Willow Parent Bulletin #4
September 25, 2020
Thank you to everyone who stuck with us through the glitch in our Open House link last night. Once we got going we were able to introduce some of the faces your child doesn't get to see daily but may work with at some point. Mr. Coronado, our music teacher, led us in a new PBIS chant about being safe, caring and ready. The night continued with Mr. Slivka doing a directed drawing of our mascot, Wyle D. Cat. Don't forget to add your picture to our padlet: https://padlet.com/melissalawson2/iokujefuh9v7c1cc. Mr. Witkowski and Mrs. Mastela revved everyone up with the YMCA and Uptown Funk dances and then settled us back down with a little bit of mindful. Our night ended with the story Be You! by Peter Reynolds.
The good news is that if you missed out on the evening or gave up on the technology, it was recorded. We will let you know when that link is available.
This week's announcements come from the Willow Office. Meet secretaries Mrs. Hildreth, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Sorensen as they announce the birthdays and lead you in the pledge.https://www.loom.com/share/c854ceebf16d479bb3ccdb53010b99f6
Event Information
Willow Hill Dance Party
Weather permitting, we want to see those dance moves you picked up at Open House. Join Mrs. Mastela and Mr. Witt at the bottom of Willow Hill for 30 minutes of outdoor fun. Wear your mask and find a dot that's a safe distance from everyone else. If we need to cancel, we will send a reminder that morning.
Friday, Oct 2, 2020, 01:30 PM
1804 Willow Rd, Homewood, IL 60430, USA
- September 28: No School- Yom Kippur
- October 1: 1st and 2nd grade material pick up from 3:30PM -4:40PM
- October 2: Willow Hill dance Party at 1:30 PM
- October 2: Kindergarten material pick up 2PM -3PM
- October 12: No School- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 30: All grades material pick up ( 12PM-Kindergarten, 1 PM-1st grade, 2PM- 2nd grade) Wear your Halloween costume when you come!
- November 2: No School- remote planning day
- November 3: No School- Election Day- BE SURE TO VOTE
- November 20; End of first trimester
- November 25: early release at 1:35 PM
- November 26-27: No School-Thanksgiving Break
- December 3-4: No School-Parent-Teacher conferences
- December 18: early release at 1:35 PM
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708.798.3720
Facebook: facebook.com/HomewoodSchoolDistrict153