Hawks Weekly
St. Theresa - December 16 - 20, 2024
Third Week of Advent - Rejoicing in anticipation of Christmas
Lord God, we rejoice at the birth of your Son, Jesus. We listen to the words of John the Baptist who says: "There is one more powerful than I coming after me. I am not worthy to carry his sandals." This reference to the coming of Jesus shows his great power and love. We rejoice in the care and embrace of a loving God who continuously invites us to follow his Son. In preparation of the birth of Jesus, may we say yes to this invitation. Amen.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendars:
- Monday December 16 - Spirit Week - Wacky Hair & Socks
- Monday December 16 - PAC Choco-licious Fundraiser Pick up - St. Theresa - 2:30pm - 5:00pm
- Tuesday December 17 - Spirit Week - Twins/Trios/Groups Dress/Costume Day
- Wednesday December 18 - Spirit Week - Ugly Christmas Sweater/Hat Day
- Wednesday December 18 - Linking Generations @ 11:45am
- Thursday December 19 - Spirit Week - Grinch vs Santa Day (Red vs Green)
- Friday December 20 - Spirit Week - Pajama Day
- Friday December 20 - Grade 7/8 Movie
- Friday December 20 - Ukrainian Program Caroling
- Monday December 23 - Friday January 3 - Christmas Vacation - No School
- Monday January 6 - Classes Resume
- Wednesday January 8 - Early Dismissal @ 2:13pm
Parent Information
PAC Choco-licious Fundraiser Pick up - Monday December 16th
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you so much for your support with Choco-licious fundraiser. The goodies are ready to go and you can pick up your order on Monday, December 16th from 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. in the school lobby. If you'd like your child to pick up the order, please have them come visit us before they leave school for the day.
St. Theresa Parent Council and Fundraising Society
Ready for Cold Weather Conditions?
A reminder that with the cold weather upon us, it is important that students are dressed appropriately for the outdoor weather conditions. Students are required to go outside for recess and various outdoor school activities.
Looking for Newspapers
Our Performing Arts class is in search of newspapers for the Newsies performance. If anyone has any newspapers that they would like to donate, please send them to the office. Thank you.
Lifetouch Photos
Dear Parents,
As a token of appreciation this holiday season, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code CDEC50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code CDEC40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code CDEC30
Valid through December 14, 2024
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.ca or create an online account.
Thank you!
Organization of the Hawks Weekly
The newsletter is organized based on our four school assurance priorities for this year.
- Faith Integration
- Learners and Learning
- Systemic Wellness
- Community Engagement
St. Theresa Advent Mass at OLPH
Our Advent Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish this past Tuesday evening was a truly beautiful and memorable celebration of faith and community.
Our incredible students played an integral role in every aspect of the Mass:
Lighting the candles on the Advent wreath
Serving as altar servers and proclaimers
Singing in the choir and playing the piano
Presenting the gifts at the altar
But the blessings didn’t end there! After Mass, our students shared their musical gifts with the parish community by performing three heartfelt songs, leaving everyone inspired and filled with the joy of the season.
We are so proud of our students for sharing their talents and living out their faith during this special time of year. Thank you to our church community and all who attended for making this Advent Mass so meaningful.
Advent Assembly Blessings
Foods 8 - Christmas Cookies
Kurt Hortons Pop Up Hot Chocolate and Treats Shop for Students
This week our Students were able to support our Kurt Hortons cause by purchasing hot chocolate and candy treats to raise money for the ACE (Alberta Cancer Exercise Program). Thank you to our Grade 8 Leadership team and Mr. Hebert for organizing!
For more information on this program, please visit https://www.albertacancerexercise.com/
Linking Generations
Baskets of Blessings
This Advent, EICS is continuing to partner with Catholic Social Services to support women and children in Lurana Shelter. Please consider supporting this worthy cause by making a monetary donation at https://www.canadahelps.org/s/6PsAWu
Hawks Athletics
Hawks 2024 Volleyball Awards
Girls Team
MVP Olivia Moroz
Coaches Ella Montgomery
Most Improved Hayden O’Hara
Boys Team
MVP Riley Westergaard
Coaches Ayden Moroz
Most Improved Max Nykipilo
St. Theresa in December
Gr. 6 SFL: Kicksledding at Whitemud Park
Parent Societies
Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
The St. Theresa Parent Advisory Council performs many vital functions for our school community, by helping to facilitate school wide student functions and providing valuable funding to our school via fundraising. Parents involved in the PAC learn about planning and development within the school and are part of the planning process. These roles make their involvement very important to the families, administration and teachers.
Next Parent Council Meeting - Tuesday January 21, 2025 - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
2024/2025 PAC Meeting Dates:
September 24, 2024
October 22, 2024
November 26, 2024
January 21, 2025
2024 - 2025 Executive PAC Members:
Chair: Kara Gettings
Secretary: Rosie Conrad
Treasurer: Kim Pennock
Fundraising Coordinator: Tana Currie
Bilingual Ukrainian Catholic Parents Society (BUCPS)
Bitaemo! Sherwood Park's Ukrainian Bilingual Program began in 1980 and has seen decades of success in academic achievement, global learning, and celebration of the rich Ukrainian heritage. From Preschool/Sadochok to Grade 12, the Ukrainian Bilingual Program offers a community-minded cultural environment along with an enhanced academic curriculum. BUCPS Mission is to promote, advocate, support and foster cultural and educations opportunities for students in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Next BUCPS Meeting - TBA
2024-2025 Executive BUCPS Members:
President : Andrea Chmilar
Vice-President: Kelsey Whattam
Treasurer: Laurie Leeder
Secretary: Paula Harasymiw
Parish News
OLPH Youth Night
We are excited to help you grow in your faith as a confirmed disciple of Christ!
We've got something fun planned for our youth. Please join us!
Our first OLPH Youth gathering will be Friday January 10, 2025. We'll attend Mass together at 6:15 pm, then proceed downstairs for PIZZA & GAMES and learning about ways to get involved at Mass. (Pick up time is 8:30 pm)
Please REPLY and let us know which youth ministry you are most interested in learning about:
WELCOME CREW ~ greet everyone as they enter our church & help serve refreshments after Mass
JUNIOR USHERS ~ help with the collection baskets & offertory gifts
YOUNG PROCLAIMERS ~ lead prayers & read the Word of God at Mass
Sign up: https://ourladyofperpetualhelpsp.flocknote.com/signup/192029?noteID=29354741
Friday January 10, 2025
OLPH Parish
We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe
13 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park AB. T8H 1Y7
Phone : 780 467 5470 Fax : 780 467 0530
E-mail: info@olph.ca Website: www.olph.ca
Dear Parents:
Welcome to a new year of Catholic education and faith formation for your child!
Each year, in a Catholic school, your child will learn about many aspects of their Catholic faith— including learning about the seven sacraments. In our Archdiocese, preparing children for the celebration of their own sacraments always occurs in the parish, with the support of the school: • preparing for First Reconciliation, and then First Eucharist, can begin when a child is 7 years of age and in Grade 2 or older
• preparing for Confirmation can begin when a child is about 12 years of age and in Grade 6 or older • special preparation is also available for children of any age who are not yet baptized
Most children attending Catholic schools are ready to receive at the ages shown above, but there is no such thing as too late. Are you seeking for your child to celebrate a sacrament, such as Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation? Are you ready to help them live out their Baptismal promises? Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and Elk Island Catholic Schools are each involved in preparing your child for a Catholic sacrament along with you. It is a group effort, and everyone has a role:
• As a parent, the Church has always held that you are the primary teacher of the faith for your child. You teach them about God; set the example; talk about your own faith; and you bring them to Mass. • The place where the sacraments are celebrated and lived is the Catholic parish. We the people of God in the Church are each part of the Body of Christ. Being in relationship with the parish community (with all its challenges and blessings) is essential for your life of faith and that of your child. The preparation for, and celebration of, the sacraments happens in the parish church. • You must sign your child up for preparation at the parish. The school doesn’t do this part of the process for you. Catholic schools are a special place for children to learn more about Jesus Christ, to practice living in a community of faith, and to develop and deepen a relationship with Christ. We (Catholic parish and Catholic school) are eager to walk beside you and your children during this very special time.
Please call OLPH parish office 780-467-5470, send an email to sacraments@olph.ca or visit www.olph.ca/sacraments to get started or learn more.
As you prepare your child for their sacraments may this also be a special time for you - of deepening your own understanding and of growing in faith for the whole family!
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
A Roman Catholic Christian community.
We come together at our Lord’s invitation to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, and deepen our faith. We strive to be thankful, generous and welcoming, and are sent forth to help advance God’s Kingdom on earth by proclaiming the Gospel and serving others.
Helpful Links
St. Theresa Catholic School
Email: stt@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stt.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 2021 Brentwood Blvd, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-464-4001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.TheresaCatholicMiddleSchool/