Larson Elementary
News You Can Use for September 5, 2024
From the Principal's Desk...
Dear Larson Families,
It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been in school for three weeks! Our students have done an amazing job following our Eagle Expectations every day and I’m extremely proud of each and every one of them.
September will be a busy month for us as Flag Football, Cross Country and some of our clubs get started. If your child is interested in a club or sport, please reach out to the office or your child’s teacher and we will get you the information.
On Thursday, September 26th we will have our Annual Title I meeting as well as our Goodies with Guardians event in the gym. It will take place from 8:00 to 9:15am and there will be treats and other fun things for families to participate in. We look forward to seeing everyone!
We currently have a few openings at Larson. We are looking for a Recess Monitor, Tutor Advisor and Special Education Paraprofessional. If you are interested, please apply through the district website or reach out to the school with any questions you may have.
🦅 Eagle Expectations: Soaring High 🦅
Matt LaHue
Family Teacher Association News (FTA)
Family Teacher Association Membership Drive in Full Swing!
The Larson FTA is having a membership drive from September 3rd - September 10th. The FTA is an organization comprising parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation fun-filled and engaging school events. The classroom with the most participation wins a class party.
Sign up online at:
The next Meeting is Tuesday, September 17th at 4:15pm in the Larson Library
Get involved! Have fun! Meet people!
FTA Family Olympics Fundraiser
The Larson Elementary Family Teacher Association is hosting a Family Olympics Fundraiser on Friday, September 20th from 5:30-7:30pm. Stay tuned for more information to come home with students.
FTA Popcorn Information
Popcorn Fridays will look different this year. The Family Teacher Association (FTA) will be sponsoring one popcorn Friday a month and the day will be a surprise. A bag of popcorn will be given to every student at no cost.
The FTA always welcomes popcorn donations:
Canola Oil
1 oz Popcorn Bags (sold on Amazon)
Bulk Popcorn Kernels
AK STAR and Science Reports Available
The results from the Spring 2024 AK STAR and Alaska Science administration are now available for you to view in ParentVUE if your child tested in Mat-Su in spring 2024. Directions on how to view these reports are attached as well as the Family Guide to Assessment Reports. If your child tested in another district in Alaska in spring 2024, you will need to contact the previous district for results.
Join us for our Annual Title I Meeting/ Goodies with Guardians Event!
Where: Larson Elementary
When: Thursday, September 26th
Time: 8:00am - 9:15am
Parents/Guardians are invited to have breakfast snacks with their student(s) in the gym, and to learn about our Title 1 Funding.
Apply Now for Free and Reduced Lunch!
Students must apply for Free and Reduced Lunch each school year. The grace period to receive lunch for the 2024-2025 school year is September 30th. If you haven't already applied for the new school year, please do so today!
School Meal Prices:
Breakfast $3.00
Lunch: $4.00
Milk: $1.00
Fall Picture Day! Bring Your Smiles!
Fall picture day is Thursday, September 19th. Picture order forms went home this week. Orders can be placed by visiting One to two parent volunteers are needed. Please call the front office if you are available to help.
Larson Picture Day Code: EVTRCBZG2
2024-2025 Larson Student Handbook
The 2024-2025 Larson Student Handbook is available by clicking on the button below. Please take a few moments to sit down with your student(s) to go over the Larson Elementary rules and regulations. The handbook is also available on the Larson website.
Durham Bus Information
Please contact Durham Bus Services at 907- 885-3561 for any of the following reasons:
- Drop off and Pick Up Issues
- Late Buses
- Missed Bus Stops
- Lost Items
Where's My Bus Information
For a look at a student’s bus location, parents can go to and click on Parents > Transportation Lookup > Where’s My Bus. This document walks you through how to access Where's My Bus with picture references.
The username and password will be the phone number that a parent/guardian used at the time of registration. Please note that GPS will not work if the route is being driven in a substitute bus. If you are having issues viewing the bus, please contact either the Pupil Transportation Department at 907-761-HELP (4357) or the IT HELP DESK at 907-761-4357.
PikMyKid App Information
A great BIG THANK YOU to our Larson Parents for downloading and using the new PikMyKid App! Parents are successfully using it and the curbside line is moving smoothly! If you don't have the app, please download it today. It makes the curbside staff's job a lot easier and keeps the line moving quickly.
If you have any questions about PikMyKid, please call the front office at 907-352-2300. You can also contact the PikMyKid Help Line at 813-649-8028. Please click on the button below for the PikMyKid Parent App Resource Website to answer all your questions.
Title I Right to Know Letter
Larson is proud to be a Title I School!
It's only the third week of school and our lost and found is overflowing! Please make sure your students are checking it frequently. It is located in the front entrance of the school. Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the first quarter (October 18th).
Substitutes are Needed at Larson! Come Join our Team TODAY!
If you are interested in applying, please contact Jayme Gueco at (907) 352-2303 for more information.
Guidelines for Success
Eagle, Eagle, Eagle! I am an Eagle!
Larson Eagles are:
9/5/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Dena'ina (at Larson)
9/10/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Cottonwood (AWAY)
9/12/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Shaw (at Larson)
9/17/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Iditarod (at Larson)
9/17/2024 FTA Meeting at 4:15pm in Library
9/19/2024 Lifetouch Fall Pictures
9/19/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Dena'ina (AWAY)
9/19/2024 Cross Country Knight Invite at Colony High
9/20/2024 Larson FTA Family Olympics (5:30pm-7:30pm)
9/24/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Iditarod (AWAY)
9/25/2024 Cross Country Distict Meet at Palmer High School
9/26/2024 Title I Annual Meeting/Goodies with Guardians Event in the Gym (8am-9:15am)
10/3/2024 Flag Football Game - Larson vs Dena'ina (at Larson)
10/5/2024 Flag Football Tournament at Teeland Middle School (9:00am)