Oak Ridge JH/HS Weekly Brief
Week 2 (8/29/24)
Mr. Collier's Thoughts
Mr. Collier
As we wrap up Week 2, I want to take a moment to recognize all the hard work and dedication from our Oak Ridge faculty, staff, and students. This past week has been full of growth, learning, and community spirit. Whether it was tackling challenging assignments, supporting one another in and out of the classroom, or contributing to the success of the building everyone has played a vital role in making this week a success. As we move into Week 3, let’s carry this momentum with us, staying committed to learning, kindness, and perseverance.
If you are showing at the SEMO Fair, please stop by the office to pick up an absent form. This is the only way the absence will be verified and not count against students.
Clayton Collier
Principal, Oak Ridge Junior High/High School
Email: ccollier@oakridge.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.oakridger6schools.com/
Location: 4198 State Highway E, Oak Ridge, MO, USA
Phone: (573) 266-3218
Things Mr. Collier Needs Help With
Oak Ridge is a community with a long standing tradition of taking care of one another. I am no different and sometimes I need help too. You will notice every week I will need help with certain things around the school and I am looking for leaders that want to help make a positive impact on Oak Ridge Schools!
- Kindness. Please speak with your student(s) about being kind and what it means to be respectful of others and any differences you may have with someone else. We want to encourage our students to treat everyone with respect including themselves.
- Cell phone policy. The cell phone policy has not changed and we had very minimal issues last year! Great job students and teachers.
- Parking Lot Before School. I need everyone to come inside the school when you arrive on campus. A lot can happen in a parking lot and to mitigate risks we need students to park their car and immediately enter the school through the main entrance.
- ICU Missing Assignment Program. This year we will be implementing ICU. ICU stands for "Intensive Care Unit". Students with missing work that has been missing for more than 3 days will be placed on the ICU list. Coach Ward will be checking in with students on the ICU list and pulling students from elective courses if necessary. If a student remains on the list for more than 5 days administration may assign afterschool or before school tutoring.
7 Day Forecast
IMPORTANT! Meal Payment Information!
Parents if you are paying meal accounts or any other fees for students at both buildings please write separate checks/cash. Student deposits will be made to student accounts on Fridays, unless we are out of school. Then it will be done on the last day of attendance for the week. Please be understanding if this process is slightly delayed some weeks. The building secretaries work diligently to get deposits in, but sometimes this process gets delayed due to outside circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.
Lunch Payments Can Now Be Made On the Teacherease App.
Free and Reduced School Lunch Application Information
Free and reduced meal applications are completed online through the students enrollment portal using the Teacher Ease Login Link Below.
Important Dates
August 30th- No School!
September 2nd- No School!
September 19th- Mid Quarter 1st Quarter
September 20th- NO SCHOOL! EP County Fair
October 14th- NO SCHOOL! Columbus Day
October 18th- End of First Quarter
November 7th- Students Dismiss @ 12:00 1-8pm P/T Conferences
November 8th- No School!
November 15- Mid quarter 2nd quarter
November 25nd-29th- Thanksgiving Break! NO SCHOOL!
December 20th- Last day of the 1st semester Students Attend All Day!
Oak Ridge High School Activities/Athletic Dates
8/31/24 HSXC @ Jackson Park 8am
9/3/24 HSVB @ Woodland TRN TBA
9/4/24 HSXC @ St. Vincent 4pm
9/4/24 HSVB @ Woodland TRN TBA
9/5/24 HSVB @ Woodland TRN TBA
9/6/24 HSVB @ Woodland TRN TBA
9/9/24 HSVB @ Meadow Hts 5:30pm
9/10/24 HSVB @ Charleston 5:30pm
9/13/24 HSVB @ Dig For Life TBA
9/14/24 HSVB @ Dig For Life TBA
9/14/24 HSXC @ SLUH (Clayton) 8am
9/16/24 HSVB @ Crystal City 5:30pm
9/17/24 HSVB vs Zalma 530pm
9/19/24 HSVB @ Oran 530pm
9/20/24 Band @ Altenburg Fair TBA
9/21/24 HSXC @ Cape 8am
9/23/24 HSVB @ Saxony 530pm
9/24/24 HSXC Invitational 4pm
9/26/24 HSVB @ East Prairie
9/28/24 HSVB @ Mississippi Valley Conf TRN TBA
9/30/24 HSVB vs Woodland 530pm
Oak Ridge Junior High Activities/Athletic Dates
9/12/24 JHGB vs Puxico 6pm
9/13/24 JHGB @ East Prairie 6pm
9/16/24 JHGB vs Scott City 6pm
9/17/24 JHGB @ Kelly 6pm
9/26/24 JHGB vs Delta 6pm
GARDEN UPDATE! Thank you to the donors, Mrs. Jess, and her JH classes last year!
Nurse's Corner!
Parent/Guardian of incoming students:
RE: reminders from the nurse
Please make sure you have all of the required information provided to the nurse’s office by the first day of school. Below is the information you will need to provide:
Updated health information. This is completed with student’s online enrollment. Please include any new medication/diagnosis information.
Proof of immunizations that are required by the state of Missouri. Students who have already submitted this information do not need to submit it again UNLESS your student is entering kindergarten, 8th or 12th grade. All kindergarten students should receive immunizations after their 4th birthday and will need to have proof of this submitted to the nurse office. All 8th grade students should receive a TDap and meningitis immunization which should have been administered after the age of 10. All 12th grade students should receive an additional meningitis shot which should have been administered after the age of 16. Appropriate exemptions are accepted and should be submitted if applicable.
The only prescription medication that students are allowed to carry with them are emergency medications such a inhaler or Epi-pen which must meet the following requirements: prescription is on file in the nurse office, self administration form signed by both student and parent, and the medication is labeled with student’s name.
Any medication that you wish to be administered by the school nurse requires you to fill out a Medication Request Form. Medication should only be brought to school by a parent. Student’s are not allowed to carry medication unless authorized by a physician and nurse.
If your child has Asthma, Diabetes, Allergies or seizures an action plan must be filled out and signed. Action plans are available in the nurse office. If your child has a food allergy and requires substitution in the cafeteria, they will need to fill out a Medical Statement for Student Requiring Special Meals form.
A few reminders from the nurse for this year:
A fever is considered over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If your student has a fever they will be sent home. Students cannot return to school until they are fever free (below 100) without the use of tylenol or ibuprofen for 24 hours.
If your child requires the use of OTC medications more than a few times, you may be asked to send in a bottle with their name written on it.
Thank you for your help and cooperation. You are welcome to email updated information as well as call with any questions you may have.
Megan Cheney RN
Oak Ridge R6 School
Phone: 573-266-3630
Email: mcheney@oakridge.k12.mo.us
- If you take medications please make sure they are kept in the nurse's office. No students should be carrying medications on them at anytime at school!