Academy of Science and Technology
February Is Here!!
Feb 3 - Science Bowl @ A&M
Feb 10th - Math Bowl @ CP
Feb 10th - SciTech Expo @ CP
Feb 16th - SEFH Set Up
Feb 17th - SEFH Competition
Robotics Trip to competition @ end of Month
Sci Tech Science Fair--Delayed By Rain...But Determined To Win!
Although we were delayed in getting started with SciTech on 1/25, we came in so strong with 107 advancing projects encompassing 131 students! Way to go, AST! We are so proud of all our competitors! This year AST earned 34 of the available 38 1st Place spots, and all 6 available Grand Awards. We are so thankful for all the help from our teachers (who sponsor all these students), our parents who serve as designated supervisors, and tons of community members and mentors who serve as qualified scientists for us! Wow! What a great day!
Congrats to all our award winners, and a special shout out to our Grand Award Winners.
For those of you new to science fair, at our district fair of SciTech-students can earn 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in each category. All of those students plus a few more advance to SEFH. All of our 1st place winners in each category then compete for Grand Awards (like overall winners) in three major categories: Life Science, Physical Science and Engineering.
Links to SciTech Pictures and SciTech Awards Ceremony Pictures
Grand Awards:
9th Grade
Life: Joshua Staub & Shriya Venkat
Physical: Maaz Kattangere
Engineering: Aniket Chakraborty
10th-12th Grades:
Life: Sai Balaji
Physical: Shivani Mundra & Madelyn Puza
Engineering: Henry Aceves & Donovan Burke
Texas Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
Several of us recently traveled to Texas A&M University (Aggies may insert their Whoop here) to compete in the Texas Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Each year AST nominates 5 students to present previous research at this symposium. This year we were lucky enough to have 3 students - Jessica Wang, Raj Mhetar, and Evan White compete while Selena Song (Jessica's research partner) traveled in support as students may only compete as a single. Sixty four students competed across 8 categories and 8 advanced to the finals...including our very own Evan White! While we didn't advance to nationals, the students learned a tremendous amount from all the particpants and benefitted from the question and answer periods with PhD students and professors from A&M! And the students will tell you, the food was incredible!
Faculty Spotlight...Becky Mooney-Alg 2 Honors and AP Stats
I asked our faculty members to write up a little about themselves that I could share with you all. I think it's important that you all get to know who is with your student each day! We are all committed to doing our best and we appreciate your trust in us.
My name is Becky Mooney and this is my first year in AST. I was a teacher at College Park for 17 years. Before becoming a teacher, I worked for an Engineering firm doing structural diagnostic work on existing buildings. (It sounds more exciting than it was). I have a BS in Architectural Engineering and a BArch in Architecture from UT Austin. I went to high school in Paris, Texas.
I have 3 kids and 3 step kids. Evan is a junior at CP, Adam is in 7th grade at Knox, and Eleanor is in Kindergarten at David. My step kids are off in college so my house isn't nearly as full as it once was.
This year I am sponsoring Mu Alpha Theta (the math honor society), Destination Imagination, and Dugout Dolls so I am involved with most of the Academy kids in one way or another. So far I am loving my new position!
Course Selection
Course selection is wrapping up and I wanted to make sure that parents and students had the most revised tools that have been created to help plan and track the courses required for graduation from AST. The links are all things that need to be downloaded from google to be used. After clicking on the link, click on file and download as you will not be added as an editor.
AST Four Year Plan Google Sheet
AST Four Year Plan Printable PDF
AST Graduation Check List DOCX
These forms can help tremendously in planning as they remind you of the math sequences as well as helping you with what counts as a tech credit, a specialization, etc.
There have been a lot of questions as to whether or not Organic Chem counts as a tech credit, it does--I left a blank so we could write in whatever we are using there, but didn't list it directly and it's caused some confusion.
It is tremendously important that all students, but especially juniors and seniors, have alternates chosen in their course selections. AST students are very tough to schedule as you are in specific math and science courses that have less sections available. Additionally, most AST students are in a continuation elective (Band, Choir, Athletics, etc) that is only offered certain periods, and so on and so forth. Add in that most AST students do not want to take level grade point electives, but sometimes wait until the end of high school to finish requirements...and you've got a mix of schedules not working. Failure to add alternates puts you in a position to have fewer choices in the fall when you have conflicts. I have ASSURED our counseling staff this won't be a problem this year for our please get this taken care of. Alternates are imperative to your schedule!!! It is going to be very difficult for the counselor and myself to justify adding classes to a student's schedule that are not listed as alternates...take the time to do this!!
Staying Scheduled In Spring
Things to add to your family calendar:
- Family Events
- Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist Appointments
- Extra Curricular Obligations
- Please double check with your sponsors about your R&P dates for competitions
- Please double check with your Athletic/Band/Choir/Orchestra competitions in the spring
- AP Testing Calendar
- Please note, when there is a multi test conflict, we (AST/CP) set the resolution of that conflict as we need to look at ALL the testing that is going on, not just the individual.
- Other AST Events
- Internship Night (great for anyone, but especially juniors looking for internships)-1/30
- Interview Nights (will need some student volunteers)
- DLS/DSS Opportunities--DLS: 2/20, 3/26,4/16 DSS: TBA
- Senior Specific Events--you will receive much more information about these in the spring. That information will come from Dr. Murrell. (The Gala information will come from PAST and me)
- 4/9- Mandatory Senior Class Meeting w/ Dr. Murrell (during the school day-students only)
- 4/26–Prom
- 4/26-Panoramic Picture (before early release)
- 4/30 -Honor Graduate Breakfast 8am (Invitation Only)
- 5/5-AST Gala
- 5/16- Senior Awards Night 6:30pm (Invitation Only)
- 5/23 -Graduation Practice
- 5/23 Senior Picnic
- 5/23 -Graduation 7:30 pm