Tiger Tales
Parent Newsletter
May 5, 2024
A Note from the Principal's Desk
Happy Cinco de Mayo! 🎉
As Teacher Appreciation Week draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your incredible support and generosity.
Your thoughtful gestures, kind words, and meaningful contributions have made this week truly special for our dedicated staff and teachers. Whether it was a handwritten note, a small gift, or a simple act of appreciation, your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Our staff play a vital role in shaping the future of our children, and your recognition of their hard work and dedication means the world to them. Your support helps create a positive and encouraging environment that allows our teachers to thrive and inspire our students every day.
Thank you for being such wonderful partners in education and for joining us in celebrating our amazing teachers and staff during Staff Appreciation Week. Your continued support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
Hats off to our Aladdin students and our amazing music teacher, Jasmin Thompson and lighting partner, Melissa Carel for leading this awesome spring production!
Below is this week at a glance!
Monday-Get prepared for Field Day & make plans for volunteer appreciation if you've volunteered!
Tuesday-If you've volunteered this year you are invited! Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 9:00a-10:00a
Wednesday-PreK & Kindergarten Round Up 9:00a-10:00a
Thursday-Title I Stakeholder's meeting 9a & 5p
Friday-FIELD Day! 😃 (read below for details)
If your child(ren) is returning to HHES, please complete the DCSD annual verification.
We are nearing the end of the academic year, so it's crucial that your child attends school regularly.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education!
Proud to Serve,
Mia Bradshaw, Principal
PTA Tiger Talk
PTA Tiger Talk
We had a great week celebrating our Teacher and Staff! Thank you to all of of our volunteers and supporters!
Upcoming Events:
- New Tiger Day - May 8: Tour and informational session for new families!
- End-of-Year Parent Party - May 9 : Head to Mad Italian for an evening of apps and socializing!
- Field Day - May 10: Sign up to volunteer and help this event run smoothly!
- 5th Graders : Y'all have so much going on we created a Special Edition of Tiger Talk just for you! See below for the link if you missed it.
Thank you for serving our school with us!
As a member of our PTA, we would like to remind you that you can email ptahhes@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or ideas. We welcome your participation and are available to assist in any way that we can.
*PTA LinkTree always contains the links you need!* Visit: https://linktr.ee/hhespta
This Week at Huntley Hills!
We want to show our appreciation for ALL volunteers!
Field Day
Students will participate in various events throughout the day. We have a fantastic day planned for all of our Tigers!
Important Information:
Events are scheduled from 8:30am2:00pm
All visitors are welcome to attend field day rotations. All visitors are asked to help the teacher at the stations.
If you have more than one Tiger, you can bounce between the grade levels. Please understand we would love everyone to pitch in and help!
PTA will be selling pizza, chips and water. Kona Ice will be here on site as well. Your child should bring at cash in a ziplock bag with your child's name and amount. It is your child's responsibility to keep up with up with their money.
There will be a water slide so students are encouraged to bring a towel and wear clothes/shoes that can get wet, and bring a change of clothes. If you don't want your child to participate, notify your teacher by Wednesday, May 8th.
Students should wear tennis shoes or crocs that stay on their feet and are tied, and students are NOT to wear cleats, boots or flip flops.
We ask you to remember to put sunscreen on your child that day (even if it is a cloudy day) and send it with them if they need to reapply.
The cafeteria will serve sack lunches on Field Day. Pizza sold by PTA does not replace a DCSD school lunch. However, children may prefer to bring a sack lunch from home.
Students need to bring a labeled refillable water bottle and should be reminded to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day and to take care of their trash and recycling.
Limit hoodies and jackets as they may get lost during all the station rotations.
I look forward to a fulfilled day!
Coach Fears
Title I Stakeholder's Meeting May 9th
2024-2025 Title I Stakeholder's Meeting
All parents are invited.
All Parents are invited! Title I Stakeholder's meeting Thursday, May 9 at 9:00am and 5:00pm in the media center.
Huntley Hills is a Title I school, and as the parent/guardian of a child attending a Title I school you are an important part of the Title I team. Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of the parental engagement program and activities in our school. The focus of all Title I programs is to help eligible students meet the same high academic achievement standards expected of all children. The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist us with future planning for parental involvement activities and events at our school.
New Families Workshop @9:00am-10:00am
MAP Testing
We appreciate our cafeteria staff! May 3, 2024
National Nurse Day! May 8, 2024
Montessori 24-25 Update
For the 2024-2025 school year, our Montessori program will include a new K-1st class led by Mr. Ben Tiller. The purpose of this new classroom is part of a larger goal to grow our Montessori program back to pre-pandemic enrollment numbers. During the pandemic, Dekalb County experienced a decrease in enrollment which also affected our Montessori program. This decrease led to the closure of Ms. Gordon's 3rd & 4th grade classroom in 2021.
With the recent increase in enrollment and interest, our long-term goal is to eventually re-create the 3-4 class. The process to grow our program and re-create classrooms will be gradual and begins with the installment of our K-1 class next year. During School Choice Open Enrollment, Huntley Hills requested a larger number of participants via the lotteries in order to adequately fill all of our primary and lower Montessori classrooms.
Your student's classroom assignment will be communicated before August. At this time, parents are still accepting Montessori seats from the lottery, so students class placements have not been finalized. Our Montessori and Admin team will continue to keep you updated on the structure of our program. We thank you for your support and look forward to growing together.
2024-2025 Montessori Staffing Announced
Congratulations to Ms. Tilly on her transfer to our sister Montessori program at Briar Vista Elementary. We wish you the best on this next step on your journey!
Congratulations to Ms. Gordon! She completes her Montessori Elementary I & II coursework in June and will be our new Upper Elementary guide in the Fall!
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Ben Tiller to the Montessori teaching team at HHES! He will be opening a new K-1 classroom to grow our program and expand our ability to offer more seats through school choice.
We'd also like to welcome Ms. Katrina Miller as our new Primary guide for Fall 2024! She is an established educator who begins her Montessori training journey this summer.
Ms. Loretz will be leaving us at the end of the year and although we are sad about her departure, we know her journey holds many more amazing Montessori adventures for her. She remains with our Montessori family as a parent and supporter for one more year.
DCSD Annual Verification for Returning Students! Now Open!
Annual Verification 24-25
It's that TIME of year! You will find a form requesting if your child(ren) are returning next year will be in your child's STAR folder Thursday. Please return it by April Friday, April 26, 2024. If you are returning, please complete the annual verification. Thank you!
Brenda Able, Registrar
Annual verification registrations are now submitted online. You must have a parent portal to complete registration.
Please log into the parent portal app or go to DCSD’s current annual verifications page: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/online-registration/current-student-annual-verification/
Need help? There are guides and videos available at the bottom of the page in English and Spanish.
Annual verifications require a valid government issued parent/guardian ID and a current proof of residence in the parent/guardian’s name. The proof of residence must be ONE of the following:
- Mortgage/Lease statement
- Electric bill
- Gas bill
- Water bill
If you live with someone and none of the items above are in your name, please complete a Residential Affidavit. This form may be found at: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/online-registration/forms/
Parent/Guardian ID should be attached to the annual verification in the student tab, in the Parent/Guardian section.
Upcoming Events!
Happy Mother's Day May 12th
CHS Senior Walk
Award's Day 2024
DeKalb County School District Announcements
Mental Health Matters @ DCSD
SY 23-25 Fall Sports
Fall Sports-----4th & 5th Grade----- Soccer & Track
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Stakeholders
We are thrilled to announce the launch of elementary athletics in the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year! Our commitment is to foster physical well-being and sportsmanship among our students. We invite your children to participate in this fantastic opportunity.
We will offer Track and field, Soccer, Competitive Dance, Basketball, and Flag Football to all 4th and 5th graders. The program's goal is for students to obtain knowledge of game strategies and rules, learn effective collaboration, competition, responsibility, and a sense of school pride while learning new skills. Students must maintain a 'C' average to remain eligible to participate.
Registration for fall sports will open on April 30th and close on June 30th. To secure your child's spot on the team, click the link below and follow the easy steps outlined on our website under the "registration" tab. Also, please check out our "FAQS" tab for any questions. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to participate in elementary athletics in Dekalb County School District!
Registration Link: https://www.dcsdeaorg/
As we embark on this new chapter, we want to assure you of our unwavering commitment to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. We are dedicated to ensuring every child can thrive and excel on and off the field. We look forward to seeing your child ready to showcase their talents and sportsmanship.
We eagerly anticipate the 2024-2025 elementary athletics season and hope you and your child are, too. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Let's make this season a memorable and rewarding experience for our students.
Elementary Athletics upcoming 2024 - 2025 Academic Letter.pdf
DCSD Elementary Athletics Fall Registration.png
Brandan Lane
Athletic Coordinator III
Athletics Department
Mobile # 404-697-5499
Instagram: DCSDElementaryAthletics
DeKalb County School District Seeks Parent Input on Code of Conduct
The DeKalb County School District is seeking input from parents, staff, and community stakeholders on the 2024-2025 DeKalb County School District Code of Student Conduct.
The Code of Student Conduct Handbook outlines the policies, rules, and regulations that govern student discipline in the district including dress code, behavior, bus information, electronic communication devices, violence against students, terroristic threats, school personnel and other student responsibilities.
The Code of Student Conduct Handbook is intended to inform students in grades K – 12 of the types of behaviors that are unacceptable. Students are taught and tested on the contents of the handbook.
A copy of the current 2023-2024 DeKalb County School District Code of Student Conduct is available in all DeKalb schools and at www.dekalbschoolsga.org/student-relations/.
Comments and recommendations may be sent to
studentrelations@dekalbschoolsga.org or Department of Student Relations, 5823 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 until Friday, May 10, 2024.
2024 DCSD Summer School
What's Happening @ the Hills?
Aladdin Production
Thank you for all the staff appreciation!💗
Painting social
Staff luncheon
Hydration Station
Bangladesh New Year Celebration!
Save the dates
May 5-Cinco de Mayo
May 6-PreK and Kindergarten Roundup and tours
May 7-Parent Volunteers 9:00am-10:00am
May 9-Title I Stakeholders Meeting (plan for the upcoming school year 24-25)
May-10 Field Day
May 12 Mother's Day
May 13-5th week activities
May 13-Return all Library Books!
May 13-CHS Senior walk @ 1:45pm (new date)
May 13-14-GA Milestones Retest
May 15-PreK and Kindergarten Awards Day
May 16- Grades 1-4 Awards Day
May 19-End of Year Class parties 1:00-2:00
May 19-Zaxby's Spirit Night
May 20-5th Grade Ceremony
May 22-Last Day of School; Report Cards go home!
Join PTA!
- Join our PTA by making a donation here
- Volunteer for a Leadership Role here
- Sign up for Tiger Talk emails here
- Explore our *updated* PTA website here
*NEW* Join our private Facebook GROUPS designed to unify and support our families! Choose your group(s) based on the grade your student(s) Find your groups here.
We welcome your support and look forward to serving our school together!
PTA President, Amanda Hall
Afterschool/Tiger Time-REPEAT
To register submit your application to the front office M-F; 7:30am-3:00pm.
Communication: Stay Connected!
School Dojo: The school code is here to receive message from the school (text messages from Dr. Ford)
Weekly Tiger Talk: (https://hhespta.square.site/#ZEQvWw) emails from PTA/school)
School Messenger-See flyer below to opt-in to receive text messages/emails from DCSD (text messages/emails from DCSD)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/huntleyhills?lang=en (follow me)
PTA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huntleyhillselementary/ (follow PTA)
DCSD School Messenger
School Uniforms
Important Contacts
PTA President -Amanda Hall-ptahhes@gmail.com
Principal Advisory Council Chair-Yane Yoo
School Counselor (504's & SST)-Sonya Nelson sonya_nelson@dekalbschoolsga.org
Registrar (registration & withdrawals)-Brenda-brenda_zendejas@dekalbschoolsga.org
Title I Parent Liaison (Spanish)-Rebeca Arbona rebeca_arbona@dekalbschoolsga.org
Nurse-Faiza Khan faiza_khan@dekalbschoolsga.org
MTSS-Elizabeth Duany elizabeth_duany@dekalbschoolsga.org
Assistant Principal & Testing Coordinator-Amanda Moss amanda_moss@dekalbschoolsga.org
Principal-Mia Bradshaw mia_ford@dekalbschoolsga.org