Elm Hill School
January 2025
News from the Principal's Office
Hello Elm Families
WOW it is chilly out there! I hope you are all staying warm and finding things to do that allow you to stay inside.
Most recently our students have finished their second iReady diagnostic. This allows teachers to track student skills in math and literacy and modify approaches to ensure the most possible learning. I am so impressed by all of the students and how diligent they were at completing this work.
During the month of January we enjoyed a wonderful All School Meeting presentation from Ms Dodge's second graders. They had facilitated the meeting and shared a video from their class of each student identifying their personal hopes and dreams. It was inspiring and fun. Our next presentation will be from Nurse Mary regarding germs and how to stay healthy.
You will see a new face at Elm Hill as we welcome our Assistant Principal, Beth Smith to the team. Beth graduated from Green Mountain in 1999 and has returned to the area after a career in the military. She brings expertise specific to Elm's age group including behavior and trauma informed practices. We are excited to have her with us!!
On the Horizon - February break is just around the corner and planning for March literacy activities and events is underway. We will keep you informed as we get closer.
Thank you for all you do to support your amazing children and our school!
Important Dates
January 31 - Report cards sent home
February 12 - PTA meeting @ Elm Hill 6pm - 7:30pm
February 17 - 21 - Winter vacation, no school
Lost and Found
If your student has lost an item please reach out to Ryan Seaver at rseaver@ssdvt.org. Ryan is the keeper of lost and found.
Ms. Meredith's Second Grade
We spent the month of December learning about holidays around the world. We created passport books and suitcases to use for our travel. We virtually travelled to several countries, such as Germany, India, and England, to learn about their customs and traditions. An elementary school in England made the class a video about their holiday traditions. We really enjoyed watching it.
-Ms. Meredith’s 2nd Grade Class
Save the Date
Elm Hill Health Office News
Wishing a” Happy New Year” to our Elm Hill Community! 🎊
Winter = Illness, Especially Respiratory Illnesses: Current illnesses that are circulating in the Elm Hill Community: Strep Throat, Flu, Pneumonia COVID, and Norovirus (Stomach Bug)
A few friendly reminders to keep yourself and others well this winter:
Stay home if you are not feeling well;
Wash, Wash, Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow if you cough or sneeze;
Keep up to date on available vaccines
Practice social distancing when in crowded areas
**. Free COVID tests are still available from the Health Office and at the Springfield Town Library. Go to https://www.healthvermont.gov/disease-control/covid-19/testing for additional resources.
**Also, I am still obligated to report COVID cases for both students and staff. So, please contact me with the following information: date of positive test, symptoms and when they began. Thank you!!
Outerwear 🧥🧣🧤: Please send your child to school with appropriate outerwear, such as coats, hats, gloves/mittens, boots, so that they can be warm during the cold winter months while waiting for the bus or playing outside at school. We have limited clothing to share. Also, we would appreciate that any clothing borrowed be washed and returned to the Health Office. Thank you!
Some Suggestions for Fun Winter Family Activities ❄️:
Go outside and play! (Snow Angels, Winter Hikes, Build a snowman or snow fort–hopefully we will have snow soon!
When the weather or temperature does not allow for outdoor activities, some fun learning activities and videos can be found at: https://pbskids.org/
Watch a fun movie together
Cook a meal together, or bake some yummy treats!
Work on a puzzle together
Arts and Crafts
Tips for How to Help your Child Have a More Restful Sleep 😴 and Happier, More Productive Day: I think most would agree that getting a good night's sleep helps make facing our work/school/ our responsibilities a bit easier. See the tips below and more at https://healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/sleep/Pages/Sleep-and-Mental-Health.aspx
Use the bedroom for only sleep (remove TV, electronic devices)
Keep the bedroom at a cool temperature and dark
Avoid TV, electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime
Consider a light snack two hours before bedtime
Help your child create a unique, predictable and soothing bedtime routine
Free Webinar and Podcasts for Parents A free upcoming webinar about Healthy ♥️ Habits for Families is being offered on Friday, 2/14 at noon. Interesting and Informative podcasts are also available from the website HealthyChildren.org - From the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Have a Safe, Warm, and Healthy Winter!
With Kind Regards,
Nurse Mary