A Message from the Principal
Updates and reminders from AMSA
September 26, 2024
A message from Mr. Hagerty, Principal AMSA
Good evening Anoka Middle School for Arts students and families. This is Mr. Hagerty, your principal, with a few reminders and updates.
First, the last day to register for next Friday’s AMSA Halloween dance is Monday, September 30th. Use this link to sign up: Dance registration link Only AMSA students can attend the dance and they must be pre-registered. No money or sign-ups are taken at the gate at door 11. Costumes are not allowed during the school day, but appropriate Halloween costumes are allowed at the dance which begins at 6:30 pm.
Next, fall parent teacher conferences are the evenings of October 10 and 15 beginning at 3:30. Parents and guardians will be able to sign up to see the teachers they would like to talk to. You will be able to sign up for either an in-person conference at the school or a virtual conference. We encourage students to attend with you. More information will be sent next week, but this link contains the specifics: Teacher conference information
Next, the Anoka Hennepin School district is inviting families to budget reduction presentations for the 2025-26 school year. Anoka High School will be hosting one of those sessions on Wednesday, October 9 at 6 pm. You can see more details at this link: Phase 2 budget reduction info
Next, a reminder if your child is planning to attend the High School football game tomorrow evening, they must have a parent or legal guardian accompany them into the game and you must have a pre-purchased ticket to enter.
Finally, tomorrow is the final day of our Step it Up Fundraiser. We have had a great response, and we want to finish strong. If you have any pledge sheet, cash or checks, please turn those into the office in a sealed envelope by Monday. If you still want to donate it’s not too late. Click on the link below, register and click donate now. Every dollar helps! To help go to: http://www.stepitupkids.com/Anoka55303
Thank you so much for your support of our school and for your student.
Mr. Hagerty, Principal
This e-newsletter is published by Anoka Middle School for the Arts. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.Contact us.