Lions Roar
January Monthly Newsletter
Parent Teacher Conferences will be January 29, 30 & 31st with half-days for students; dismissal will be at 11:30AM.
Evening conferences will be January 29th 6-8PM
The Parent Portal will be open to begin scheduling conferences on January 16th.
Click here for directions on how to schedule Parent Teacher Conferences though your Parent Portal.
Community Referendum Information Forum
January 28th, 6:30PM in the Lacey Township High School Auditorium
Please continue to report student absences to:
(609)242-2100 Option 2.
Excused Absence notes can be emailed to: or fax (609)242-2114.
Thursday, January 23 - Cardinal Day - Science & Elective, if applicable
Friday, January 24 - Navy Day - Science & Elective, if applicable
Monday, January 27 - ELA
Tuesday, January 28 - Math
Wednesday, January 29 - Algebra & Geometry (Part 2)
Thursday, January 30 - Navy Day - Social Studies
Friday, January 31 - Cardinal Day - Social Studies
Upcoming Events
- 1/15 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 1/23 - 1/31 - Midterms
- 1/28 - Community Referendum Information Forum / 6:30PM - LTHS Auditorium
- 1/29 - School Picture Day Make-ups and Retakes - Half-day for students - dismissal at 11:30AM
- 1/29 - 1/31 - Parent Teacher Conferences - Half-day for students - dismissal at 11:30AM
Calendar Events*
- 2/6 - PTC Volleyball Tournament - more details to follow
- 2/12 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 2/26 - 3/1 - School Play
- 3/12 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 4/16 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 5/8 - Spring Chorus Concert
- 5/14 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 5/22 - Spring Band Concert
- 6/3 - 8th Grade Awards Ceremony 8:00AM - Invitation only
- 6/3 - NJHS Induction Ceremony 5:00PM
- 6/4 - LTMS Boosters meeting 5:45PM / PTC Meeting 6:30PM
- 6/6 - 8th Grade Dance 6:00-8:00PM
- 6/18 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 6:00PM - Rain date: 6/19 3:00PM
*dates are subject to change
Helpful Hints
If your child has trouble remembering to charge their chromebook, please consider purchasing an extra chromebook charger to keep at home.
Students can join clubs at any time. Check daily announcements for club and activity updates. Continue to check the parent portal to monitor your students academic progress. Call the Main office at (609)242-2100, if you need username and password information.
Frozen Paint Night
LTMS Boosters is raising funds to purchase much needed stage curtains for the Middle School Drama Department. On January 23rd, join us for a Frozen themed paint night and get a chance to meet some of the talented cast members of the upcoming LTMS Frozen production!
Register by 1/21. To register, visit: