Tuscany Heights Elementary
168th Lighthouse School in the Nation
Our Mission Statement
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to LEAD, HONOR, and EXCEL today!
Message from Administration
Dear Tuscany Heights Elementary Parents,
It has been a great week. We hope that you have enjoyed your weekend. We are including a few reminders regarding safety from last week:
At the back door, we release students until 3:05pm. After 3:05, parents are required to go to the office and sign their child out.
In helping make the process a safe one, please remember the following while dropping off or picking up students:
- In the morning, use one of these three options: car rider lane in the front, after buses/7:30am you may use the back curbside car lane, or park in the visitor parking lot and walk your child into the building using our crossing guards for safety. Dropping students off in the parking lot is not a safe practice.
- Be sure that your car is not blocking Wilderness Oak traffic when turning left into the school.
- Remain in the car lane behind other cars rather than pulling out of the lane. We have seen students, adults, and cars almost get hit when cars pull out of the lane. Follow the car lane all the way down and into the flow of traffic;
- Use one of these two car rider procedures in the afternoons: the car rider lane or park & pick up in the back.
- Parking in a Handicap Parking space is against the law.
- 25 MPH speed Limit within the school zone and 5MPH speed limit as you enter the the school driveway/parking lot.
*The North East Police Department and Bexar County Sheriff have both had officers visit our campus recently.
Thank you for your help! Safety comes first!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Chickfila Eat for a Cause
Upcoming Events
September 21st- October 2nd: Box Tops Contest
Friday, October 6th- Early Release Day, Dismissal at 12:40pm
Monday, October 9th- Student Holiday/ Staff Professional Development Day
Friday, October 20th- Fall Picture Retakes
Monday, October 23rd- Friday, October 27th- Red Ribbon Week
Thursday, October 26th- Bike Rodeo
Wednesday, Nov. 1st and Thursday, November 2nd- Early Release, Dismissal at 12:40pm
Thursday, November 3rd- PTA Presents...Fall Festival Field Day
Library News
Leader in Me Parent Survey
Please take a moment to complete the parent survey to help us grow this year with our Leader in Me, Stephen Covey Process.
PTA News
Save the Date- Bike Rodeo is October 26th!
Field Day is November 3rd!
Eat for a Cause- Thank you for all the family and staff that made our night at Chick-Fil-A a success! It was great to see all the smiling face! There were 189 transactions and Chick-Fil-A gave back $745 to THE. It was definitely a win-win for our community!
Box Tops Contest- September 21 – October 2
To be counted toward your class totals, all box tops need to be turned in Monday, Oct. 2nd. The class from each grade level that brings in the MOST Box Tops will get to have some laser tag fun courtesy of San Antonio Laser Tag.
Greenbacks - PARTNER up with THE PTA to help fund programs and educational opportunities all year long. When we reach our goal of $5000, Mrs. Bailey will get lassoed to the flagpole. Give by going to THE PTA website: www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org
Donation Levels:
$200 and up: Tiger $150: Platinum $100: Gold $50: Silver $25: Bronze
PTA Meeting- Come join us for a very special PTA meeting on Oct. 3rd from 11:30am-1 pm in the Tuscany Heights Library as we do Lunch-N-Learn! We will be having Mrs. Johnson,our very own librarian, speak with us on exploring online resources and the new Launchpad Solutions to better support your child. A flyer will be going home with info on how to pre-purchase a lunch from Jason’s Deli or feel free to bring your own lunch. Money for the lunch will be due back to the front office by Friday, September 29th.
Calling all Watch D.O.G.S!
Paws for a minute and join us for “Breakfast with Dads”, an informative meeting about serving as a Hero of the Hallway at Tuscany Heights! We'll meet in the library on 10/20 from 7:15-7:40AM. Come learn about the program and learn how to schedule your dates to be a Watch DOG on campus!
We will be taking photos to share on social media so be ready to smile!
5th Grade Parents- Rounding up all those 5th grade parents interested in serving on the 5th grade activities committees for this year. We will have our first meeting on Thursday, October 12th at 9:30 am in the PTA room. If you are unable to make the meeting, please email Jennifer Smith at jpsfrogs@gmail.com or Tina Guerrero at theguerros602@aol.com and let us know which committee you would like to serve on and if you are interested in being a committee chairperson.
The committee are:
1. Party Decorations & Entertainment
2. Party Food & Drink
3. Party Volunteers & Staff
4. Party Student Permission Packets
5. Student's Gift
6. Gift to School
7.Graduation Ceremony
The PTA Reflections art contest is coming up soon! This year's theme is "Within Reach." Submit an original work of art inspired by the theme by Friday, October 13. The artwork can be in the category of visual arts, literature, musical composition, photography, dance choreography, or film production. See the rules on THE's PTA website for submission guidelines. Look for backpack fliers and entry forms coming home soon!
T.H.E. PTA ONLINE STORE IS STILL OPEN! –You can still go online and order your THE Spirit Gear, donate to Greenbacks, and join PTA! Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org and click on the WELCOME BACK section! Some quantities are limited so order today!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
SignUp.com to volunteer!
North East Back the Future Family Engagement Event
The NECPTA ‘back the future’ Committee is gearing up for our 2nd Annual ‘Back the Future' Family Engagement Event on Saturday, October 28th. See the pictures below for more details. We'd love to see you there!
Community Invite can be found here: