TERM 4 WEEK 4 - 8th November 2024
Tumuaki Pānui
As we move towards the middle of the term we have been reflecting as teachers as to how fast this term has gone. The transition to two classes has been a very smooth one and all students have settled in quickly. Students are working hard on their learning and progress is being seen in all the key learning areas.
You may have read or heard a lot from the government about changes to the NZ Curriculum and on how we teach, especially in regard to Reading and Maths. I can ensure you that we are keeping on top of these changes. In reading both Carline and I have taken advantage of the Ministry funded structured literacy professional development. Much of this has confirmed practices already being undertaken in the classroom. With our move last year to the maths No Problem program we are already using one of the Ministry funded resources. This gives us a head start on 2025 as our students are already familiar with the structure of the program.
The last two weeks have seen our students participating and competing against other schools in the region. Our Kapa Haka group performed at Puanga and a contingent of Year 5-8 students competed at Senior Athletics this week. Next week our Year 3-4 students will take part in the annual tabloid sports event at Midhirst School. Thank you to everyone involved in making these events possible for our students.
I appreciate that there are many notices coming out at present and I thank you for attending to them and getting responses back to the office so promptly, it makes organisation for these activities so much quicker.
With this newsletter is the Health and Physical Education Curriculum Review. This is undertaken every two years, and we appreciate your thoughts and comments. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a great weekend.
Ngā mihi
School Notices
Health and Physical Education Curriculum Review
Please click here to complete this survey. If you would like a hard copy please let Amanda know. Thank you.
On Thursday 17th October, our Year 7-8 students competed in the Evolocity Regional Final in Waitara. They had spent most of this year designing and building their kart, and race day was a celebration of all their hard work. They did extremely well in all the categories and races, placing 2nd overall for the day. They also won the Earth Care Award and got 3rd for overall vehicle performance. What a great experience for our senior tamariki. A big thank you to Whaea Gwenda, Bryce and Frank for all their hard work in helping with this project.
School Accounts
With the end of year approaching, could you please make sure your family school account is paid or a regular payment plan set up. If you are unable to do so, please talk to Jan. If you require another statement or have any questions regarding your account, please don't hesitate to talk to Amanda in the office.
Lunchbox Items
Just a reminder to please not send any chocolates or lollies in your child's lunch box to school. Thank you.
Puanga Festival
Please click here to watch our Kapa Haka performance at Puanga.
Important Dates
- Tuesday 12th November - Tabloid Sports - Yr 3-4
- Wednesday 13th November - Tabloid Sports PP
- Thursday 21st November - Yr 7-8 Taranaki Primary School's Athletics
- Friday 22nd November - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Friday 29th November - Beach Education
- Friday 6th December - Yr 7-8 Tech
- Friday 6th December - Eltham Christmas Parade
- Monday 16th December - Production
- Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term