MacArthur Notes
September 13, 2024
Principals' Update
Greetings MacArthur Families,
Our first full week is in the books! We completed our first fire drill on Monday and saw the students eagerly engaging in their learning each day. We celebrated our first Eagle Excellence recipients during lunch this week and saw students beaming for being recognized for showing off our school values. Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Ready to Learn, Be Yourself, and *new this year* Be a Leader.
Hats off to all of our summer readers! We received an impressive number of August Reading Logs, but fell short of our goal for sliming. We look forward to honoring these students in the days ahead. Thank you for supporting our students' reading over the summer.
NEXT WEEK Join us for our first PTO Meeting of the month on Tuesday, September 17th at 7pm virtually. meet.google.com/vch-xxeo-uxs If you aren't able to make it on Tuesday night, stop by on Friday morning, 9/20/24 at 9am, to hear the recap at our monthly Principals' Forum. https://meet.google.com/fjq-uncf-zoy This month we will recap the PTO meeting and outline our school wide goals for the new year. We look forward to seeing you there for either meeting to learn more about your child's MacArthur experience.
Notes from Nurse Danielle King
Forsyth Dental is able to provide services at MacArthur again this year. Forsyth Dental is a free program for students that do not have a dental home. They provided preventative dental care. Below are forms to enroll your student. Once enrolled they will receive preventative dental care twice a year at school. If you have previously enrolled your student, you do not need to fill out the forms again. Once enrolled, they are enrolled for all of the time they are here.
Please send your student to school each day with a nutritious snack. Unfortunately, we can not give out snacks. All students are able to access free breakfast and lunch each day.
In addition to our weekly update, please see below for additional community opportunities from Waltham Recreation, the Reagle Players, and more!
Have a wonderful weekend!
In Partnership,
Mr. Kmiec - (781) 314-5721 kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Mr. Howes - (781) 314-5725 roberthowes@walthampublicschools.org
Lunch Menu
Waltham Recreation
Healthy Waltham Food Pantry
Next Dates: September 12 & September 26
Seeking new members for the MacArthur School Council and Equity and Inclusion (E&I) Committees for the 2024/2025 School Year: The MacArthur School Council is a collaborative group of MacArthur educators, family members, and community members who meet monthly for 45 minutes virtually in support of MacArthur School Improvement efforts. For the 2024-2025 school year, we will be looking to expand membership to include representatives from all six grade levels. Our Equity and Inclusion Committee also meets monthly virtually in support of providing students and families with a welcoming, inclusive learning community focused on helping all to feel a deep sense of belonging at MacArthur. Contact kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org for more information on either committee.
PTO Notes - 9/13/24
Welcome to our Kindergarten families! A few updates for all of our families this week.
Please join us for our first PTO meeting of the year! It will be held virtually on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00pm!
Save the Date! Our Trunk or Treat event will be held on Friday, October 25th. Time is TBD.
MacArthur Spiritwear - Don’t forget to purchase your MacArthur spirit wear while the store is still open! Deadline for orders is September 30th. Go online to https://macarthurfall-24.itemorder.com/
MacArthur Elementary School
Absence Line - (781) 314-5722
Email: kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Website: walthampublicschools.org/macarthur
Location: 494 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5721