The Panther Post
January 30, 2025 Volume 116
Principal's Corner
Please visit our DMS website at https://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/discovery for ALL things DMS.
* ABCDE rotation schedule for week 24, 2/3-2/7, 2025
* Advisory schedule for Feb 4th ("Cheer Successes")
* PLEASE check the "DMS Lost and Found" near the front office!!
* GREAT JOB during our "Shelter in Place" severe weather DRILL today, 1/31/2025!!
Future DMS Panther dates:
- Jan 31 - TODAY...FINAL day for 2024-2025 DMS Yearbook pre-sales!!
- Feb 3 - Feb 21 - school-wide CFA fundraiser...DMS will compete vs LMS/JMS (visit Madison CFA and turn in those receipts to ELA teacher or the DMS front office)
- Feb 3 - ACCESS for ELLs testing CONTINUES (students that speak English as a 2nd language)
- Feb 3 - February is Black History month
- Feb 3-7 - National school counselor appreciation week (Shout out to our AMAZING counselors, Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Long and Mr. Barnett!!)
- Feb 12 - DMS students vs faculty basketball games; (8th grade ONLY; ticket sales begin Tuesday, 2/4; $3 to your advisory teacher)
- Feb 12 - DMS half day for students with dismissal at 12:15 pm (ALL modes of transportation as normal)
- Feb 17 - Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
- Feb 20 - rising 6th graders visit DMS for "Panther Prowl"
- Feb 24 - DMS Parent University for ALL students / rising 6th grade "Showcase" - ALL things DMS
- Feb 27 - DMS 8th graders visit BJHS for the "Bob Who" field trip
- Mar 7 - End of 3rd 9-weeks
- Mar 10-14 - MCS Spring Break!!
- Mar 24 - Apr 25 - ACAP testing at DMS!!
Lunch Menu
Reflections Winners
During the Panther Spark day last semester, Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Cooper partnered with Barnes Signs and had a competition where students created posters for the school. The winner can be seen around the school!
What an awesome way to showcase our students talents!
James Clemens Math Tournament Results
Congratulations to our three medalists.
Ethan Chandler 1st place, 6th grade
Emma Kuang 2nd place, 8th grade
Vedanth Siva 8th place, 8th grade
6th Scholar's Bowl
Congratulations to the following 6th grade team members for advancing to state.
Emilia Ng, Matthew Ng, Sriram Rani, Nora Gottlieb, and Katherine Milonopoulos
7th/8th Scholar's Bowl
Congratulations to our 7th/8th grade team that competed in the Middle School Division at District and is advancing to State.
1.Cindy Halter
2. Ahsan Sohel
3. Vedanth Siva
4. Elise Datcu-Charralut
5. Paul Allison
Madison Street Festival Grants Reception
8th grade only 4 x 4 Basketball Tournament
Congratulations to Kennedy Craft and Cindy Halter for their winning artwork!
Their work was selected in the 2025 juried Visual Arts Achievement Blue Ribbon Finalists
Their work will be on display at the Huntsville Museum of Art February 23rd.
Kennedy Craft: Eye
Cindy Halter; Coca-Loca
Mrs. Nalty's Art Class
Madison Basketball League
Attention Current 4th, 5th, and 6th grade boys or girls:
Madison Basketball League is offering four weeks of basketball instruction. We will be working alongside Liberty Middle School basketball coaches and players utilizing practice instructional times and playdates. You do not have to be zoned for Discovery Middle School but must attend Madison City Schools.
COST: $75.00 Includes T-shirt
You can pay on the first day of practice or until Thursday, March 20th.
Check must be made payable to DMS or you can also pay with cash.
Madison Basketball League Sign Up Form
Email Coach Burks at vaburks@madisoncity.k12.al.us with questions.
Important Reminders
- Please ensure that your students adhere to the dress code. All clothing must meet appropriate guidelines as noted in the DMS Student Handbook and MCS Code of Conduct. Also, students may bring a jacket or sweater if they are cold; however, blankets and stuffed animals are not allowed as a cover at school.
- Attendance is very important. Please be sure to send absence notes to dmsattendance@madisoncity.k12.al.us whenever your student is absent from school.
- Students should arrive to class on time and be in their seats when the tardy bell rings.
- For morning drop off and afternoon dismissal, parking in the front northeast lot or in the loop at the front office will soon require a clearly marked parking pass. Those without this pass are asked to use the car line. Thanks to everyone for using the car line unless you have an "approved reason" from the DMS administration. Approved reasons are for SRO, medical/emergency, special needs, late arrival, etc. We are working for the safety of all of our students and staff at DMS. Thank you for your continued support!
Lost and Found
- Please encourage your students to check the DMS Lost & Found near the front office if they have misplaced any items.
- The Lost and Found will be cleared out on the first day of each month and unclaimed items will be donated to a worthy cause.
2024/2025 DMS PTA Reflections Contest: Congratulations to the following winners of the 2024/2025 Reflections contest!
1st place - Matthew Ng
2nd place - Booker Porter
1st place - Zayna Fatema Killedar
2nd place - Kaylan Green
Visual Arts:
1st place - Emily Krum
2nd place - Scarlett Hadden
3rd place - Carson Bell
Honorable Mention - Grace McMullan
1st place - Katherine Lemaster
2nd place - Emilia Ng
3rd place - Abby Wilson
Honorable Mention -
Brooklyn Reynolds
Olivia Dawn Engels
Zayna Fatema Killedar
Finnegan Nelson
1st place - Abigail Cook
The spirit wear store is open: We have lots of new items, including a quarter-zip! Shop here.
Volunteers are needed in February: Check out the sign up and join us if you are able.
District wide contest: Visit the Chick-fil-A in Clift Farms and/or Town Madison and then turn in your receipt to your ELA teacher or the front office anytime from January 21, 2025 - February 21, 2025. Mobile receipts can be emailed to cfamadisoncontests@gmail.com. Please reference the school and grade that should receive the credit. There will be a winning grade from each school and the top Elementary, Middle, and High School in the district will be the ultimate winners!
Have you linked your Kroger account to the Discovery Middle School PTA? The Kroger Community Rewards program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Kroger Rewards Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card, and Kroger will donate a portion of your total to the organization of your choice. Your price stays the same.
The Care Closet is in need of supplies: There is a Care Closet in the boys and girls locker room. It helps all students that come through the physical education department with personal hygiene.
Please consider donating any of the following items, which can be dropped off at the front desk:
Band aids
Body wipes
Ponytail holders
Hand sanitizer(mini)
Have questions for the PTA? Email us at DiscoveryMiddlePTA@gmail.com
Follow the PTA on: Facebook
Instagram: @discoverymiddlepta
Discovery Middle School
Website: https://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/discovery
Location: 1304 Hughes Road, Madison, AL, USA
Phone: 256-837-3735
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/discoverymspanthers/