We are in the MIDDLE
WMS Demons
From Mrs. Kennedy
Hello, WMS Demon Families,
Have you ever played the game Frogger? Have you tried to cross a high traffic road during rush hour in Chicago? If we don't all work together to follow the WMS Arrival and Dismissal Procedures, Meade Ave. begins to feel that way as students arrive and dismiss from school. We have created some processes to ensure our students' safety.
Student Arrival
- If arriving by bus, students are dropped off on the far south end of our building on Meade and make their way to the playground.
- If walking, students will make their way to the playground
- If being dropped off by car, students are dropped off on N. River Ave., behind WMS. Cars are to pull off to the side of the road. There is an opening in the fence for students to enter the playground area.
- If your student arrives after 8:00, please drop them off in front of the building on Meade Ave. note curb paintings and bus area (no parking) signs.
Student Dismissal
- If riding the bus home, students will go to the playground and their bus.
- If walking, students will leave and walk home.
- If getting picked up by a car, drivers are to pull over to the side of the road, obeying curb paintings, bus area signs, and driving laws while waiting for students to arrive.
If someone else is dropping off or picking up your student, please ensure they know these procedures. Often, older siblings, grandparents, etc., help out families with pick up and drop off. Thank you for being so helpful in keeping our students and drivers in the area safe!
With gratitude,
Katy Kennedy
Washington Middle School
Begging, Begging, Please! We NEED YOUR HELP!
2nd Annual Back to School Celebration (updated)
Last year, we kicked off our school year with our 1st Annual Back to School Bash. Due to construction that occurred over the summer, we are going to push our back to school celebration to a few weeks later. Don't worry! We will have our celebration of the new school year! Our Back to School Bash will be August 27th, from 5:00-7:00 at WMS.
To make this event a success, we need your assistance! There are various ways to volunteer such as helping with stations, gather prizes, etc. If you would like to volunteer to help, please reach out to Mrs. Kennedy by emailing her at kennedyk@glendiveschools.org or by calling the Main Office at 406.377.2356.
Homecoming Trophy Creations
Last year, during Homecoming week, we gave out spirit awards each day for the students in each grade level that showed the most spirit! The kids were so excited to pick their trophies and showed them off with pride. Here is a picture of a few examples!
We are looking for volunteers to use their creative juices to create fun and crazy trophies for our students. Last year, a couple of parent volunteers work together on the project and made Homecoming week one to remember.
Please email me if you have any interested in helping out! It really meant a lot to the students.
6th-Graders are Officially WMS Demons- Wednesday, August 14th
NOTE: It is an EARLY OUT schedule! Dismissal 1:45!!!!! (Updated)
If you didn't see the details in the Ranger Review, here is the information.
Volleyball Information
From our 7th/8th grade Coaches
- Open Gym 4:15-6:00 (Wednesday Aug 14th & Thursday Aug 15th, Friday Aug 16th 11:30-1:30). Those will be the 7th & 8th grade practice times to start the season! Open Gym 4:15-5:30 Monday Aug 19th.
- Parent Meeting 5:30 Monday Aug 19th
- Parents-Please plan to attend as we will cover lots of information, schedules, and requirements!! Practice starts the 20th and without ALL requirements completed the athletes will not get to start try outs on time.
- 1st Practice 7th & 8th Tuesday Aug 20th 4:15-6pm
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting season!!! Go Demons!
Checklist of Required Items:
1. Sports Physical
Bring to the first practice
Last day at GMC is Wednesday Aug 6th 1-4:30pm
2. Impact Testing
All incoming 7th grade students or students who have never had impact testing done who plan on participating in Activities for the 2024-2025 school year will need to have a current Impact Test Assessment before practice begins!
3. Activity Ticket (required to play) contact your coach if the cost is an issue August 14th - Activity Tickets go on sale to the public in the Principal’s Office.
Full Year Activity Ticket-Adults $75.00, Students (Grades K-8)-$30.00, Senior Citizens 65+-$20.00 DCHS Participating student $75.00, DCHS non participating student $50.00, WMS participating student $50.00 with adding DCHS activities $75.00.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Students Allowed to Bring Cell Phones to School?
Students can bring cell phones to school to be used ONLY while at their locker during transition times. The exception is if a teacher asks students to bring cell phones to class for an academic purpose. This happens rarely.
If a student does not follow the rule above, the cell phone will be put in the office. The parent/guardian will be called to pick it up. The student will not be allowed to bring a cell phone to school any longer.
The office phone is always available for students to make calls. If you need to reach your student, call the office at 406.377.2356, and leave a message with Mrs. Lighter.
Can Students Bring Backpacks to Classes?
Students need to keep their backpacks in their lockers once school begins till they leave for the end of the day.
Who can Pick Up my Child During the School Day?
Students are allowed to leave the building for lunch or other purposes with their parent or guardian.
If your student needs to be picked up by someone else, please call the office ahead of time.
Is my Child Allowed to Leave WMS for Lunch?
There are a few ways in which students are allowed to leave WMS campus for lunch.
1. A parent/guardian comes and picks the student up.
2. A parent/guardian sends a note to give to the office for another adult to take your student to lunch.
3. Students living in the designated areas close to school (within three blocks) may walk home for lunch with written parental approval. Parents must sign off on the WMS form giving this approval.
The above situations DO NOT include:
1. A student leaving school grounds with friends to eat at a friend’s house.
2. A student leaving to eat at a local establishment.
3. A student leaving with their older sibling for lunch.
4. A student leaving with a friend's older sibling for lunch
About Us...
Email: wms@glendiveschools.org
Website: https://www.glendiveschools.com/o/wms
Location: 505 North Meade Avenue, Glendive, MT, USA
Phone: 406.3772356
Facebook: facebook.com/wmsglendive