Rhino Report
December 2024

Important Dates:
- Dec. 2: National Special Education Day
- Dec. 6: National Grinch Day-Wear Green
- Dec. 11: Ross Hearing Screening
- Dec. 13: 3rd grade parent activity 2:30-3:00
- Dec. 15: Breakfast With Santa 11am-1pm (flyer below)
- Dec. 16-19: December Spirit Week (flyer below)
- Dec. 19: 4th Grade Wax Museum 2:30-3:30
- Dec. 20: End of 1st Semester-No School for Students
- Dec. 23-Jan. 6: Winter Break-No School for Students
- Jan. 7: School Resumes
PTO Event
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
We are on Module 3: In this unit we will compare length, weight, capacity, and numbers to 10.
Math Vocabulary: heavier/lighter than (weight), longer/shorter than (length), more/less than (# comparison), taller/shorter than (height), same as
How to help at home: Begin asking more than/less than questions about groups of objects around the house. Encourage measurement activities at home.
Continue to practice counting and writing numbers 0-20.
ELA Update
Continue practicing sight words: I, am, the, little, a, to, have, is, we, like, my, he, for
New sight words: me, with, she, see, look, they, you, of
In reading students will be working on retelling a story and identifying the characters, setting, and major events.
Continue to work on recognizing and naming all upper and lowercase letters.
We will continue to practice identifying the beginning, middle, and final sounds in CVC words (ex. big)
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
- Add and subtract within 20
- Solving word problems to add and subtract within 20
ELA Update
- Retelling stories: Beginning, Middle, End
- Writing narratives using temporal words: first, next, then, last
- Author’s purpose: informative, entertainment
- Opinion writing
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month and return your reading goal paper by December 19.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Ms. Loera, Ms. Montes
Finish module 4 and take test- Addition and subtraction within 200 with words problems to 100.
ELA Update
ELA focus: Readers will understand how illustrations and text features help them make better sense of what they are reading.
Phonics Focus: plurals, long a, long e
Writing focus: Students will be able to read about a historical person and write a paragraph summary of what they learned.
Reading Goal
December reading goal sent home. Read 20 minutes minimum each night. Reading goals due Jan. 9th when we come back.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Miss. Phelps, Mrs Cox, Miss. Vargas, Miss. Martinez
- Please continue practicing your multiplication and division facts.
- We will begin exploring the area of geometric shapes.
- Students will compare the area of geometric shapes.
- Discuss characteristics of shapes you see throughout the community.
ELA Update
- We will do an informative writing piece comparing and contrasting two communities.
- While reading with your child ask your child to recall important ideas from their story.
- Real-life focus: As you are traveling this holiday season, visit with your child about how communities you may visit are alike and different from Dodge City.
Quarterly Reading Goal- Due December 16
Each teacher will communicate the reading goal for their class.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Mrs. Albright, Miss. Murillo, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Hager
- We are still working in module 3. This is a lengthy module.
- We will be multiplying and dividing larger numbers using models and then moving to using standard algorithms.
- Have your student model for you some of the ways they have learned to solve these problems.
ELA Update
- We will have finished Unit 2 Module A and have moved on to Module B. Students are reading stories to learn about the Native American culture. Their PBA task for this module will be to write an opinion piece on the various Native American cultures they learned about and which group they would have liked to grow up in.
- For practice at home, create different scenarios for your student to express their opinion on different topics and encourage them to back their opinion with reasons, facts, and details!
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Each teacher will communicate the reading goal for their class.
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Ibarra, Mrs. Juel , Mrs. Cook
Multiplying and dividing fractions
Measuring fractional parts on a number line
Please add Wrapping up long division review, beginning fractional parts of a whole.
ELA Update
For the month of December, we are working in Unit 2 Module B of our curriculum. Our focus is understanding that people respond to inequality in different ways by summarizing texts such as Real-Life Superheroes and The Great Migration. Students will also be working on informational writing to explain a Real-Life Superhero from understanding of the text.Quarterly Reading Goal
.Read 10 minutes for 5 days out of the week in reading log. Also, Cereal Book Report for ELA.
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
- Holiday Music
Physical Education- Mr. Rogers and Mr. Burkhard
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
Our students love reading nonfiction books in our library. Read a nonfiction book and make a list of three new facts you learned from the text.
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Happy December Ross Families,
In December, students will focus on friendship, caring, and gratitude. Students will understand the importance of friendship, being caring, and being grateful. They will learn ways to be good friends, care for themselves and others, and show gratitude. Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focuses on these topics.
- The Grumpy Monkey
- Making Friends is an Art
- The Sandwich Swap
- The Quilt Makers Gift
- Little Spot of Honesty
- Little Spot of Gratitude
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
Alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
What people think ADHD is:
- Unable to sit still
- Talk too much
What ADHD actually is:
- Fidgeting
- Scattered
- Forgetful
- Withdrawn
- Messy
- Blurting out
- Overly emotional
- Frustrated by a simple task
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org or medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474