PCM High School
January Newsletter
PCM High School’s purpose is to develop self-sufficient citizens who are ready for the next stages of life. We will facilitate and foster student growth academically, socially, and emotionally through inclusive and rigorous curriculum. Our students will graduate with an understanding of who they are individually as the best version of themselves and make lasting contributions in their communities.
Happy New Year!
It is hard to believe that it is already 2nd semester! This year is flying by, and spring always sneaks up quickly. Spring semester brings a lot of exciting events, especially for our graduating seniors. There are a lot of deadlines, fun activities for both students and families so be sure to keep an eye on the school calendar, Facebook page and newsletters to stay in the know.
I'm so proud of what our students accomplish each year, and based on what I saw 1st semester, 2nd semester is gearing up to be fantastic! Happy New Year Mustangs!
~Mrs. Souza
Students of the Month
Addison Shannon
Maxmilian Kimball
Open Campus
Open campus will begin immediately on January 6th for all juniors and seniors who have an open campus permission form on file with the office. As a reminder to parents and students, open campus privileges are checked weekly and can be revoked for the following reasons:
- Failing grades
- Missing work
- Excessive absences or tardies (to school or a class)
- Poor behavior
- Not checking WIN time (or failure to show up)
Students who receive a code of conduct will have open campus revoked for the remainder of the semester.
Tardy Policy
As a reminder heading into the 2nd semester, students will be counted tardy if they have not been called in by parents in the morning. It is still considered a tardy if your student oversleeps and you call them in. Please ensure that your student has a doctor's note for any medical absence upon return. See the policy below and thank you in advance for helping to get your student(s) to school on time.
A tardy is defined as any time a student is late for school, whether excused or unexcused. If a parent calls in a student as late to school, it is still considered a tardy (excused). Exceptions will be made for inclement weather, car trouble, documented medical appointments and other emergencies. The administrator and secretary reserve the right to request a medical note for the tardy at any time. If a student is tardy to class two (2) times the student will be required to meet with the teacher of that class and develop a plan for success. At four (4) tardies to a single class the parent/guardian will be required to meet with the teacher to adjust the plan, and a detention will be issued to the student. At seven (7) tardies to the class the student will be issued a one-day in-school suspension. The parent will be notified of the suspension by the principal. Starting at 3 tardies, a student will be given detention every time he/she is tardy. At 10 tardies, the student will be dropped from the class with an X.
Locker Rooms
It is HIGHY RECOMMENDED that students lock up all belongings in the locker rooms. There is no way to recover stolen goods in the locker room. Students were issued a lock from their PE/Fitness instructors at the beginning of the school year. If something is too big to fit in a locker in the locker room, students have the option of using their assigned hallway locker or leaving their belongings on the gym bleachers during PE/Fitness class (where there are cameras).
Spring Driver's Education
Please see the attached document for information regarding spring driver's education from Triple R Driving School.
Important Dates
1/1: New Year's Day (No school)
1/2: No School
1/3: Staff Professional Development (No school)
1/20: Staff Professional Development (No school)
It is the policy of the PCM Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district’s Equity Coordinator, Mr. Jeremy Swink, 7-12 Activities Director, PO Box 490, Prairie City, IA, 515-994-8222, jswink@pcmschools.org.