Win Ferguson Elementary
Chinese New Year January 29: Year of the Wood Snake 🐍
Grade 6 actors
Kindergarten students head into their concert
Kinder concerts well attended in the gym
Mental Health Moments
Play, Online Games & Chats, & Connection
Many boys connect with peers by gaming online. Reasonable time limits (30-60 minutes on school days & 1-2 hours on non-school days) can provide an emotional release and time to regulate while also maintaining relationships with known peers online.
While some girls also game online, many connect with peers via messaging apps and social media platforms on their devices. Sensible limits for messaging and social media time (30-60 minutes on school days & 1-2 hours on non-school days) can provide social connection time while also prompting girls to be discriminating in who they message (peers who build each other up) and social media apps that build their creativity and self-esteem.
Encourage plenty of physical activity for all school-aged children and teens. Outdoor play, including walks to meet with friends and family, boosts mood, increases physical strength, and positively impacts sleep which all children need.
Need ideas on how to set screen time limits for children, teens, and other family members? Check out this article from the Child Mind Institute.
Grade 4 Parents/Caregivers Survey from Alberta Education
Watch Your Mail for Your Access Code
Every year in the winter, parents/caregivers of Grade 4, 7, and 10 students receive a letter with a survey and/or a random access code to share information with Alberta Education about the quality of education in your child's school and school division.
Sample survey questions/statements can be found online and include some of the following:
- My child finds school interesting.
- My child is safe at school.
- My child is learning useful literacy skills.
- My child is learning important numeracy skills.
- Music, physical education, art, and drama opportunities are available at my child's school.
- Specialized supports to help my child are available at my child's school.
- My child is learning about Indigenous people and cultures at school.
- I have opportunities to be involved in decisions at my child's school.
Families, your survey responses help us to know where we're doing well and where we need to improve. Survey responses are anonymous and results are shared with the school and the EIPS Board of Trustees each spring.
Indoor recess movement fun in December
December spirit days kept us smiling
Grade 5 & 6 basketball tryouts
Indoor recess - time to connect
Handbell rehearsals in the gym
Grade 6 scientists teach younger peers
Brain Booster Check In
Sleep is Needed for Learning & Regulation
Children's and teens' bodies and brains need sleep. During sleep, the brain sorts through and stores information, replaces chemicals, and even solves problems.
Most young people don’t get enough sleep. Kids 5-12 years old need 9 to 12 hours each night. Not every child is the same and some kids need more sleep than others.
Need ideas for helping your family with sleep routines and good habits? Check out this website from Kids Health (for your children) or this link for parents and caregivers.
School Fees for 2025/26 - Information for Parents/Caregivers
Proposed Fees - Info at January 27 School Council Meeting
Join us for a first discussion about school fees (field trips, noon supervision, extracurricular activities) at the Monday, January 27 School Council meeting at 6 PM in the library learning commons. A survey with information will be emailed to all families following the meeting as well.
Sacred Teaching in Focus: Courage
Bear Teaches Courage
Courage is the ability to face uncertainty, fear, danger, or change with confidence and bravery. Though gentle by nature, the ferociousness of a mother Bear when one of her cubs is approached is the true definition of courage. To have the mental and moral strength to overcome fears that prevent us from living our true spirit as human beings is a great challenge that must be met with the same purpose and energy as a mother Bear protecting her cub.
Important Dates
January 13 - Indigenous Blanket Exercise for Grade 6 students
January 13 - Government of Alberta K-3 assessments begin in EIPS
January 14 - "Jam-a-day" reading in PJs to support the Fort Saskatchewan Nourishment Center
January 24 - Hot Lunch: Booster Juice (order here)
January 27 - School Council and Parent Teacher Advisory meetings 6 PM in the library (childcare available; please email winfergusonpta@outlook.com )
January 27 - Giant Indigenous floor map in the gym for learning
January 29 - No School; staff professional learning day
January 30 to February 5 - Scholastic Book Fair in the library learning commons
February 1 - Kindergarten registration for 2025/26 opens
February 1 - New student registration in EIPS opens
February 3 - Alberta Musical Theatre Company's production of Rapunzel (PTA sponsored event)
February 3 & 4 - Learning Conferences (Parent-Teacher Interviews 3:30 - 7 PM) & Book Fair
February 5 - Early dismissal 2:12 PM for staff meeting
February 6 & 7 - No School; Teachers' Convention
February 10 to 24 - Returning student registration in EIPS
February 17 - No School; Family Day holiday
Book Fair January 30 to February 4
Mark your calendars!
The fun and excitement of a WFG Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school!
January 30 to February 4, 2025
Volunteers are needed to make it the best book fair it can be! If you can offer your time and talents to help students grow their imaginations it would be greatly appreciate.
Day shifts are Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00 to 12:00 ; also, Thursday afternoon 1:00-3:00. Evening shifts are Monday, evening 4:30 to 7:30 and Tuesday 3:30-6:30pm (even an hour helps!)
Students will have an opportunity to visit the fair with their class., the Fair will be open during Parent Teacher Interviews to give parents/guardians time to shop.
For more information checkout the bookfair website at https://bookfairs.scholastic.ca/bf/winfergusoncommschool1 or contact Natalie Bos, school librarian at natalie.bos@eips.ca
Thank you and happy reading!
What’s happening in the Learning Commons in January?
Win Ferguson is participating in the Jamuary Reading Challenge
What is this? Twice but Nice is pledging to the Food Bank, matching every reading minute the kids read up to $500!
The prize: The school with the most reading minutes wins the Golden Jam Jar trophy!
How: Track your reading minutes each day between January 13-19 on the jam jar that will be sent home.
During that week we will track reading meetings in the library.
Celebrating the Many Cultures of Our School Community
'Gong hei fat choy' | 恭喜发财
What does that mean? It's a common Cantonese Chinese New Year greeting that means wishing you prosperity and good fortune :)
Here are some other traditional greetings, including how to pronounce them! Celebrations are on January 29 this year.