The Hillside Happenings!
Keeping Hillside Connected and Informed (24-25 Edition 22)
No School on January 20th-Martin Luther King Day
Lockdown Drill Next Week
Message from Principal-Medical Procedure
Hello Hillside Middle School Families,
I hope this email finds you all well. I wanted to inform our HMS families that I will be out of the office starting January 17th for a few weeks as I will be having surgery on my knee. Ms. Christine Lobitz will be filling in as interim principal during that time frame. While I am saddened to be out for a little while, I have full confidence in my administrative team during this short medical leave.
In addition, Mr. Daniel Houghton and Mrs. Diana Janke (Former SVUSD Administrators) will be providing administrative support while I am out of the office. I look forward to returning real soon.
Thank you,
Jason Quartararo-Principal
Yearbook Update
Spring is here and memories are blooming in our yearbook! Packed with images from the most memorable moments of our year, Hillside's 2025 yearbook promises to thrill and delight with over 100 pages full of you!
Hillside sells out every year, so order soon
1st Semester Grades available now in Aeries
Save the Date-Minimum Day-Showcase on January 30th
Save the date: Schedule changes for week of February 12th & April 9th
In order to maintain Block days during the weeks of the remaining teacher PLC days, there will be an augmentation to the schedule for those weeks only.
Week of February 10-14 & Week of April 7-11.
Monday: Block Day (Periods 0-1-3-5-7)
Tuesday: Block Day (Periods 0-2-4-6-7)
Wednesday: Minimum Day (Periods 1-2-3-4-5-6). 0 & 7 Periods will not meet
Thursday: Traditional Monday/Tuesday Schedule (Periods 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7)
Friday: Late Start Friday (Periods 1-2-3-4-5-6)
Save the Date: February 13th & 14th 8th Grader Hearing & Vision Tests
Save the Date: No School on February 17th Presidents Day
Save the Date: Spring Break is March 24-28th, school resumes on March 31st
Items from previous newsletters
Clearing AN Absence with the attendance office
The quickest and easiest way to clear an absence is by sending a email to our Attendance Clerk, Mrs. Cheryl Robles. cheryl.robles@simivalleyusd.org
The information needed is:
1.) First & last name of the Student
2.) Date of Absence or Tardy
3.) Reason for Absence or Tardy
4.) Name and relationship of the person excusing the student
You could also call or send a note with your student.
Aeries Data Confirmation
Simi Valley Unified District will be utilizing the Aeries computer system again this year for your child’s academic progress, as well as health, contact information and communication. It is required that all families complete the data confirmation in the Aeries portal before school begins on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
NOTE: When updating contact information, it would be helpful to use a cell phone number as the primary number. This will allow you to receive the text messages the school sends out. If you need assistance logging into the Aeries Parent Portal, our school office will reopen on July 29th
Our Online Agenda Book
2024-2025 Bell Schedule & First Day of School
They will essentially follow the Monday/Tuesday schedule on the first day of school!
How Early Can I arrive on Campus?
- Students who attend 0 period classes can arrive at 6:45am in the morning on Monday-Thursday. ( 0 & 7 Periods do not begin until August 19th)
- At 7:30am we open the cafeteria for early arrival students and for those who want to get breakfast on Monday-Friday.
- At 7:45am (Monday-Thursday) we open the main gate to the campus.
- On Friday we open the gate at 8:40am
* Low traffic times dropping off students: 7:30am-7:50am
What time is supervision available in the afternoon?
- For those requiring additional supervision, our library is open until 3:30pm. (Alternate location for first full week of school, as books and materials are being picked up.)
- Supervision is available outside until 4:00pm.
Friday Bell Schedule
We appreciate your patience the first 2 weeks as families get accustomed to coming and going on campus. Please review the graphic below that we hope will assist for drop off & pick up times.
(Front of Campus)
The front parking lot has 4 lanes. Lanes 1 & 3 are devoted towards drop off/pick up and lanes 2 & 4 are devoted for thru traffic. See the map below.
Low traffic times are from 7:30am-7:50am.
Pedestrian crossing on Fitzgerald Rd & Whitcomb Ave
For families electing to drop off students on corner of Fitzgerald Rd & Whitcomb Ave.
Please help ensure the safety of students coming to school by:
- watching vehicle speed
- not stopping in the middle of the street on Whitcomb Ave or Fitzgerald Rd.
- respecting right of way of students crossing in the cross walk
- reminding your student not to jaywalk across Whitcomb Ave.
Support The PTSA
Great schools have a connected community. By becoming a member of the PTSA, you are supporting the connectedness that helps make Hillside Middle School a great place to learn and grow. Families can join using this link.Hillside Middle School-Simi Valley
Location: 2222 Fitzgerald Road, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 520-6810