Quarterly Update # 3
Quarter 3
Welcome to 4th grade! We are so glad you are here with us!
Our busy classroom!
Daily Norms
*Make sure your child is getting plenty of rest- we go out to recess four times a day!
*Check your child's backpack for their orange folder and return it back to school. You will find student work and important information in these folders.
* If there is a change in dismissal for your child, the office must be notified.
*Attendance is really important! Let's work together to ensure your student is coming to school every day ready to learn!
*Students can bring a snack and water bottle daily!
Reading: Upcoming letter about Module 3 in Bookworms! Family Letter
Investigate and describe the ten-to-one place value relationship for decimals through thousandths
Represent and identify decimals expressed through thousandths
Read and write decimals through thousandths
Identify and communicate the place and value of each digit in a decimal through thousandths
Compare up to four decimals expressed through thousandths using symbols and words
Identify, represent, model and write fractions and mixed numbers as decimals and vice versa
Estimate, represent, solve and justify solutions to single-step contextual problems using addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers
Solve single-step contextual problems involving multiplication of a whole number and a unit fraction
Estimate, represent, solve, and justify solutions to single-step and multistep problems using addition and subtraction of decimals through the thousandths
Solve single-step and multistep contextual problems involving elapsed time
Apply the data cycle with a focus on line graphs
Virginia Studies: The American Civil War and Postwar Eras
Science: Oceans, Solar Systems and Planets, Earth, Moon and Sun Relationships.
Dates to remember
1/20- Martin Luther King King Jr. Day (no school)
2/14- Professional Development Day (no school for students)
2/17- President's Day (no school)