The Paw Print
Linwood Elementary School
Principal's Message
We look forward to seeing you at Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers and students have been working hard and are excited to share how much students have grown this quarter. The weather is finally cooling off so please send a jacket to school. If your student is missing a hoodie or jacket, remind him/her to check lost and found.
Reminder: No School for students October 17th or 18th.
With Bulldog Pride,
Kathy McBride
At Parent Teacher Conferences we will talk about our new grade card!
Here are instructions on how to access grades in Skyward.
Linwood Elementary School PTC
Thank you to our PTC and students !
They did an amazing job on the LES float.
Please RSVP and make sure you have registered in the Raptor System !
Counselor's Corner
LES News! Brought to you by the 5th Grade Leadership Team
Fun inside and outside of the Classroom!
The BLHS Homecoming Candidates stopped to say hi last week!
Bulldog Packs focused on Bullying Prevention
The theme for bullying prevention week was Choose Respect. During packs students made a pledge to choose respect and created a school-wide banner. For the Pack activity, we talked about how feelings are fragile like an eggshell and can be hurt with negative words and actions. Then students passed an egg in a circle; starting small and growing the circle bigger and bigger working together to carefully take care of the egg.
Sherman Township Fire Department visited this week for Fire Prevention Month!
Get Busy!
Reminder: Please call the Office by 2:00pm to let Ms. Allison know of any Dismissal Changes.
Kathy McBride, Principal
Email: kmcbride@usd458.org
Website: https://les.usd458.org/
Location: 14840 178th Street, Bonner Springs, KS, USA
Phone: 913-724-2323
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LinwoodElementarySchool