Middle School East!
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year
New and Returning Students
The STMA Middle School East staff would like to welcome you to our school! We are excited to ignite the path of learning within our school community. We are incredibly proud of the community that we work in and enjoy the partnership developed between home and school for student success.
We currently have 964 students enrolled for this upcoming school year! Two hundred sixty-eight students in grade 5, 227 students in grade 6, 235 students in grade 7, and 234 students in grade 8. The staff here at Middle School East can't wait to meet you. We'll be with you every step of the way as you learn about life as a middle schooler! We are very proud of the caring, supportive environment that students and staff contribute to here and want you to know that you are always welcome to reach out with any questions or concerns that you have. Middle School can be a very challenging developmental time for students; know that we're here to ensure you have an excellent academic, social, and emotional experience. Student schedules will be available for you to see on Friday, August 18th, in ParentVue. Feel free to contact one of our two counselors with any questions regarding schedules. Please know that lockers are unavailable to students until Open House, as changes and updates continue to be made to them.
Be sure to check out the number of different activities and athletics students have to choose from! Getting involved and connected is a great way to get to know other people, learn, grow, and have fun!! This year our staff will continue to work hard to ensure that students' academic needs are being met, collaborate with students and families to ensure that students are growing and performing developmentally appropriate skills, and finally, we will be focusing on opportunities for students to engage appropriately with technology. We appreciate your efforts at home to visit with your child about school, check StudentVue/ParentVue together to ensure strong academic performance, and monitor their assignment book and technology as they develop stronger executive functioning skills.
We are looking so forward to the upcoming school year! Thank you for joining us!
Jennie Kelly
STMA Middle School East Principal
Welcome Events
Orientation for NEW 6th-8th Grade Students -- Thursday, August 24, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
You will have the opportunity to meet other MSE students, take a tour of the building, meet some of the MSE staff, and learn more about STMA Middle School East. There will also be time for you to ask questions or voice concerns you may have. The orientation will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m. Come prepared to meet other MSE students, see the school, and have some fun! We hope to see you on Thursday, August 24th!
5th Grade WEB Orientation -- Monday, August 28, 2023, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The WEB Program stands for Where Everyone Belongs and is a program here at our school for incoming 5th Graders! They will meet our outstanding 8th-grade WEB leaders, tour the school, and participate in fun activities throughout the morning. On Monday, August 28, 5th Grade WEB Orientation will run from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bus transportation will be provided during regular route times/locations for morning pick-up and return after the event has concluded.
5th-6th Grade Open House and Pictures -- Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
5th-6th grade students and parents are invited to come and familiarize themselves with the school, meet teachers, drop off school supplies, and practice their locker combinations. The Open House Folder is digital, so please grab a device before you come! School pictures will be from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Please make every effort to have your student's pictures taken during this event so they have their ID cards for the beginning of the year.
7th-8th Grade Open House and Pictures -- Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
7th-8th grade students and parents are invited to come and familiarize themselves with the school, meet teachers, drop off school supplies, and practice their locker combinations. The Open House Folder is digital, so please grab a device before you come! School pictures will be from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Please make every effort to have your student's pictures taken during this event so they have their ID cards for the beginning of the year.
First Day of School -- Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 8:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
School Day
During the 2023-24 School Year
MSE Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Classes In Session from: 8:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Students may begin to arrive at school when the school doors open at 8:00 a.m.
KORT is the name for our multi-age advisory period that meets from 8:25-8:50 each morning. Students in 5th through 8th grade will work together and remain with the same KORT teacher during their time at Middle School East. Each day will feature a different focus and structure.
Monday: DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)
Tuesday: DEAR
Wednesday: Character Education
Thursday: Character Education
Friday: Community Building Activities
Click the KORT button above this section to see lessons and themes from the 2022-23 school year. The 2023-24 KORT calendar and curriculum will be available on the MSE homepage under Student Resources at the start of the school year.
Each student will receive a physical copy of the handbook and essential topics will be covered in KORT class during the first week of school. Please follow the link to the handbook above to learn more about Middle School East.
Student Attendance Information
For more detailed information regarding the student attendance policy, including descriptions of truancy, excused and unexcused absences, please refer to pages 6-8 of the STMA Middle School Handbook linked above.
Free and Reduced Information
School breakfast and lunch are free for all students this year, but there are more benefits for those who qualify. Students whose families qualify for free and reduced-fee lunches also get reduced fees for school activities. If you would like to apply please complete an Educational Benefit application. Applications can be completed via Stratapps our online application system, or you can download and print an Educational Benefit Application Form Here. The forms can also be picked up and returned (completed) to any school office. You will be notified by mail of your child's status.
A new application must be submitted each year. You are encouraged to complete and return your new application as soon as possible.
Please complete only one application per family. The information you give will be used to determine your child's eligibility for Educational Benefits. This information may also be used for other state or federally-funded school benefits.
Factors considered in the application process are the household size and total household income.
- HOUSEHOLD SIZE is considered all persons, related or unrelated: Including parents, children, grandparents who live in your home and share living expenses.
- The TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME is the income each household member received last month before taxes - this includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income.
Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal benefits. An application is not needed yet there does need to be documentation of status by a state or local entity familiar with the child's status. Foster children may be included in the household application as part of the household size.
Additional information about Free and Reduced can be found HERE
Classroom Fun!
Although we strive to encourage all of our students to be leaders in our school, we have two designated leadership groups at East!
Knights Ambassadors
Counseling Corner
Our counseling team is excited to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! We are dedicated to empowering every student to achieve academic success and social/emotional growth. We are passionate about helping students overcome issues that are negatively impacting their achievement or well-being. Our department does not provide therapy or long-term counseling; however, we continue to support all students through their middle school years! We typically work with students in a small group or individual setting, and can provide resources to families as well. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any support your child or family needs!
Please know that your school counselors are here to support you!
Last names A-L please contact Ms. Kornovich amyko@mystma.org
Last names M-Z please contact Mrs. Mesna jessicame@mystma.org
School Social Worker please contact Mrs. Buskey jessicab@mystma.org
Need a break? Not sure how to quiet your mind? Check out STMA's Virtual Calming Room. Between journaling, coloring, mindfulness and mind games, you can find an activity to calm your mind and body. Use these tools to manage your emotions and find new ways to cope with the stress and anxiety of everyday life.
School Social Worker
Ways to empower your child!
Lockers - take time to teach your child how to open their lockers and give them the opportunity to practice opening it until they feel confident. Locker combinations need to be kept private for your child's own protection.
Schedule - review your child's schedule with them and walk through their day to locate classrooms.
Passing Time/Bathroom - identify times within their schedule to use the restroom, go to their locker and be to class on time. This may seem trivial, but is often an area of concern. Students go to their lockers every few class periods. Not after every class.
Staff - remind your kids that they are not alone in feeling excited, nervous, or uncertain. We are here to help them and know that this will be a transition. Take time to have your son/daughter introduce themselves and you to their teachers. This will help them find friendly faces those first few days of school.
Involvement - encourage your child to get involved with school activities! There are a number of different opportunities including both academic and athletic programs! These activities are promoted during our daily announcement, televised announcements, and our school web page.
Allow them to fail ... a lot of valuable learning! You don't HAVE to bring forgotten items
- Swimsuits, homework, lunches, instruments, sports gear, sports schedules, gym clothes, gym shoes, planner, ID card
Jennifer Kelly, Principal
David Holler, Assistant Principal
Molly Schleicher, Dean of Students/Activities Director
Jennifer Scheel, Principals Administrative Assistant
Amy Kornovich, School Counselor for last names A-L
Jessica Mesna, School Counselor for last names M-Z
Jessica Buskey, School Social Worker
Connect with us
Email: jenniferk@mystma.org
Website: https://www.stma.k12.mn.us/
Location: 4862 Naber Avenue Northeast, Saint Michael, MN, USA
Phone: 763-497-2655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmamse
Twitter: @stma_ms_east