Berthoud High School Newsletter

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📆 Important Dates 📆
- SAC Meeting at BHS Library: February 4, 2025 at 4:30pm
- Deadline to Register for Spring Sports: February 14, 2025 *See registration details in athletic/activity section below.
- No School, Presidents' Day: February 17, 2025
- No School for Students: February 18, 2025
- Revised Bell Schedule: February 19, 2025 - February 21, 2025
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Please read the following state parent immunization letter for the 2025-2026 school year:
🍎🏫 SAC Meeting at BHS Library 🏫🍎
Please join us for the joint school SAC meeting on February 4, 2025 at 4:30pm in the Berthoud High School Library. A representative from the district office will be discussing future bond and mill levy possibilities for Thompson School District R2-J. We hope to see you there!
❓ Is your family contact information up-to-date? ❓
Dear Families,
As we continue in the winter season, it’s important that your contact information in the Parent Portal is updated to receive any communications regarding school closures or school delays. Please add emergency contacts to your child’s profile also in case you are unable to pick up your child if school is closed early.
🔔⏰ February 19th-21st Revised Bell Schedule ⏰🔔
🏊 🏀 🤼 Athletics & Activities 🤼 🏀 🏊
Register for Spring Sports: Deadline to register is Friday, Feb 14th, 2025
Are you interested in participating in spring sports? Get registered through Big Teams today ~ Step by step instructions. Do you need a new sports physical? Don’t delay! Schedule your appointment today. 2024-25 CHSAA Approved Sports Physical Form . *Please note, the sports physical form is not considered valid unless all sections of page 4 are complete
Check out the Berthoud Fan Store:
Get your Spartan apparel delivered to your home and be ready to show your Spartan spirit. Great gift ideas for the entire family. You can find a quick link here and start shopping today! Orders will ship within 2 weeks of being placed.
Meet the Team:
Meet the Team - get to know your coaching staff!
A few words from our Athletic Trainer:
Parent handbook is attached here
Purchasing Athletic Passes:
Please complete the order form attached here. Bring your completed order form and payment to Mrs. Bunker in the main office. We accept cash, checks or credit cards. Passes are valid during regular season home sporting events. This pass is NOT VALID during post season events such as regionals, playoffs, foundation games or fundraiser events.
At the gate:
$8 Adults
$5 Students (60+ and Veterans)
This week's events:
Tues, Feb 4th:
Boys Basketball @ Severance 4:30 JV, 6:00 C, 7:30 V
Girls Basketball @ Severance 4:30 JV, 6:00 V, 7:30 C
Unified Basketball (H) v Northridge 6:00
Fri, Feb 7th:
Boys Wrestling @ Valley HS TBD
Girls Wrestling @ Yuma HS “3A Regionals” TBD
Sat, Feb 8th:
Girls Wrestling @ Yuma HS “3A Regionals” TBD
Schedule is subject to change. Please view our BHS Spartans / Sports & Activities tab for the most up to date schedules.
Volunteers Needed for Concessions
Berthoud High School Athletic Boosters is looking for volunteers to work the concessions stand during home athletic events. Please click on the link below to sign up to volunteer and earn money for your team.
February 13th Basketball: Music Boosters
February 18th Basketball: Track Working
February 22nd Basketball: Boys Golf Working
February 27th Basketball: Cross Country Working
💛💙💚🧡💜 Counselor's Corner 💜🧡💚💙💛
Important Registration Information
Sophomores: Mandatory Registration Meeting
Tuesday, February 4th during ELO
Pick Up: Thursday, February 13th & Friday, February 14th in English classes
- Future Freshman: Class of 2029
Tuesday, February 4th
6:00 - 7:00 PM
Registration forms will be distributed and counselors will go over the registration process for all incoming freshmen.
Please only park and enter on the East Side of the building.
College Visits
Fort Lewis College will be here during ELO on Tuesday, February 11th in the BHS conference room
University of Northern Colorado; Future Teacher Conference
Friday, February 7th from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
- Future Teacher Conference Registration Link
- Future Teacher Informational Flyer
- This year’s conference will highlight
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Latine Education and Hispanic Serving Initiatives
Secondary Education: Social Studies, English, Science, and Family and Consumer Sciences
Special Education
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education
K-12 Education
Educational Technology
Parenting Class (Community Resource, not affiliated with/endorsed by TSD or BHS)
Parenting BIG Behaviors Virtual Counseling Group Beginning the first week in February Mondays at 6 pm or Tuesdays at 11 am $25/session Learn more on the Big Behavior Group flier This is a community resource, not sponsored or endorsed by BHS or TSD Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) The program is a free resource for individuals who have loved ones who struggle with substance use or behavioral addictions. A new session of CRAFT will begin Thursday, February 6th at 6 PM Harmony Library, 4616 S Shields St, Fort Collins Also Available on Google Meet More information found on the CRAFT flier This is a community resource, not sponsored or endorsed by BHS or TSD
- Poudre Valley REA Scholarship – Application deadline February 10, 2025 (high school seniors, must receive electricity from Poudre Valley REA).
- Thompson Education Foundation (TEF) Scholarships - Application deadline: March 2, 2025
- The Namaqua Chapter Scholarship Overview & Namaqua Chapter Scholarship Application - Application Deadline: March 15, 2025
- Loveland Elks Scholarship - Application Deadline: March 16, 2025
- Colorado County Clerks Association 2025 Annual Scholarships - Award: $500 - $1000 | Deadline: March 28, 2025
- P.E.O. HA Memorial Scholarship - (Women Only) Application Deadline: March 28, 2025
- Visit our BHS Scholarships Opportunities page to stay up to date on all the current scholarships available.
Thompson Career Campus (TCC)
- TCC applications for the 25-26 school year are open.
- First Enrollment Window: Closes at 11:59 PM on February 14, 2025
Applications received after this date will be considered in round two if space is available in any pathway.
Interested students apply NOW!
Accepted Students Timeline:
Counselor spreadsheet updates: Be the end of the first week of March
Acceptance letters to families: Sent out before Spring Break
Work-Based Learning
Students aged 16 and up are invited to apply to any of the following TSD internships or jobs.
For questions or help applying, please contact your school's Work-Based Learning Specialist:
Rick Bowles rick.bowles@tsd.org
RYLA & YRYLA Leadership Training Program
RYLA and YRYLA is a leadership training program sponsored by Rotary International that promotes, encourages and rewards outstanding young people. An all-expenses paid six-day conference that brings together a special group of young men and women from Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska to share ideas about becoming better leaders. An action-packed program of activities that helps build confidence and leadership skills (like problem solving games, challenge course, skits, group discussions and team building activities) Please see www.rockymountainryla.org for more information.
Students: Remember that every student is required to log 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement (students new to our district over the course of high school vary); don’t wait to get started! You can pick up the sheet to record your hours in the library or print at home using this link, AND YOU MUST TAKE A SHEET TO AN EVENT TO BE SIGNED BY THE SUPERVISING NONPROFIT OR AGENCY.
Please see Ms. Barrett in the library to submit completed forms or for ideas on additional service opportunities.
BHS Make for Good Opportunities
In-School, “always open” opportunity, February 1-28!
Join us in the Compassionate Makerspace in the library during an open period to make a rice eye pillow or shoulder soother for a client of Project Self-Sufficiency, a nonprofit who supports single parents in our community. Come share your established skills or let us teach you how, and earn community service hours without even leaving the school!
In-School, “always available,” ongoing opportunity!
Stop by the library during an open period to partner with our Compassionate Makerspace and create a set of birthday cards for the clients of two area nonprofits, Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud, and Project Self Sufficiency. You can pick up a kit of materials and the instructions at the main desk, stay in the library to make a set of 14 cards, return the cards to the library desk and earn an hour of service! This activity can be repeated up to 5 times (for a total of 5 hours).
🎓 Class of 2025 Information 🎓
Graduation will be held at Max Marr Stadium on May 24, 2025 at 9:00am. All other graduation information will be sent out in March.
BHS Staff Amazon Wish Lists
Will you please help our BHS staff fulfill their Amazon Wish Lists
Student Recognition (PBIS, Intervention, Student Awards, etc)
🚗 BHS Parking Permits 🚙
ALL students that drive to BHS are required to display a parking permit in their vehicle to park on campus. Please register your vehicle at the following link: http://bit.ly/bhspermit or use the QR code posted by the main office for your FREE parking permit (1st=free, if replacement is needed=$2.00/ea.) Once you have completed the form and it has been processed, you will be called to the office to pick up your permit. The permits are good until the student graduates and will be turned in at that time.
Why is this necessary? For the students and staff safety we need information on every vehicle here at the school. Any vehicle without a permit or who is parked in violation of other school rules or laws may receive a Parking Violation from BHS. First offense is a $20.00 fine and fines go up for second and third violations. Payment must be made to the school’s Bookkeeping Office within 14 days after receiving the violation. Continual violations or a serious violation may result in loss of parking privileges at BHS. If you have any questions, please speak with SRO Deputy, Vince Mosley or Campus Security
Berthoud High School Student & Family Handbook
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with Board Policy AC, Thompson School District does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived characteristics such as, but not limited to, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, immigration/citizenship status, age, marital status, conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth, genetic information, mental or physical disability, need for special education services, or any other protected class in conformance with federal, state, and local law in admission or access to, or treatment and employment in, its programs and activities. A lack of English skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.
The following person/people has/have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Title IX/Employee ADA/Section 504/EEO Compliance Officer
Director of Human Resources
800 South Taft Avenue
Loveland, Colorado 80537
(970) 613-5009
Student ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer
Executive Director of Student Support Services
800 South Taft Avenue
Loveland, Colorado 80537
(970) 613-5092
De acuerdo con la política AC del consejo educativo, el Distrito Escolar de Thompson no discrimina sobre la base de características verdaderas o percibidas de una persona, tal como, pero sin limitación a, la raza, el color de piel, el sexo, la orientación sexual, la identidad de género, la expresión de género, la religión, el credo, el país de origen, la ascendencia, el estado de inmigración/ciudadanía, la edad, el estado civil, condiciones relacionadas con el embarazo o el parto, la información genética, una discapacidad mental o física, la necesidad para servicios de educación especial o cualquier otra clase protegida bajo ley federal, estatal y local al brindar admisión o acceso a, o trato o empleo en los programas y actividades del distrito escolar. La falta de competencia en inglés no será una barrera a la admisión o la participación.
Las siguientes personas han sido encargadas de recibir cualquier pregunta relacionada con las políticas de no discriminación:
El/la responsable del cumplimiento de Título IX/ADA para empleados/Sección 504/EEO
Director de Recursos Humanos
El/la responsable del cumplimiento de ADA/Sección 504 para estudiantes
Director ejecutivo de Servicios de Apoyo al Estudiante
Berthoud High School
Counseling Registrar: (970)613-7711
Counseling Secretary: (970)613-7710
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm M, T, Th, F & 9:00 am - 4:00 pm W
School Hours: 8:30 am - 3:50 pm M, T, Th, F & 9:30 am - 3:50 pm W
Doors open for students: 8:15 am M, T, Th, F & 9:15 am W
Website: https://www.thompsonschools.org/berthoudhs
Location: 850 Spartan Ave, Berthoud, CO, USA
Phone: (970)613-7700