Bush Banner
October 24, 2024
Dates to Remember
10/28-11/01 Red Ribbon Week
11/04- Professional Development Day for teachers, NO School for students
11/05- Election Day, Professional Development Day for Teachers, NO school for students
11/06- Class pictures and Retakes
11/11- Veteran's Day
11/14- 3rd Grade Program
11/15- PTO Board Meeting
11/21- First Grade Field Trip
11/22- Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
A Note from the Principal
Hello Bush Families!
We had a wonderful time at our Bucks for Bush Pep Rally on Monday! Thank you to our wonderful PTO for organizing the fundraiser and Pep Rally. We are excited to have already reached our first school wide goal! For more information about Bucks for Bush, please see the PTO section.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Please see the dress up days in the Counselor section below.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Thompson
From Coach Justin:
Hi Bush Elementary Families!
Enrollment Now Open for Chess at Bush Elementary (Conroe ISD) via the link below:
KG – 5th Grade on Mondays Beginning January 27 from 3:15-4:30 PM: https://bit.ly/Bush-TKS-S25
Clickable Flyer Attached!
Enrollment is now open for our Bush Elementary Spring Chess Team! Beginners and returning/advanced players are welcome, so come check us out! This year take the plunge and join us as we laugh and train in daily mardi-gras bead chess tourneys and compete for prizes in our daily music-driven chess puzzlers and watch zany chess movies and inter-face and inter-train with hundreds of sister chess teams. There has never been a party-based approach to chess like this, and our unique, kid-oriented philosophy has made us 51-0 in our history, and counting!
Our high-energy chess classes are developmentally and cleverly targeted directly at the KG through 5th-grade set! Come join the fun as kids learn to love learning, learn that they are unspeakably smart, and learn how to absolutely cream their parents in chess! The Knight School is the most compelling, kid-centered chess party in America. Learn more and sign up for our school chess team at www.theknightschool.com or call and chat with Coach Justin at (325) 668-6913.
Thanks so much!
Coach Justin
Houston City Coach
(325) 668-6913
The Knight School Chess Academy
GT Referral Window
Referral Requests for Gifted and Talented Testing Referral requests are now open for the Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Although the testing will not take place until late January, referral requests are accepted at this time. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. It is recommended that parents of 2nd grade students wait until CogAT scores have arrived before nominating their child because CogAT scores are part of the GT assessment. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher. Referrals will be accepted October 1- December 19, 2024. You can request a referral form from the front office or the Assistant Principal. You can also find the referral form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage linked here.
Lunch Visitors
Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child. Due to limited space, we ask that you only have lunch with your student.
Lunch Times
Kinder- 11:35-12:00
First- 12:35-1:00
Second- 12:05-12:30
Third- 12:20-12:45
Fourth- 11:50-12:15
Please use the sign up genius link below to sign up:
Transportation Changes
Should you need to change your child’s transportation during the school day, you will need to send an email with the transportation change to bushtransportationchanges@conroeisd.net.
You may include the teacher in the email as well.
1. Student First / Last name
3. How they're going home:
All transportation changes must be received by 2:00 PM. No transportation changes will be accepted over the phone.
Volunteer Opportunities with Mrs. Beardsley
Conroe ISD Cars & Coffee
Join us Saturday, October 26, for our Fall District-Wide Cars & Coffee from 8 to 11 a.m. at Woodforest Bank Stadium. There will also be a designated area for an Emergency Response Vehicle Touch-a-Truck! Admission, car entry, and coffee are FREE! Roll-in for participants is from 7:30 to 8:00.
TWHS Theater
It’s that time of year again for The Woodlands High School Theater’s Annual Improv Camp! Such a great time for students in the community to come laugh and learn with our award-winning Improv Troupe.
Parent Volunteers
October is Bullying Awareness Month
Prevent bullying by encouraging kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Learn how at:
#BullyingPreventionMonth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #BullyingPrevention #STOMPOutBullying #ChooseKindness #BeKind #BlueUp #UnityDay
Spanish Translation:
Uno puede prevenir el bullying fomentando la bondad y conservando la calma.
Calling All Watch Dog Dads!
We are excited to announce a new volunteer activity for the Watch D.O.G.S. We are looking for 5 dads each morning the week of Red Ribbon Week October 28-November 1 to help open car doors. Below is the link to sign up.
Angie McGhee
Grades 3 & 4
Krystal McCure
Grades K, 1, & 2
Contact Information
Brooke McCoy, Assistant Principal
Sarah Howard, Assistant Principal
Angie McGhee, Counselor
Krystal McCure, Counselor
Campus Information
Our school hours are 7:55-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
Principal: Elizabeth Thompson, emthompson@conroeisd.net
Mission Statement
Bush Elementary: Our mission is to nurture strong and positive connections with students so they achieve independence, build confidence, and grow in their love of learning. Through enriching experiences and parent and community partnerships, we are committed to helping each student achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.