News From The Grizzlies' Den
With Dr. Erin Stephen
Week of October 7th
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this newsletter finds you well! Last week, I had the opportunity to make 548 new friends here at GES. I received some amazing cards, signs, and hugs. Students had the chance to "ask Dr. Stephen" questions to learn more about her. I was so impressed with the thoughtfulness that went into the questions; I think they should have been on the interview committee! I let all the friends who did not get to ask their questions know that they are welcome to find me anytime to get to know me better. I shared my message that my job as their principal is to create a safe and fun place for them to learn. I want them all to know that it is okay to make mistakes because that is how we learn! I am always available for them if they ever need me.
They also learned a lot about me and my family. My husband, Scott, is the head football coach at WC East HS. My two children, Wells (2nd grade) and Cece (4th grade), and I will be at the Color Run this Saturday. I know they are excited to meet everyone. I also shared about my two crazy puppies, Isa and Coco, and their love for socks.
I am so excited to learn more about each and every Grizzly in the coming weeks!
It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Please take time to read about our updated car line procedures starting Monday October 14th!
Greystone Games Tomorrow - October 4th
Please remember to send your grizzlies to school on Friday with their grizzly t-shirt (grey shirt as an alternative), sneakers, water bottle, and hat for outside (optional). The weather looks warm so don't forget to put on sunscreen before coming to school!
Individual fundraising and coin jars will continue collecting until Friday October 11th! Winning class gets a pizza party and their name on the coin jar plaque! Did you see the giant grizzlies you could win?!?
Parent are welcome to watch their student(s) but we ask that you remain in the spectator areas. All volunteers must check in at the main office, have updated clearances on file, and receive a visitor's tag.
9:30 - 10:10am - 1st Grade
10:15 - 10:55am - 2nd Grade
11:00 - 11:40am - 4th Grade
11:45 - 12:25pm - 5th Grade
1:10 - 1:50pm - 3rd Grade
1:55 - 2:35pm - Kindergarten
A Message from the PTO:
Hello Greystone Families!
The 4th Annual Greystone Games is tomorrow during the school day and Family Fun Run with Colors is on Saturday evening October 5th.!
Individual fundraising and the classroom coin collection competition will continue through next Friday, October 11th. To date, our individual fundraising total is over $9,200. Way to go! Please keep up the awesome efforts!
All students should come to school tomorrow wearing their new Greystone Events t-shirt (or a grey t-shirt) and sneakers so that they are ready to run around and play relay games! They should also apply sunscreen in the morning and bring a refillable water bottle to school.
Parents are invited to come out to watch the Grizzlies participate in Greystone Games with their class. Bring a chair and meet us down in the lower fields. If you are signed up to volunteer, please be sure your clearances are on file with the office and that you have stopped by the office in the morning to get your badge.
Thank you for supporting your PTO and helping to make this year's Greystone Games a huge success!
Greystone PTO
Important Upcoming Dates
10/3: No School (Rosh Hashanah)
10/4: Greystone Games
10/5: Family Fun Run 5pm
10/9: Picture Day
10/10: 4th Grade Field Trip- Stroud Preserve
10/25: Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:30
10/31: Halloween Parade 10am
Coming Soon!
Veteran's Day Drive
Halloween Parade Information
Act 155 ALICE Training
Did you know that the PTO subsidizes all field trips? The PTO covers $10 per student for their grade's fall field trip and $10 per student for their grade's spring field trip making field trips more affordable for families. Already this year the PTO has provided funds towards the 3rd grade field trip to Cherry Crest Farms, the 4th grade field trip to Stroud Water Research Center and the 5th grade field trip to Paradise Farms!
September is Kindness Month!
September is Kindness Month- PBIS Assembly and Grizzlies of the Month winner will be announced 10/8. Be on the look out for the winners on Instagram!
Picture Day - 10/9
What to Expect on Picture Day
- When an order is placed online, the parent/guardian will receive a camera pass via email. This can either be printed or texted to the student and brought to picture day. The photographer will photograph the printed camera pass along with the student.
- If a student is not able to print their camera pass, that is not a problem. We will match up the student to their order manually in the production process.
- A parent may order from the flyer up until 24 hours after picture day. After 24 hours, the online ordering access may close. This will allow our imaging team to "Pull" all orders submitted and match them with the students photographed.
- When pictures are returned to school, all students that purchased pictures will receive their prepaid package. Any student that was photographed but did not order a package, will receive a "Proof" (PX) of their picture that was taken on picture day.
All proof packages offer parents a second opportunity to order prints. All orders are subject to shipping and handling costs of up to $8.50 and will be shipped directly to home.
Speaking about Pictures! Don't forget to pre-order your yearbook
Link to Order: www.treering.com
Log into existing account or School Passcode 1016939545791615 to create an account and click the link to purchase a yearbook. All yearbooks ordered by 10/31 will receive a 10% discount.
NEW! Carline Procedures
Car Line
Our number one concern during pick up and drop off is safety! We want to make sure all students are safe. While these procedures are not new, this is a new school year and it is always good to review. Please remember that we are a school zone and we should be patient and kind as drivers.
Student Drop-Off
Student drop-off will take in the smaller loop outside the gym. Students being driven to school will be dropped off along the sidewalk.
■ When dropping off, drivers should pull all the way along the sidewalk.
■ Please have your child exit on the passenger side of the car for their safety.
■ A staff member will be at the door to usher students inside.
■ Students may be dropped off between 8:30 am and 9:00 am.
■ After 9:05, students will need to be signed in at our main office.
■ Parents should remain in their cars throughout this process.
■ If you child need extra time or assistance getting out of the car please park in one of the parking spots to help them.
Student Pick-Up
We will do our best to make this process fast and smooth. Please remain in your cars, keep moving, and follow directions given by the staff members on duty.
■ Dismissal begins at 3:30.
■ When picking-up, drivers should enter the large loop by the main entrance.
■ If your child needs help getting buckled or getting into the car we ask that you park to give yourself and your child the additional time.
■ A staff member will be outside to track the students’ names.
■ Students will be dismissed and exit the gym doors, and walk directly to their cars.
■ Staff members will guide students to their cars.
■ Once students are safely in the cars, parents should safely exit the car loop.
■ Please wait patiently for the car in front of you to move. We should never pass on the left for student safety.
■ Parents should remain in their cars throughout this process.
If you did not remember to change pick up patrol to parent pick-up ahead of time, please park and go to the office and your student will be called to meet you. The school MUST know by 2pm if you are changing your pick up plans and are planning to pick up in carline.
Pick Up Patrol
Our school uses Pickup Patrol for parents to report absences and communicate dismissal plan changes. All Change must be made by 2pm for the teacher to get notification
Notes, emails or phone calls are not accepted for changes, except in emergencies.
RETURNING PARENTS: If you have not done so already please enter and confirm your students default plan. For a safe dismissal, it’s essential that we know your student’s regular daily dismissal plans.
NEW PARENTS: Please reach out to the main office if you have not received a registration email. The PUP web app is free for parents, and you can use it from your smartphone or computer. Instructions for how to add the app to your phone are included in the registration email.
Thank you for using PickUp Patrol to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all our students. If you have any questions, please check the PUP Parent Guide. If you still need help, contact the office.
A Message from our New Home and School Visitor
Hello Greystone Families!
My name is Liz H. Ball, and I am the Home and School Visitor at Greystone! My priority in this role is to be a resource for your students to be successful in the learning environment by addressing any barriers that may arise. Those barriers can include attendance, residency, and financial concerns that impact academic success. I can provide support applying for medical assistance and the NSLP. I can coordinate referrals for a variety of social services agencies and collaborate locating material needs by way of school, community, and government programs.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My phone number is 484.883.1048 and my email address is Eball@wcasd.net
PTO's Corner
Recess Volunteering- October
Volunteers: https://www.greystonepto.com/volunteer/137334
If you are scheduled for recess volunteer and we need to call indoor recess we will need to reschedule parent help!
Greystone Parents Social
Thursday, October 10th, More Info & RSVP
Trunk or Treat (10/25 530-730pm, rain date 10/26 4-6pm):
Greystone Spiritwear Store NOW OPEN (with a new vendor):
Greystone Elementary School
Dr. Erin Stephen
Email: EStephen@wcasd.net
Phone: 484-266-2300
Address: 1195 Aram Ave, West Chester, Pa 19380
Instagram: @GreystoneGrizzilies