The Mountain Family WAG
October 21-25, 2024
A HUGE thank you for a Successful Halloween Carnival
A HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers for a most successful carnival- A special shout out to Lissie Ham, Rachel Josephson and Brian Haigh for their tireless efforts and all of the PTA officers. We could not have done it without you. A big thank you to all staff especially Carter Payne, Ahalam Oirdhaa & Joaquin Romero for helping to supervise the event.
Halloween Costume Dress up on Th, 10/31
Students may dress up on Thursday 10/31/24. There will be a PREK and Kinder parade first thing after announcements on Th morning. Students may bring costumes with them at school. Please be sure that students have a costume they can wear easily throughout the day. No fake weapons, or blood please. Masks need to be up so faces are seen. We will not be dressing up on 10/25 but students can wear Halloween Tshirts and hoodies if they have them:) Of course dressing up is optional and not required.
Week Ahead
M 21-
T 22 Kinder field trip to PEEC
W 23 Last Day of Book Fair-
Th 24-
F 25 Wear your favorite Halloween T-shirt, sweatshirt, leggings etc
The Rotary Club of Los Alamos - Purple Pinky Polio Awareness Day- Bring one dollar
PreK Field Trip to Worms & Wildflowers in WR
Book Fair Ends 10/23/24
The Fall Book Fair will run from October 16th until October 23rd. We need volunteers to help set up the Book Fair, run the cash register before and after school and during the Halloween Carnival, and take down the Book Fair. If you have 45 minutes to give, please click here to sign up. A huge thank you to our PTA officers including Nicole Waybright and Katrina Martin for running this.
Mrs. Andrea, Director of Inclusion, visits classrooms in grades 3-6
Andrea Determan, will be visiting classrooms to talk about diversity and inclusion. She visited third grade on Friday. Andrea has been an educator for over 37 years. She is coming to assist helping in messaging to students the importance of kindness and respect to all students. At Mountain, we have had some instances of students using inappropriate language and words without understanding their magnitude. In partnership, we ask you be aware of what your child might be listening to or watching on Youtube etc. Thank you.
No Playground from 2:45-4:00 p.m. Thank you!
Mountain Families, Since staff's working hours range from 7:30-4 we ask that students and families leave campus right after dismissal so teachers can work uninterrupted. We appreciate your consideration.
Feel free to use the playground after 4 p.m. If you bring pets, please be sure to pick up after them. There have been instances where excrement has been left on the playground and under play structures. Thank you!
Science Fair Information
Science Fair Information:
The optional Science Fair at Mountain Elementary will be held this year on Thursday, November 21st. The fair will be after school starting at 3pm in the Mountain library. Judging will be done at this time and those who qualify will move onto the District Fair. The District Science Fair will be held on January 24-25, 2025 at Barranca Mesa Elementary.
The paperwork process will be made easier by a website called Z Fairs. Linked below are fillable forms for you to fill out and return to me,via email, if you are unable to upload them to the Zfaris website yourself.
Here are some resources to get you started.
Websites for Science Fair Planning
We have some upcoming due dates that we need to meet in order to participate. Your first step will be to register by Oct 16th.
Directions to register:
Go to: zFair
Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email address in the box on the right side of your screen and click "Create Account." Select your registration type (i.e. student) and be directed to the appropriate registration page from there. To be linked to Mountain School you must pick:
Hawkins, MaryAlice
(If you pick the Mary Alice Hawkins, with a space between MaryAlice, you will not be linked to me.) Do not add your students' homeroom teacher. I am the only teacher that can manage the forms on Zfairs, thus the sponsor teacher for all of Mountain School.
Please make sure you are on a computer that will allow you to download and sign paperwork and then be able to upload it again.
For K- 5th graders: (Please choose Make A Copy to edit the form)
If you are experimenting with humans or animals, please see below for the additional forms.
6th graders only:
Click here for Template of Research Plan for 6th grade
When in Google Docs choose make a copy for yourselves and then fill out the research plan to be uploaded to the site.
All 6th graders must fill out A1, B1 and Adult Sponsor forms below.
Special forms for all grades:
IF you are planning an experiment with humans or animals, please also fill out the appropriate form below.
If your project includes animals, this form needs to be signed by your veterinarian before it is sent to me or uploaded to Zfairs.
If your project involves human participants or animals you must have project approval. Your Research Plan and paperwork must be completed by Oct. 18th.
All other Research Plans and paperwork need to be completed and uploaded to the Zfairs website by November 11th, 2024 to compete in the Mountain School and the District Fair
NO project can start data collection until adult sponsor approval.
If you have questions or need help with your registration, please contact me, MaryAlice Hawkins, your Mountain School representative, at m.hawkins@laschools.net. Feel free to send all filled out forms to me via email or printed version and I can upload them to Zfairs for you if you have correctly registered.
Let the Science begin!
MaryAlice Hawkins
6th Grade Science & Social Studies
Dates to remember:
Last Day to register on Zfair for special projects that require IRB approval and for Mountain Elementary Science Fair is October 18th.
Registration deadline for ALL projects is November 11th.
Mountain Science Fair November 21st (Boards can come in anytime to room 103.)
District Science Fair is Jan. 24-25, 2025
Upcoming Dates- November
4. Lockdown Drill
10:15 am
5. Election Day (No School)
6 PreK Family Night
7 Creede Performance (Grades 2-6) 1:00 pm @Mountain Gym
8 Choir Field Trip 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Lensic Performing Arts Center
11 Veterans Day (No School)
13 Picture Retakes
14 Chamber Music 9:30 am - 10:00 am (grades PreK-2)
10:10 am - 10:50 am (grades 3-6)
14 Mountain School Spelling Bee
21 Mountain Science Fair 3-5 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break (No School)