Multilingual Learner News
Important News for Multilingual Learners at Lake Bluff
17 May 2024
Lake Bluff students speak 15 languages!
Hello multilingual families!
Guess what: Today is the last Friday of the school year! Wow, this is so hard to believe. Students at Lake Bluff are in the process of working on end-of-projects and getting excited about all of the end-of-year activities coming up. I added more pictures to the folder for the Urban Ecology Center field trip we took last week; make sure you check it out.
Also, don't forget, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 24, and Monday, May 27.
Read on for information about:
- Article: Multilingualism on Rise in US: Illusion or Reality
- Students had a great time at the Urban Ecology Center, MORE PHOTOS ADDED: See the photo album here
- ML After-school Homework Assist News
- Registration for K4
- Lunch menu
- Calendar
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Happy learning,
Jennifer Conigliaro
Multilingual Learner (ML) Teacher
This recent article, "Multilingualism on Rise in US: Illusion or Reality?" from American University examines America's future as a multilingual country. It recognizes the US's history as a multilingual country and questions this continuing in the future as heritage languages continue to be lost. On average, heritage languages are lost within three generations, and support is needed to prevent this loss. According to the author, we can't celebrate diversity while "letting native languages fade." Currently, 20% of those in the US speak two or more languages. Currently, strong support for multilingualism is coming from transnational families, the rise of dual-language schools, and the Seal of Biliteracy. We need to continue to grow and protect these opportunities so the US can benefit from the cultural and economic rewards of multilingualism.
ML Student Field Trip to the Urban Ecology Center
MORE PICTURES HAVE BEEN ADDED! Click on the link to see them!
This past Friday, May 10, 14 multilingual learner students attended a field trip to the Urban Ecology Center. Students leaned all about things that live in ponds! They were able to dip nets into the pond water and examine and identify all of the little crawlers that they found under magnifying glasses. At the end, students hiked and played in the woods. Thank you to Ms. Jodi and the Urban Ecology Center for this amazing experience! Many, many, MANY photos were taken. You can view them all by clicking here! Please let me know if you cannot access the photos.
ML After-school Homework Assist News
Homework Club students have been working hard and having fun with teachers Ms. Adams and Ms. Casey, and our three high school helpers Giselle, Giselle, and Rosalie. Important:
- Tuesday, May 28, will be the LAST homework club. This will be a day for fun and games with Ms. Adams!
Registration for K4
If you have a child who will be four years old by September 1, 2024, they can attend 4-year-old kindergarten next year.
How To Register
If you have another student currently in Shorewood Public School, log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, click the “More” tab in the left navigation bar, then click the “Online Registration” link. If you are NEW to the District, visit the District website’s New Student Enrollment page and click the “Online Registration” link.
Please register your child as soon as possible. If you need help, please contact me or Ms. Scheferman in the office.
Pork is never served at Lake Bluff. Foods such as bacon, sausage, or hot dogs are made from turkey or beef.
Students may also bring their own lunch to school if you prefer.
- You can click on this link to see the full school calendar. Each event is labeled as follows:
- LB = Lake Bluff Elementary School
- ATW = Atwater Elementary School
- SIS = Shorewood Intermediate School
- SHS = Shorewood High School
- ALL SCHOOLS = applies to all 4 schools in the district
Look for events labeled LB or ALL SCHOOLS for your child.
There is NO SCHOOL on the following days:
- Friday, May 24
- Monday, May 27
- Friday, May 31
- The last day of school is Thursday, June 6
Jennifer Conigliaro, Lake Bluff Elementary School
Location: 1600 East Lake Bluff Boulevard, Shorewood, WI, USA
Phone: (414)963-6971
Equity, Growth, & Excellence For All
The Shorewood School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, creed, ancestry, pregnancy, marital or parental status, gender identity or expression, veteran status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, or any other legally protected status in its educational programs, activities, or employment with the District. The District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following designee handles inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211, 414-961-2854,