McDaniel Family Newsletter
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Dear McDaniel Families,
At McDaniel we are dedicated to upholding our school's CREED values: Community, Respect, Education, Equity and Diversity. These principles guide our work, our relationships, and our dedication to every student who walks through our doors.
Our responsibility is to foster an environment where all students can thrive—academically, socially, and emotionally. We will continue to work daily to ensure students feel safe, valued and empowered to reach their full potential.
Together, we will continue to build a safe and inclusive environment where each student can pursue their education with confidence, knowing they are supported and cared for.
Staff and I have received questions from families about possible immigration enforcement around the State and our community. It is important to McDaniel HS and PPS that immigrant families feel safe and supported. We continue to work closely with PPS leadership and our community partners to communicate accurate information regarding an individual's rights under Oregon law. If you have questions, please look over the resources provided below. Additionally, Oregon law protects student educational records from being used for immigration actions.
In times of uncertainty, it is always beneficial to be proactive and prepared, and it’s crucial that we have up-to-date contact information for you and your student. If you have not done so already, please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right information and in the right language.
I also wanted to provide the following resources:
This FAQ and this webpage answer many questions about the steps Portland Public Schools will be taking to safeguard staff and students going forward.
This page from the Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) includes a family resource hub and culturally specific information for families in the Portland area.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center Little Red Card is meant to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations. MHS has these cards in the main office
PPS’s Office for Civil Rights offers support addressing discrimination, harassment, and bias-related concerns
Please contact me at if you have any questions or concerns.
Adam Skyles
McDaniel High School
- 2735 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon
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