A Message from the Principal

Back to school message #2
August 22, 2024
A message from Mr. Hagerty, Principal; Anoka Middle School for the Arts
This is Mr. Hagerty, your AMSA Principal with a couple more reminders for our Anoka Middle School families as we prepare for Open House and the start of the school year for our kids.
First, our Anoka Middle School for the Arts Open House will take place on Tuesday evening, August 27 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. These times are for both our Washington 6th grade campus and our Fred Moore 7/8 campus. Our Open House will be an opportunity for picking up class schedules, placing items in lockers and orientating to our building layout and campuses. More detailed information can be found on our website: https://www.ahschools.us/amsa
Next, on August 27 and prior to Open House, families will be able to download a copy of class schedules, locker information and bussing information from your Parent and Student Vue account accessible from AHconnect and your parent portal. Bring these with you so you can avoid lines at open house.
Next, the first day of school on Tuesday, September 3 is for 6th and 7th graders only. Our teachers will be spending time with students in their assigned classrooms helping them organize for the school year, review expectation and build school community. This is called our Cyclone Experience. 8th graders will receive similar information on September 4 when they arrive for their first day of school. The Cyclone Experience includes getting their school pictures taken for thier ID cards.
Lastly, a reminder that all students will be issued a Chromebook, charger and carrying case on their first day of school during the Cyclone Experience on September 3 for grade 6 and 7 and then on September 4 for grade 8. Students are responsible for these school owned items and all of it will be turned in at year’s end. Backpacks will remain in student’s school issued locker during the school day.
See you soon.
Mr. Hagerty, Principal AMSA
Washington 6th grade and Fred Moore 7th/8th grade campuses
This e-newsletter is published by Anoka Middle School for the Arts. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.Contact us.