Eagle Nest News
Title 1 Family Engagement January 2025
Happy New Year!
January Character Trait ~ Effective Communicator
During the month of January we will be focusing on building effective communication skills. We will recognize students who demonstrate effective communication skills at our February assembly.
Morning Drop Off
Starting on Monday, January 6th families who want escort their student to the classroom in the morning before school will need to sign in at the computer in the entryway and receive a green visitor sticker.
No School Days in January
Monday, January 20th - No School for MLKJr Holiday
Friday, January 31st - No School for teacher grading day.
Mid Year Assessments
During the month of January students will be taking their mid year assessments. We love this time of year because we get to see the progress each student is making in math and reading.
You can support your student to do their best each day by ensuring they
- Have a good nights rest.
- Eat breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is served for students starting at 7:45 am each day.
- Helping your student be on time for school each day. School opens at 9:15 am on Mondays and begins at 9:30 am. On Tuesday - Friday school opens at 7:45 am and begins at 8:00 am.
End of the Quarter - Friday, January 31st
The last day of the quarter is Thursday, January 30th. All student work must be turned in by this day. Teachers will be working on report cards and finalizing grades on Friday, January 31st.
To track your student's progress, guardians are able to create a Power School account where they can log in to see their student's grades and attendance. Contact our school office if you need help with your login information for PowerSchool.
Attention All Middle School Students
All middle school students who are passing all of their classes by January 28th will be invited to a trip to the MAC for swimming. The trip will take place during the afternoon on January 30th. Students will be provided lunch and then depart school for the MAC. Students will return at the end of the school day.
Family Access Network
FAN is a network of community partners who collaborate to ensure children attend school ready to learn.
Jodi Begay, FAN Advocate
Warm Springs K-8 Academy
Roots ~ Bridges High School/509J Online
(On-call) Big Muddy School
Work Cell: 541-647-7214
Winter Athletics
Girls Basketball - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls with a cleared sports physical and completed paperwork may participate. First Day of Practice is Monday, January 6th.
Wrestling - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who have a cleared sports phsyical and completed paperwork may participate. First Day of Practice is Tuesday, January 7th.
ALL PRACTICES ARE FROM 3:00 - 4:45 pm Please have your athlete picked up in the back of the building, NO later than 5:00 pm.
● Students need to take all their belongings to the locker room for practice and games, locking up all possessions. Items that will not fit in the sports locker should be locked in the PE office.
● Please plan to meet your child at the WSK8 back parking lot at the estimated return time. Players will call with exact time when they leave the school.
● Students who are not picked up on time will be unable to play Basketball for WSK8.
● All drinks need to be in containers that can be sealed. Please refer to the Guidelines for Activity Bus in the Athletic Handbook for additional rules on the bus.
●If you have any questions, please contact WSK8 at 541-553-1128.
Helpful Links
Month at a Glance
1/6 First Day Back from Winter Break
1/6 Late Start
1/6 Elementary Special Activity
1/6 First day of Girls Basketball
1/7 First day of Wrestling
1/13 Late Start
1/13 MAP Testing Window Opens
1/13-1/17 MS Math MAP Testing
1/13 Girls Basketball vs OMS 4:30
1/15 Girls Basketball vs. Sisters
1/16 Girls Basketball vs. CCMS
1/20 No School MLKJr Holiday
1/21-1/24 MS MAP ELA Testing
1/22 NNAT Testing for 2nd Grade
1/22 Girls Basketball @ JCMS
1/27 Late Start
1/27 Girls Basketball @ JCMS
1/29 Girls Basketball @ OMS
1/30 MS Q2 PBIS Activity @ MAC
1/31 No School - Grading Day