The 24' Thespian Educator Intensive
2025 Topics are coming this spring!
End Summer & Start Fall with us!
FOR REGISTRATION- If you are an official good standing member, you may register using code: TEI2024 (the code in the video above expired) for the discount. If you are staying overnight choose the Full Conference (FCON) ticket type. If you are commuting in without the hotel stay, choose the Basic Conference (BCON) ticket type. Go to vathespians.booktix.com, select the Thespian Teacher PD event, select the ticket type, add it to the cart, and then add the promo code for the discount to apply.
If you are in need of financial assistance, apply here! We would love to try to help you find a way there is possible!
Please register by July 5th ,2024 COB! Prices will go up after that!
Thespian Teacher PD
Come participate in up to 5 sessions, from over 10 to choose from, for up to 15 accreditation points for $190 Non-members & $160 for Thespian Members (including lunch for two days and a hotel night stay. There is also a modified ticket and price without hotel)!
Aug 4th 5:30 pm (optional to come early), $150 for another night "EXTENDED STAY"
-Optional Evening Welcome during cocktail hour
-Optional dinner outing around town
Aug 5th 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
-Sessions & lunch all day (pick up to 3, plus whole group sharing sessions)
-Networking & Happy Hour 5:30 pm
-Optional evening outing
Aug 6th 10 am-4:30 pm
-Sessions, lunch, closing activity (pick up to 4 and whole group sharing)
-Networking & Happy Hour 5:30 pm
-6:30 pm departure, planning team dinner around town
(you pick up to 7 across the 10 offerings over two days this year)
1. Consent Based Intimacy Direction: Learn how to help students work through intimacy on stage. It is hard to fabricate relationships with two students who barely know each other. Learn how to navigate that for various shows and scenes.
2. Theatre Arts Integration: How to introduce literature in class effectively and get your students engaged as well as interested in literature in your theatre classroom. Strategies will encompass pieces of literature including The Crucible, Medea, & Pygmalion. The goal is to make you and your students look forward rather than dread these units or just reading plays.
3. Balancing Time as an Island: How to balance all of your hats, jobs, etc. especially when you are one person managing a theatre company and teach at your school.
4. DEIA: The Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity & Accessibility in your program. Explore the equity and opportunities in the classroom, learn what initiatives are at the state level, share best practices, and gain new insight to reach diverse populations in your community.
5. Everyday SEL for Building Community & Confidence: Learn strategies for social-emotional wellness for yourself, your students and your troupe. This will include some light movement activities.
6. Writing & Applying for Grants: Learn about grants accessible to you for class projects, your after school programs, for PD, and more. You will have time to share resources and respond to application prompts to help you break down and tackle applications together.
7. Shakespeare with Ease: Learn how to make Shakespeare easier to approach with students, more engaging, and bring back the fun with the Bard!
8. Devised Theatre: Create magic from nothing. Start from scratch, based around the idea of ‘Making something of nothing’…how through commitment to an idea and moment we can create very theatrical happenings with limited resources.
9. Script Analysis & Scenic Design: Learn how to create a cohesive production through foundational script analysis. Learn the basis of designing for the stage by starting with scenic design. (Please bring laptop or other device)
10. Basics of Viewpoints: Learn foundations of an improvisation technique that helps train actors and directors, build ensemble(s), and create movement on stage for scene work or productions. (Wear clothing suitable for movement)
Sunday, Aug 4, 2024, 05:30 PM
Drury Plaza Hotel Richmond, West Broad Street, Glen Allen, VA, USA
Complete this form and register below to join us!
Register for our event here!
Day 1: Optional- Aug 4th
*Optional early check in Aug 4th, suggestions to sightsee around town
5:30-6:30 pm Early check in and Happy Hour
6:30 pm Optional outing or sightseeing guide- TBD
Day 2: Aug 5th
8-9:30 am Continental breakfast
10:00 am Room set up, call for all presenters for a brief meeting & set up
10:30-10:50 am Check in, Answer icebreaker questions
10:50-12:20 pm SESSION 1 time- pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
12:20-1:00 pm lunch -Apple Spice Catering
1:00-2:30 pm SESSION 2 time- pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
2:40-4:20 pm SESSION 3 time- pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
4:30-5:15 pm - All together - Sticky Prompts Sharathon: Best Dept. Tricks
5:30-6:30 pm Networking Hour/ Sharing Hour : Hors d'oeuvres + group sharing
7:00 pm OPTIONAL Richmond show? Or Cheesecake Factory group dinner
Day 3: Aug 6th
8-9:00 am Continental Breakfast, Brief planning committee mtg 8:15-9:00 am
9:10-10:40 am SESSION 4 time- pick 1 of 3 offered sessions, check out of room(s)
10:50-12:20 pm SESSION 5 time- pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
12:20-1:00 pm lunch -Apple Spice Catering
1:00-2:30 pm SESSION 6 pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
2:40-4:10 pm SESSION 7 pick 1 of 3 offered sessions
4:20-5:00 pm Closing Activities & Sharing- Raffles, takeaways, etc.
5:00-5:30 pm - Free time/ Open Time to leave
5:30-6:30 pm Networking Hour/ Sharing Hour : Hors d'oeuvres + group sharing (for those who want to stay longer)
6:30 pm Departure