Klein High Choir Weekly Update
Week 32
Next Week At A Glance (April 29 - May 3)
Tues - STAAR Test Schedule
Thur - Officer Interviews 3-4 PM
Thur - Kick-Nic Social - Meyer Park 4:30-7 PM
Fri -Officer Interviews 3-4 PM
Fri - Chorale & Chamber 2024-2025 Contracts Due
Fri - Senior Scholarship Application Due
Pop Show
Pop Show is two weeks away, Each class is working fast and hard to put together a great show. We will announce soloists and small groups for Pop Show early this week. Thank you to everyone who auditioned last week. We were so impressed with the amount of talent we heard over the two days! Below you will find more info about Pop Show Rehearsals and the performance
Monday, May 6 3-5 PM - Soloist Tech Rehearsal (for those that get a solo/small group spot)
Wednesday, May 8 3-5 PM - Tech Rehearsal
Thursday, May 9 7PM (6PM Call Time) - Pop Show Performance
Pop Show Raffle Baskets & Concessions
We are collecting donated items from each class for our Pop Show Raffle Baskets. This can be a fantastic fundraiser for our banquet in addition to the senior scholarship fund. We are still in need of many donated items. Between all the choirs, there are 3 baskets our booster club is putting together. Below are the themes and links to sign up for specific items. Please click the button below to donate items. All items are due Monday, May 6.
College Here We Come - dorm-related items
Mother's Day - items for mom's special day
Dinner & Movie - snacks and items for a movie night
Our booster club is also selling concessions during our Pop Show intermission. We are asking our choir families to donate any items listed on the sign-up genius linked below. If you would like to help with concessions the night of the show, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Tara Garcia.
Choir Auditions
Choir auditions for next year will begin this week. Auditions for the 24-25 school year will continue into next week with the goal of finishing by May 10. This may be pushed back depending on class time. For those planning to audition for Chorale and/or Chamber, remember to turn in your signed/initialed contract(s) to Mr. Stultz when you begin your audition. These contracts can be found on the blue table in the choir room and in Schoology.
For those auditioning for Chamber Choir, remember that you may be asked to attend callbacks on Tuesday, May 7 2:45-4:00PM.
Students, if you would like an additional resource to practice sight reading, don't forget to look around on sightreadingfactory.com. This was covered in class earlier last week.
Choir Officer Applications
Students who are considering running for a choir officer position for next year, it is time to submit your application! Applications are due this Thursday. Below is what needs to be turned in. Booth can be found in Schoology.
- Online Google Form - include written essay and video submission
- Signed Contract from student and parent
For those interested in running for President, Vice President, and Director's Aide please note that we are holding interviews with the choir directors after school on May 2 & 3.
Senior Scholarships
Senior Scholarship applications are due this Friday, May 3. Seniors can find the Google form with more information in Schoology. Scholarship recipients will be announced at our Choir Banquet on May 15.
Upcoming Events
Tue-Wed, Apr 24-25 - Pop Show Solo Auditions - KHS Choir Room - 3-5 PM
Contact Information
The preferred mode of communication for us is email
Sean Stultz 832-484-4089 - sstultz1@kleinisd.netRebecca Berger 832-484-4088 - rhickman1@kleinisd.net
Email: sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Website: kleinhighchoir.com
Phone: 832-484-4089