English Village Family Edition
Hello, EV Families!
We hope that your weekend has been a good one. Hopefully, the buzz of the Halloween holiday (if you celebrate it) has settled down and everyone enjoyed the extra hour of sleep this weekend. We want to thank you all very much for attending and participating in our Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your support and advocacy for your children/our students is to be commended. It is through this true partnership that your children will have the best chance at success in school.
We greatly value our collaboration and your diligence at home with your children/our students, Please continue to stay in close contact with your children's teachers and do the work at home. You are making a difference!
Ps-We hope to see you at our Fall Into Learning Night at EV on Friday, November 8!
Jason Lewis
Rosa Bellone
11/6/24: PTA Fundraiser Pickup time 12pm-5pm
11/8/24: Fall into Learning Math Night 6:30-7:30pm
11/11/24: Veteran's Day - No School K-12
11/12/24: PTA meeting at 6:30pm
11/16/24: Fall Family Fest 11-1:30pm
11/26/24: Picture Retake Day
11/27/24- 11/29/24: Thanksgiving Recess - No School K-12
English Village Breaking News
Fall Into Learning
Please join us for our Fall into Learning Math Night on Friday November 8th. We will be serving dinner and playing fun hands on math games, and bingo.
Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAt_6O2ZihMRgiF6OK5PzRs9N8g-XS1ZvQqOPIgu5JYLthYg/viewform
Volunteers needed please signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044DAFAC28A2F94-52751179-fall
English Village Morning Announcements
Little Bears in Action
Little Bears doing fun fall crafts
Students participated in some fun Fall crafts this week. They did leaf scratch art, created a bat hat and drew shapes on pumpkins. They practiced cutting, gluing and coloring. These activities are a great way to develop their fine motor skills.
English Village little bears had lots of fun learning this week. Students practiced spelling with letters, rolled dice to add numbers and did some independent reading. It was a great week to be at English Village.
Staff Shout Out!
EV is the Place to Be! We love our English Village Staff and want to recognize them for all that they do!
ELA Resources for Families
We are providing some great UPDATED resources for families for ELA. These resources include family letters, curriculum information and also book lists. They also include information on how to access SORA and the IRLA bookshelf at home. This information was requested at our most recent Parent Exchange.
ELA Curriculum and resources by Grade Level:
Suggested books by reading level
How to access resources at home - SORA and IRLA Bookshelf.
Number Ninja Updates
Ok Number Ninja here is the secret information about our first quest!
We are excited to debut our Number Ninja section. To align with our school improvement Math goal we will be featuring fun activities that can be completed together with your child. Send in a picture, or return the monthly challenge to win a prize. Thank you to our Community Schools team for sponsoring this as we work together to make learning fun!
Interested in submitting your child completing the Number Ninja quest? Submit here: https://forms.gle/9M6RtkdqrcjYKP5s8
A note from the Counselor at English Village Elementary School
We are pleased to be able to offer all students monthly classroom lessons that support social emotional learning and growth. In October, we are talking about Self-Awareness. We are working on identifying our different feelings and recognizing the link between feelings and reactions.
Here are some ways you can reinforce these concepts at home!
Ask your student to name some different feeling words.
Spend some time talking about what makes them feel different emotions.
Help your student identify his or her feelings in the moment - for example “you’re having a hard time putting your shoes on. You look frustrated.”
Build your student’s emotional vocabulary by regularly recognizing and calling attention to emotions other than happy and sad. Be on the lookout for more complex feelings such as disappointed, embarrassed, thrilled, worried, and proud.
Engage in conversations about the size of their reaction to a given feeling - does this call for us to feel pleased or thrilled? Annoyed or furious?
Thank you for supporting the development of your child’s social emotional skills!
Christie Hineline
School Counselor
Community School Information
Community Schools Corner
Neighborhood Navigation Center - Click here to learn how our GCSD Navigation Center can provide support and services to your family
Community Schools Fall Family Fest
All district families are invited to the Community Schools presents the Fall Family Fest on Saturday November 16th from 11-1:30pm. This event is held at Arcadia Middle School and will provide activities for all ages.
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccc2EwhaNr8tRZ9PQSr58YD1zB6M4ne3t6JcXdXDWhQhnt0g/viewform
PTA Updates
Fundraiser items will be ready for pickup November 6th - time 12pm - 5pm, enter at the main office.
We need volunteers to help us make our fundraiser pickup a success, please signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D48ABAF22A7F9C61-52662743-evptafundraiser#/
Our next meeting is November 12th at 6:30pm.
Any questions/concerns can be emailed to evpta800@gmail.com
GCSD District News
District to Host Level Up Capital Improvement Project Vote on Dec. 10
On December 10, Greece Central School District residents will vote on a capital improvement project that will enhance every school without increasing the tax levy. The proposal, called "Level Up," focuses on maintaining our facilities and updating classrooms to better support the changing needs of our students. Linked is a brief overview of the project. This is the first in a series of information sheets that will be shared with the community in the weeks leading up to the vote. For more detailed information on Level Up, please visit the district website.
We encourage all registered voters to mark their calendars and make time to vote on December 10! Polls will be open at the district’s Transportation and Support Services Facility, located at 1790 Latta Road, from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Greece Central is hiring Bus Drivers and Attendants
Greece Central is hiring Bus Drivers and Attendants. We provide paid training and flexible hours. We would enjoy an opportunity to talk with any Parent or Community members who might be interested. Bus Drivers earn a starting wage of $26/hr. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please see the job posting for more information, or call 966-2812 to share your interest.
Positive Solutions for Families
Positive Solutions workshops are available in October and November. These free workshops build relationships, set boundaries and how to respond to challenging behaviors. These are at Holmes Road School. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVlLb8CcJq6KyV-F4KrLnDTLTkrr6sv_e052C92VJpqAYhAg/viewform
Contact our Community Schools Team
Looking to get in contact with our community schools team? Please reach out using the contact info below:
Stacey Remillard
Community Schools Site Coordinator
(585) 484-7114
(585) 966-3858
Katy Cooper
Parent Engagement and Support Coordinator