GA Principal Newsletter
February 2 , 2025
As we begin Black History Month, our school community comes together to honor the achievements, contributions, and rich history of Black individuals who have shaped our world. This month is an opportunity for our students to learn, reflect, and celebrate the resilience, culture, and impact of Black leaders past and present. Through stories, discussions, and activities, we will continue fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and unity. Let’s celebrate, learn, and grow together as we recognize the importance of Black history—not just this month, but every day.
On Thursday, February 13th Glen Acres Elementary School will be holding its 21st annual Kids Heart Challenge event. We are happy to announce parents are invited to attend but will need to have their Driver's License scanned in the office prior to the event. If you have not already had your license scanned in the past, to alleviate traffic in the office on the day of the event, please stop in the week of 2/10 to have this done. The event will be open to immediate caregivers only, please no younger siblings (and/or strollers/car seats), grandparents, etc. as space will be limited and standing room only. IMPORTANT: IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND, PLEASE SIGN UP VIA THIS SIGN UP GENIUS LINK https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A45A8A82EA0F9C25-54317663-kids. When signing up on the link, PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE NOTES. Also, please only plan to visit during your students designated time slot and depart promptly afterward to alleviate congestion inside the building and in the parking lot. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
The Schedule:
Grade 5 (8:45am-9:35am)
Grade 4 (9:35am-10:25am)
Grade 3 (10:25am-11:15am)
Grade K (12:15pm- 1:05pm)
Grade 1 (1:05pm – 1:55pm)
Grade 2 (1:55pm – 2:45pm)
Preparing for the event is simple. Each child has the opportunity to collect donations to support the American Heart Association and the fight against Heart Disease. Prior to the event students will be learning about healthy heart living through jumping rope in Physical Education class. On Thursday, February 13th, each grade level will jump rope for approximately 50 minutes to earn the money that was so generously donated. All students participate in the jump event regardless of the amount of donations collected. All donations will be collected through the AHA Kid’s Heart Challenge Online Page or phone app. Every student who registers on the American Heart Association Online donation page will receive an American Heart Wristband.
Last year Glen Acres donated a little over $42,000 to the cause. Glen Acres Elementary School was the Top Fundraising School in the West Chester Area School District, #1 in Chester County and #3 in the state of Pennsylvania out of 490 schools.
To prepare your child for the upcoming Kids Heart Challenge Event click on the links below. Please email me myarosewick@wcasd.net with any questions you may have regarding the event or fundraising. Thank you in advance for your support! We look forward to having an awesome event!
How to Register for Fundraising
- Fundraising Kick Off Video: Kids Heart Challenge Video Kick-Off
- Kids Heart Challenge Registration Page (Click to sign your child up for the Glen Acres Elementary Team): Scan the QR code below which will take you directly to the Glen Acres Page or click Registration Page, How to Register (English), How to Register (Spanish)
- Collecting Donations: How to collect donations
- Fundraising Gifts: Gift Poster (English), Gift Poster (Spanish)
- Complete Finn’s Mission: How to be a Lifesaver (Finn's Mission)
- Matching Gifts Information: Matching Gift Directions
- No Cash will be accepted, all checks can be scanned and added directly into your child’s fundraising account: Scan Checks Directions
Glen Acres Jump Rope Event Information - Thursday Feb. 13
- Jump Event Information: (Jump Schedule, What to Wear, ) KHC Jump Rope Event
- FAQ: Questions and Answers
Thank you! Looking forward to a successful and fun Kids Heart Challenge 2025!
Congratulations to Our Jump Rope Rock Star!
Congratulations Austin!!
Austin broke the school jump rope record for the most single beat basic jumps. He completed 1,017 jumps in a row without stopping. Prior to Austin, the record stood at about 412 jumps.
Way to go Austin!
Happy Valentine's Day
Just a friendly reminder that you if your student plans to bring in Valentine's cards for their classmates, please do not send in candy/snacks due to allergy concerns. Should candy/snacks be included, we will send them home. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
MLK Days of Service Recognition
Please help us applaud our Acts of Service this month in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!
These students donated time at our local YMCA, SPCA and participated in acts of kindness around their neighborhood and in our community. Way to go kiddos! We are so proud of you!
There will be a kindergarten information meeting for 25-26 kindergarten families on 2/6 at 6:00 PM at Fugett Middle School. DUE TO SCHOOL CLOSURE ON 2/6 THIS DATE IS RESCHEDULED to 2/25.The purpose of the meeting is to give you information about the WCASD kindergarten program. If you are interested in attending, please register for the event by clicking into the green Kindergarten Registration box above.
If you have a student who will be turning 5 on or before September 1st, please begin the school registration process now. Log into new student registration. You will need to upload the child's birth certificate, immunizations, two proofs of residency (one must be a copy of a current lease, mortgage statement or deed and the second should be a copy of a current utility bill, insurance, etc. within the past 30 days).
Fifth to Sixth Middle School Transition Information
Inserted below, is the letter that Dr.Missett sent you relating to the fifth to sixth grade transition.
Here are some highlights:
- On 2/12, there is a TEAMS Meeting that will be hosted by middle school principals. It is at 6:30 PM, if attending, click in the yellow box below labeled Fifth Grade Registration to register for the meeting. See page 2 in the link for a Spanish translated registration form.
- By 2/14, please complete the music survey. The link is in the letter below.
- At March conferences, your fifth grade teacher will discuss course recommendations with you.
- On May 7, your middle school principal will host a meeting for you to give you more information.
Dear Families of Fifth Grade Students,
We are so thrilled to welcome your child to middle school! Middle school is a time of many developmental and academic changes, and can be both exciting and emotional as children take that next step in their educational journey. Our teachers and administrators are very experienced in helping students navigate the transition process.
Our middle school academic program is set up in various levels designed to meet your child where they are with their learning and challenge them to achieve at even higher levels. Students are continually reevaluated, and teachers carefully watch to see if a different instructional level would be a better match.
Our sixth grade teachers have been working closely with our fifth grade teachers to determine which level would be the best fit for your child. Your child’s fifth grade teacher will discuss individual details about which instructional level might best fit your child’s needs at the parent/teacher conference in March. Information about middle school levels can be found here.
Our middle school program offers a core curriculum in sixth grade, and students will not have to select electives as they will cycle through a series of what is known in elementary school as “specials” (such as art, physical education, etc.). That will come later in their middle school career. We do, however, need your child to select a music option (chorus, band, orchestra, or classroom music) before we complete our schedules for next year. Please click here for sixth-grade music selection information. Please complete this survey by Friday, February 14, 2025.
You can view the descriptions of the courses your child will be taking in our 2025-2026 Sixth Grade Course Selection Guide on our website.
A parent information session, Middle School 101, led by the District Administrators, will be held on Wednesday, February 12, at 6:30 p.m. via Teams. Teams link to follow. We will explain the programs taking place in our middle schools and be happy to answer any questions about the transition process. We will also record this session and make it available for parents who are not able to attend.
Additionally, each middle school principal will host a parent information night on Wednesday, May 7, 2025, to provide parents with a more personalized look at the middle school experience.
If you have any questions, please email Gr5transition@wcasd.net. We feel very privileged to have the opportunity to work with your child, and are looking forward to welcoming him/her to middle school.
Sara M. Missett, Ed.D.
Director of Elementary Education
Estimadas familias de estudiantes en 5to Grado:
¡Estamos muy complacidos de darle la bienvenida a su hijo(a) a la escuela secundaria! La secundaria es una época cuando suceden muchos cambios académicos y de desarrollo, y puede ser tanto entusiasmante como emocional a medida que los niños dan el siguiente paso en su viaje educativo. Nuestros maestros y administradores tienen mucha experiencia ayudando a los estudiantes a navegar el proceso de transición.
Nuestro programa académico en la secundaria está configurado en varios niveles diseñados para satisfacer el nivel en que se encuentre su hijo(a) en su aprendizaje y desafiarlo(a) a alcanzar niveles aún más altos. Los estudiantes son reevaluados continuamente y los maestros observan cuidadosamente para ver si un nivel de instrucción diferente sería una mejor opción.
Nuestros maestros de 6to grado han estado trabajando en estrecha colaboración con nuestros maestros de 5to grado para determinar qué nivel sería el más adecuado para su hijo(a). El docente de 5to grado de su hijo(a) discutirá los detalles individuales sobre cuál nivel de instrucción podría adaptarse mejor a las necesidades de su hijo(a) durante la conferencia de padres y maestros en marzo. La información sobre los niveles de la escuela secundaria se puede encontrar aquí.
Nuestro programa de escuela secundaria ofrece un plan central de estudios en sexto grado y los estudiantes no tendrán que seleccionar materias electivas ya que experimentarán una serie de opciones que se conocen en la escuela primaria como "especiales" (tales como arte, educación física, etc.). Eso sucederá más adelante durante su paso por la escuela secundaria. Sin embargo, necesitamos que su hijo(a) seleccione una opción de música (coro, banda, orquesta o clases de música en el salón de clases) antes de que podamos completar nuestros horarios de clase para el próximo año. Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre la selección de música en sexto grado. Complete esta encuesta antes del viernes 16 de febrero de 2024.
Puede ver las descripciones de los cursos que tomará su hijo en nuestra Guía de Selección de Cursos de 6to Grado 2024-2025, en nuestro sitio web.
El miércoles 21 de febrero a las 6:30 p.m. se llevará a cabo en Zoom una sesión virtual informativa para padres, Middle School 101 (Información Básica para padres de secundaria), a cargo de los administradores del distrito. El enlace a la reunión en Zoom se enviará seguidamente. Explicaremos los programas en nuestras escuelas secundarias y estaremos encantados de responder cualquier pregunta sobre el proceso de transición. También grabaremos esta sesión y la pondremos a disposición de los padres que no puedan asistir.
Además, cada director de escuela secundaria organizará una evento informativo en la noche para los padres el miércoles 1 de mayo de 2024, para brindar una visión más personalizada de la experiencia en la secundaria.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a Gr5transition@wcasd.net . Nos sentimos muy privilegiados de tener la oportunidad de trabajar con su hijo(a) y esperamos darle la bienvenida a la escuela secundaria.
Sara M. Missett, Ed.D.
Directora de Educación Primaria
From the Guidance Counselor
Check It Out!
Read Across America
Track Meet 2025
May 14th (Rain Date May 16th)
Calling all 4th & 5th grade parents/guardians! We are excited to announce that our annual fourth & fifth grade district-wide track meet will be held in May. This is a school field trip held during school time hours. Our students will enjoy a day at the WCU Farrell Stadium track participating in friendly competitions with other WCASD elementary schools. WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP!!! The success of the track meets relies heavily on parent/guardian volunteers. More information will come with specific times & event responsibilities. YOU WILL NEED YOUR CLEARANCES. You can visit this link- CLEARANCE INFORMATION WCASD for information about obtaining your clearances. We suggest you apply for your clearances now as they sometimes take a bit of time to get back.
Reserve la fecha - Información para la habilitación de trabajo voluntario
13 de mayo de 2025 (Fecha por mal tiempo: 15 de mayo)
¡Llamado a todos los padres y tutores de 4º y 5º grado! Nos complace anunciar que nuestro encuentro anual de atletismo de cuarto y quinto grado del distrito se llevará a cabo en mayo. Nuestros estudiantes disfrutarán el día en la pista del Estadio Farrell de la Universidad de West Chester participando en competencias amistosas con otras escuelas primarias del distrito. ¡NECESITAREMOS SU AYUDA! El éxito de los encuentros de atletismo depende en gran medida de los padres y tutores voluntarios. NECESITARÁ SUS HABILITACIONES DE TRABAJO VOLUNTARIO. Puede visitar este enlace: INFORMACIÓN DE HABILITACIÓN DE TRABAJO VOLUNTARIO EN EL DISTRITO para obtener más información sobre las habilitaciones. Le sugerimos que las solicite ahora, ya que a veces tardan un poco en recibirse.
RESERVE LA FECHA - Por favor, considere ayudar a la escuela de su hijo(a) el día de la competencia de atletismo que lee a continuación. Habrá más información con los horarios específicos y el listado de las responsabilidades durante el evento. Esta es una excursión escolar que se llevará a cabo durante el horario escolar.
~Important Calendar Note~
When looking up GAE events, please refer to our monthly newsletter calendar rather than the district calendar. Some event dates and times listed on the district calendar changed after publication.
- Monday, February 3 - Day 1:
- Tuesday, February 4 - Day 2: After School Sports (4th Grade Boys)
- Wednesday, February 5 - Day 3: 100th Day of School; Chorus Rehearsal; Talent Show Rehearsal
- Thursday, February 6 - Day 4: 5th Grade Advanced Band Rehearsal; After School Sports (4th & 5th Grade Girls)
- Friday, February 7 - Day 1: Optional Super Bowl Eagles Spirit Wear
- Monday, February 10 - Day 2
- Tuesday, February 11 - Day 3: After School Sports (5th Grade Boys)
- Wednesday, February 12 - Day 4: Chorus Rehearsal; Talent Show Rehearsal; ASPCA Paws for a Change
- Thursday, February 13 - Day 1: KIDS HEART CHALLENGE; After School Sports (4th Grade Boys); PTO Meeting
- Friday, February 14 - Day 2: 1/2 DAY FOR STUDENTS; 5th Grade Advanced Band Rehearsal; PTO Pretzel Fundraiser; 5th Grade GlowTopia Event
Important Upcoming Dates
February 13 - Kids Heart Challenge
February 14th - 1/2 DAY FOR STUDENTS
February 14th - PTO Pretzel Fundraiser
February 14th - 5th Grade GlowTopia
February 17th - NO SCHOOL
A Note From Our Title 1 Math Specialist
This year Glen Acres is lucky enough to have a Title 1 Math Specialist, Mrs. Jamie Bainbridge. Mrs. Bainbridge works with students in small groups, as well as within some classrooms. Her goal is to help all students love math! There are a lot of ways to support students at home. Please feel free to click through Mrs. Bainbridge’s website for some helpful information about working with students at home, Title 1, and resources that are available to you!
A Request From the Nurse
We are in desperate need of sweatpants sizes 5-10. We prefer sweatpants only due to the fact that they are usually gender neutral.
Thank you so much!
From the Nurse's Office...
School Menu
Attendance and Communication Updates
We have some important updates to share regarding attendance and communication:
New Note Submission Options: Parents/Guardians can now submit parent notes for absences through Pickup Patrol and Talking Points messages. We will continue to accept emails and handwritten notes within 3 days of the child's absence IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY SUBMITTED YOUR CHILDS ABSENCE INTO PUP. Emails or parent notes are only needed if you did not enter your student in PUP.
Automated Phone Calls: Automated phone calls will be sent to parents/guardians of students with unexcused (LAW) absences at 10:10 AM each morning. This will help keep you updated on your child's attendance. If this automated call ever feels inaccurate, please contact Theresa Weaver at (484) 266-1712.
New Email for Parent Notes: We have established a new email address for submitting parent notes: GAEattendance@wcasd.k12.pa.us. Our school secretaries (Theresa Weaver and Stacie Berglin) will receive emails to this address which will ensure a smooth communication process. Emails or parent notes are only needed if you did not enter your student in PUP.
Doctor’s Note Requirement: Please note that the previous 60-minute early dismissal window during which a doctor’s note was not required has been removed. This year, a doctor’s note will be required for early dismissals to avoid an unexcused dismissal.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes to enhance our attendance processes.
The Glen Acres Elementary Parent Teacher Organization ( PTO)
Joining our PTO is free and recommended. When you join, you get access to information about upcoming school and community events, parties, and fundraisers. PTO fundraisers support our assemblies, field trips, special events and classroom supplies.
Volunteer Information
We hope you would consider volunteering. Some volunteer opportunities are helping in the library, lunchroom, as a homeroom party planner, on field trips or at school and district events. If you are interested in volunteering, please be sure to have updated clearances (good for five years) on file with the school. It is important that you submit your clearances to the school when you get them. Please do not wait until you volunteer as we need to get the clearances within a year of you receiving them.
Important Links and Attachments
A cultural bridge in the community for Spanish speaking families and our schools.
Un puente cultural en la comunidad para las familias de habla hispana y nuestras escuelas.
Glen Acres Elementary School
Ms. Donna Ryan, Principal
Email: dryan@wcasd.net
Address: 1150 Delancey Place, West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: 484-266-1700
Glen Acres Website: https://gae.wcasd.net/
District Website: www.wcasd.net
District Twitter: https://twitter.com/WestChesterASD