
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
Morning Devotion
Morning Devotion time is a favorite for students and teachers! Every day begins with a song of worship, a scripture with a short message, and the doxology. Some of this week's scriptures were:
- John 3:16
- Matthew 6:21
- Acts 10:38
Looking Back on Last Week
Spelling Bee
Class winners in 3rd through 6th grade competed in the school-level Spelling Bee on Tuesday.
The winner was Chasen Hampton and the runner-up was Will Turner!
Next up for these spellers will be the Cullman County Spelling Bee and the ACEA Spelling Competition.
Great job, everyone!
ACEA Academic Testing Competition
Many of our students in Grades 3-12 participated this week in the ACEA Academic Testing Competition. This competition consisted of taking exams in chosen subject areas such as math, science, history, English, and the New Testament.
Students who were absent on test days will be able to make up their exam this coming week. Winners for the state will be announced by ACEA after all exams have been scored and tie-breakers decided.
Heart-Warming (people in carline warming) Gift
Carline at the lower school just got a little warmer with this thoughtful gift of a patio heater! Thank you, Mrs. Driver, for seeing a a need and being so generous to take care of it!
Final Feed the Need Prize Drawing
Thank you to all who participated in our 2024 FTN Service Outreach project!
New Bus Wrap
You may have noticed that our large white bus got a new wrap this week! It looks great!
Thank you, Paden Trucking and West Point Collision Repair for sponsoring this upgrade!
*As a side note, you may have also noticed a second yellow bus parked at the lower school. This bus belongs to Desperation Church. They have been allowing us to use their bus for some of our athletic trips. We are so thankful for their generosity to CCS!
Juniors and Seniors Serving at DC
On Thursday, Juniors and Seniors spent a little time at Desperation's main campus to help organize their Christmas family assistance program. Students helped by moving gifts upstairs, organizing items by age groups, and prepping items for the event.
Variety Show Rehearsal
Please Note:
The DC Local Coffee Shop will be closed to the public on Saturday so the doors will be locked. The doors will open at 5:30 and will be locked at 6:10 so we do not have foot traffic in the building during our show.
Youth Basketball
Varsity Sports
The Junior High and Varsity Basketball teams are working hard and getting better all the time. Upcoming games this week are:
- Monday - Junior High vs St. Bernard at Home
- Tuesday - Varsity at Coosa Christian
- Friday - Junior High and Varsity at West End
Festival of Trees Performance
The Handchime Ensemble performed at the Festival of Trees on Saturday evening. They did an AMAZING JOB as they performed a few pieces including Jingle Bells and Joy to the World.
Our ensemble is comprised of 9th grade students. This ensemble gives students an opportunity to apply their musical skills and knowledge of music reading in a setting where they can collaborate and make music together as a team.
See More Photos from December 2-7, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- December 9 - Basketball vs St. Bernard at Home (JHG, JHB)
- December 10 - Basketball at Coosa Christian (VG, VB)
- December 12 - 4H Robotics After School
- December 13 - Basketball at West End (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- December 14 - Jingle Bell Jamboree at 6 PM at the Depot Park Campus
- December 16 - Christmas PJ Day!
- December 16 - Basketball vs Winston County at Home (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- December 16 - Christmas Movie Character Day!
- December 17 - Basketball vs Meek at Home (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- December 18 - Christmas Sweater Day!
- December 18 - Upper School Semester Exams (Math, Science, History)
- December 19 - Christmas Pictures with Santa Day!
- December 19 - Upper School Semester Exams (English, Bible, Latin)
- December 20 - Christmas Accessory Day!
- December 20 - EARLY DISMISSAL DAY (11:30)
CHRISTMAS BREAK - December 21-January 6
Looking Ahead
The CCS Drama & Chorus group will be presenting A Holiday Variety Show: Jingle Bell Jamboree on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 pm in the Depot Park campus auditorium. This event will include talent acts performed by students in grades 4-12. Admission is $5 per person (or $20 per family maximum).
Mark your calendar and make plans to attend!
Please Note:
The DC Local Coffee Shop will be closed to the public on Saturday so the doors will be locked. The doors will open at 5:30 and will be locked at 6:10 so we do not have foot traffic in the building during our show.
We will be having Christmas Dress Up days from December 16th-20th.
- Monday, December 16th- PJ Day (Wear your favorite Christmas pajamas)
- Tuesday, December 17th- Christmas Movie Characters (ex. Rudolph, Grinch, The Star)
- Wednesday, December 18th- Christmas Sweater Day (Ugly or not you choose)
- Thursday, December 19th- Christmas Picture Day (Wear what you would for a holiday or Santa picture)
- Friday, December 20th- Christmas Accessory Day (Wear your favorite Santa hat, Christmas socks, light up necklace, etc.)
CCS Families:
It's time to start praying about enrollment decisions for 2025-2026!
Traditionally re-enrollment month has been in February. With the increase of enrollment interest we are experiencing, this may be moved up a little earlier. Please start thinking and praying about what your family will want to do. Official re-enrollment procedures will be announced in the coming weeks.
The CHOOSE Act (Alabama's School Choice Act)
You may have heard by now that Alabama lawmakers passed a new education savings account program, the CHOOSE Act, earlier this year. They have now launched a new website that provides the latest information about the program, including eligibility information.
The family application process for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 2, 2025 and close on April 7, 2025.
Families may visit the website now to inquire about their potential eligibility.
Funding for eligible students includes up to $7,000 per participating student enrolled in a participating school. CCS is an approved, participating school.
Visit the link below for more information.
A few other items...
Pictures with Santa
Santa, Mr. Delbert, will be at the Beech campus on Thursday, December 19th for pictures from 9:00-12:00.
Mark your calendar for this fun opportunity!
Upper School Semester Exams
- Wednesday, December 18: Math, Science, History
- Thursday, December 19: English, Bible, Latin
- Friday, December 20: Individual Make Ups as Scheduled
One More Look at Serve Day Ministry Partners and Corporate Sponsor Thank Yous
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED / Cognia Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu