The Collaboration Corner
The Collaborative for the Common Good Newsletter - July 2020
AGAINST THE GRAIN - Learn about the New CCG Podcast!
- Wingate Movers and Shakers: Learn how various 'movers and shakers' around Wingate University are working to improve the lives of our students, faculty, and staff through their amazing inward-facing projects.
- Students Speak: Hear from our students about their experiences working within the CCG and the university to make change and develop their exciting passions!
- The Nuts and Bolts of the CCG: Learn about our work within the CCG and the various roles that our CCG members fill within our organization. We work with the 'power of WE' to better the lives of Eastern Union County residents - on Wingate's campus and beyond.
- Community Partner Portraits: These outward-facing episodes give glimpses into the lives of our community partners; see what amazing work they do every day and the ways we at the CCG - and Wingate University - can help!
Want to join in the fun? Contact Recruitment Coordinator Dr. Lacey J. Ritter at ccg@wingate.edu to discuss your ideas for an episode!
Be on the lookout for our first episode, coming soon!
MAPPING CHANGE: Students Translate COVID-19 Food Access Resources Map into Spanish
Both maps (shown below) allow users to search for resources by location, as well as for specific food resources, such as boxed foods or free lunches for children. Map data come from various community partners, compiled by Rivendell Farms of the Carolinas in partnership with Karen Karp & Partners, working toward racial equity in food, agriculture, and health.
You are also able to see "How You Can Help" on each map by finding locations to donate food, finances, volunteer your time, or help in other ways.
- Check out the new Spanish version of the map here: https://cltfoodmap.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=4a1f9d7ab4a24aa69fc590794feda153
- For the English version, head to: https://cltfoodmap.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=0c839281a7fb4e269c1ea5196fc36ab2
CCG Super Students
CCG Seeking Fall Apprenticeship Applications
In the Collaborative for the Common Good (CCG), we are looking for energetic, innovative, and collaborative faculty and staff to work using the ‘power of we’ to improve lives in Eastern Union County.
Each semester, we will be offering three (3) apprenticeships for faculty/staff/administrators looking to incorporate the participatory process (service learning and community engagement) into a course, internship, or special project to foster knowledge democracy on and off campus. This can a new build or a project you have already started! All selected Apprentices will be eligible for stipends in both semesters ($400 per semester) and we hope that they will feel free to use other amenities of the CCG (iPads for focus groups; podcast equipment; books; beautiful shared workspaces; co-creative space for collaboration; etc…)
The major goal of a CCG service learning course or community engaged project is for students to build evidence-based solutions to real-world problems involving the triple bottom line: social, economic, and ecological well-being. Thus, apprenticeship courses/projects should ideally focus on:
Building students' knowledge about a particular content area
Engaging students in learning from and with our local communities
Bringing student awareness to the interplay between today and the future (an intergenerational approach)
What we learn in the classroom or in our work on campus is often generalizable, but the communities we work with are unique--and so are you! We have created this apprenticeship for faculty who are interested in contributing to the common good in unique ways while promoting their own personal and professional development. The apprenticeship will run for two consecutive semesters which will include the following activities:
Semester 1: Planning
Throughout the first semester, apprentices will participate in five (5) workshops led by CCG Coordinators focusing on Service Learning and High-Impact Practices; Community Engagement; Professional Development; Sustainability in Higher Education, and other related topics.
Apprentices will build partnerships with community members to implement courses/projects in the following semester
Apprentices will make sure that students and community stakeholders are part of planning the projects themselves and not just the implementation of the project
All aspects must be completed to the satisfaction of the CCG Executive Board to be eligible for the semester stipend ($400)
Semester 2: Implementation
Apprentices will use CCG assessments to gauge the impact of service learning courses/projects/internships at the start and end of each semester and report on those outcomes
Apprentices are able create their own assessment measures as well
Apprentices will write at least one white paper (papers to be shared with the general public, university, and community partners) in collaboration with their students by the end of the semester
All aspects of implementation must be completed to the satisfaction of the CCG Executive Board to be eligible for the semester stipend ($400)
To be considered for Apprenticeship status in the CCG, the project must meet the CCG Service Learning and Community Engagement Guidelines. Faculty and staff are expected to involve students and community partners in their entire process, making sure to assess and evaluate their experiences - and projects - throughout the process. More detailed expectations for apprentices are as follows:
Submit a CCG Apprenticeship Application and Proposal. The application can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeZpVWZudTF2HkdmVmoHZ8vRQEndpoIOR42vqM2lasmxiiZw/viewform?usp=sf_link
In the application you will be asked to attach the following:
A current CV or resume
An Apprenticeship Proposal, found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nMQmgHltYZ5WFWYa4T2T8BHMuUuoKIlouIa7R5fovck/edit?usp=sharing
The selection of CCG Apprentices will be made by the CCG Executive Board (CCG Director and Coordinators) in consultation with the Office of the Provost and CCG Advisory Board. Candidates will receive written notification of the outcome of their applications at least two (2) weeks in advance of the start of the semester. Candidates not selected are encouraged to reapply in future semesters as well as become involved with other CCG opportunities.
Should you have questions regarding the application or process, please contact us at ccg@wingate.edu
PROUD TO BE CCG: PROJECT SHOWCASE - Making Gold from Gray: Service Learning in Psychology
How do we make our classrooms true centers for service learning? That depends! There are three components of service learning that, when combined, provide maximum benefits for all stakeholders:
- Academic integrity: Service must be clearly related to course content and provide an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in the course.
- Student ownership: Students must have a voice in selecting, planing, and implementing their service learning projects.
- Apprentice citizenship: Students must work on authentic community issues driven by community partner collaborations in which students learn with and from community members.
To prepare for her service learning course, Lapan, in collaboration with the CCG, held a senior partner luncheon (see image, below left) to identify potential community partners and learn more about senior needs. Then, it was time to each students; "in application, the 'learning' actually comes before the 'service' component of the course. Students must first become experts in the course content so that they could then apply it in creating their projects."
While students learned about older adults and their life experiences in the classroom (see image, below right), they volunteered with senior organizations around the university to learn about real-life needs they were able to translate into course project proposals. Though COVID-19 prevented her students from implementing their projects, Lapan's students finalized their plans for use in future semesters--and what plans they are! Learn about a few of them here:
- Decade Trivia - Students planned an interactive team trivia night with questions from various decades for the Ellen Fitzgerald Senior Center.
- Senior Prom - Another student group planned a prom for Monroe Rehabilitation that would provide the chance to dance; include a photo booth with props; even end with selecting a prom king and queen! (see image, below center)
- Recreate a Memory - Students visiting Brookdale Assisted Living planned to hold an event in which resident would paint/draw/sculpt a significant memory and share it with the group.
- Tech 101 - Students learned from their SL work that seniors wanted to learn more about technology. One group planned to implement a series of events with the Council on Aging to teach older adults about technology and test their knowledge via fun Jeopardy-style games.
- Reading Buddies - Student working with Monroe Rehabilitation planned to bring a group of elementary students to visit residents and read books together that they had created.
CCG Senior Partnership Luncheon, Fall 2019
Student Service Learning Project, Senior Prom
Adulthood & Aging Students Walk a Mile in a Senior's Shoes
Although students were not able to implement their projects, they did spend valuable time helping seniors prior to the pandemic. Other benefits for Lapan's SL course included:
- Significantly higher final course grades and assessments
- High feelings of concern for seniors tied to increased thoughts and feelings about older adults
- Higher skills related to teamwork and problem solving
- Higher class engagement - more interest in the class and course content
What's next? In the future, Dr. Lapan plans to "engage many faculty in developing and implementing other SL courses, which will be assessed like the current course. This will allow [Lapan and the CCG] to assess the broader impact of this teaching practice, including student retention over time as well as economic, social, and ecological improvements to Eastern Union County."
Learn more about service learning, the course, and Dr. Candace Lapan's work on the CCG website or by contacting her at c.lapan@wingate.edu
THE POWER OF 'WE': Join the CCG Team
Learn More about the CCG!
Email: ccg@wingate.edu
Website: https://www.wingate.edu/around-campus/common-good
Location: 102 West Wilson Street, Wingate, NC, USA
Phone: 7042338067
Facebook: facebook.com/CCGWingate
Twitter: @CCGWingate