedules, driving directions, staff emails, and other various resources. You can also follow the Herget athletic account on Twitter @athleticsherget. A reminder that when you play a sport at Herget you must have an up-to-date sports physical on file with us, they last for 13 months. You also must be registered online at the athletic website.
The winter sports season will start in October, this includes 6th boys basketball, 7th boys basketball, 8th boys basketball, 6/7/8 wrestling, and 7/8 cheerleading. Announcements about registration being open will be sent out on Schoology, the athletic website, and Twitter. You can find a complete list of when sports take place under the resources section of our athletic website – Herget Sports Overview. If you have any questions about athletics at Herget you can contact Mr. White at awhite@sd129.org or 630-301-5755.
- 10/02 - Bus Evacuation Drill- conducted by SD129 Transportation at HMS
- 10/02 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m. Zoom
- 10/04 - Fall School Picture Day
- 10/04 - Walk & Roll to School Day
- 10/05 - Fundraise pick up, after school
- 10/06 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 12:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.-Early dismissal 12:00 p.m.
- 10/09 - No School
- 11/09 - Fall Picture Retakes
- 11/10 - SIP day - Early Dismissal 12:00 p.m.
- 11/22-11/26 - Thanksgiving Break
Robert L. Herget Middle School
Email: www.hergethuskies@sd129.org
Website: https://herget.sd129.org/
Location: 1550 Deerpath Road, Aurora, IL, USA
Phone: 630-301-5006
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HergetHuskies
Twitter: @HergetSchool