Hillside Elementary Weekly Update
June 6, 2022
Hillside End of The Year Spirit Week
Monday, June 6 - Favorite Color Day
Tuesday, June 7 - Silly Hair/Hat Day
Wednesday, June 8 - Jerzy/Hillside Swag Day
Thursday, June 9 - Sunglasses/Summer Bling Day
Friday, June 10 - Pajama Day
New Traffic Cones at Hillside Entrance
Safe Arrival and Dismissal Reminders:
- Cars are prohibited in the main driveway during arrival and dismissal. The main driveway is reserved for buses and daycare vans.
- Car riders should exit their vehicles at the gym curb on the passenger side of the car.
- Cars should never pass other cars in the car rider line.
- Drivers should remain in their cars with cell phones off while in the car rider line.
- Walkers should enter the campus at the crosswalk at Ellzey and Lefevre Inn Drive via the community trail/tunnel on the Claiborne Parkway side of campus.
- Walkers should never cross over the hill in front of the school.
As always, the safety and security of all Hillside children is our highest priority. We appreciate everyone's cooperation and patience.
Hillside PTO Meeting (In-person)
Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022, 03:00 PM
Hillside Elementary Library
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
in order to ensure the safety of all participants we ask that family members and guests adhere to these COVID Mitigation Requirements for school events.
- Masks are optional
- Guests should maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible.
- Families/guests should sit in family groups in chairs on the gym floor or in the bleachers.
- If you tested positive for COVID 19 in the last ten days, have COVID symptoms, or are not vaccinated and have been exposed to someone who is COVID positive in the past five days, you should not attend the promotion ceremony.
Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022, 09:00 AM
Hillside Elementary Gymnasium
Register Your Kindergartener For Fall 2022
The window for Fall Registration opened on February 16th. Mrs. Salter, Hillside Registrar, is working diligently to schedule virtual registration appointments with everyone who has completed the online pre-registration process.
Thank you to those who have started the registration process. We are happy to report that we have filled over 50% of our available kindergarten slots for the Fall.
Registration Process:
- Parents must complete the Online Pre-registration and upload the required registration documents.
- Mrs. Salter, Hillside Registrar, will review the documents and email a virtual registration appointment schedule.
- Registration meetings will be scheduled starting on March 16th for individuals who have completed the pre-registration process.
- Contact Cathy Salter (Catherine.Salter@lcps.org or 571-252-270) if you need assistance with registration.
Go to https://www.lcps.org/Page/228770 for more information about the Loudoun County Public Schools registration process and to download the Registration Checklist for Parents below.
Important Dates:
6/7 - PTO Meeting (In-person, 3:00 pm)
6/13 - 5th Grade Picnic/Party
6/14 - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony (In-person, 9:00 am)
6/15 - Last Day of School for Students
Click HERE the full LCPS 2021-2022 student calendar.