Kidder Family Newsletter
September 9, 2024
Dear Kidder Families
Fall Literacy on the Lawn
On Friday, September 20th, we will be hosting our annual Literacy on the Lawn event. Parents and family members are invited to join us for this reading celebration from 1:30-2:00 pm.
We encourage you to bring books, and a blanket, and spend quality time with your family enjoying some great literature together. If you are unable to attend, don't worry - our staff will also be reading to the students.
To sign up for the Literacy on the Lawn event, please complete the sign-up form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your child's teacher. We look forward to reading with you!
Safety Drills
Throughout the year, regular safety drills will be conducted in our building, as part of our comprehensive school emergency plan. These drills are essential for ensuring that our students and staff are well-prepared to respond effectively in the event of a genuine emergency. All buildings within Brunswick City Schools will schedule drills at various times during the school day, in compliance with legal requirements. Our Brunswick School Resource Officers are welcome to participate in these drills.
The initial exercise is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th. It will be a theoretical drill where students will view the district's Run, Hide, Fight Safety Video and engage in classroom discussions. Subsequently, during the week of September 23rd, both students and staff will partake in a lockdown, barricade, and evacuation practice. Teachers will facilitate discussions and address any questions or concerns students may have.
Your continued support for our emergency planning is greatly appreciated.
Next week, our school will administer diagnostic assessments. All students in grades K-5 will complete DIBELS reading tests.To help students perform their best, please encourage them to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast on assessment days.
What is DIBELS?
- DIBELS are brief measures designed for students in grades K-8 to evaluate their performance on critical reading skills. These skills include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension.
How often will my child be assessed?
- All students are typically assessed three times a year - in fall, winter, and spring. Some students may receive more frequent progress monitoring if they need extra reading support.
How long does it take?
- Each DIBELS test takes about one minute to complete. The full assessment usually takes 2-6 minutes, depending on your child's grade and the time of year.
Why is DIBELS important?
- DIBELS provides a quick snapshot of your child's reading skills, much like a thermometer gives a quick measure of body temperature. This allows teachers to gather valuable information about your child's reading progress without using much classroom time.
When will I receive my child's results?
- Your child's teacher will spend time during the parent teacher conferences to go over the results which is on Tuesday Nov 5th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Beth Dagostino
Kara Rawson
Asst. Principal
2 ~ Labor Day - No School
5 ~ Picture Day
6 ~ PTG Popcorn/ Water Day
6 ~PTG Welcome Back Movie Nights 5-8 pm
10.~Safety Drill #1 - 9:00 am - Theoretical - Show and Discuss RUN, HIDE, FIGHT video
11~ Patriots Day - Wear Red, White, and Blue
11 ~ PTG Meet and Greet 5-6 pm
11 ~ PTG Meeting 6-7 pm
13 ~ Staff Inservice Day - No School
13 ~ Trike & Bike 6pm
20 ~ Literacy on the Lawn 1:30-2:00 pm
28 ~ PTG Mum Sale Pick-up
2 ~ Bullying Prevention and Awareness Day (Oct. Anti-Bullying Month)
2 ~ Parent Cafe- Part 2- 5 pm
3 ~ PTG Popcorn/ Water Day
3 - 10 Fall Book Fair
4 ~ Staff Inservice Day - No School
8 ~ 4G Gifted Inview
8 ~ Title One Literacy Night 6-7 pm
9 ~ Parent Cafe - Part 3- 5 pm
11 ~ NEOEA Day - No School
16 ~ PTG Meeting 6-7 pm
17 ~ Picture Retake Day
18 ~ Peer Screenings 10 am
18 ~ End of 1st Quarter
18, ~ Unity Day ~ Wear Orange
18 ~ PBIS Quarter 1 Assembly / Fun Activity
19 ~ Bright Futures: Education and Wellness Fair 10am -12pm at BMS
19 ~ PTG Trunk or Treat 4-6 pm
22-24 ~ PTG Halloween Lunch Raffle
23 ~ Penn Station Dine to Donate
23 ~ 3G OST Part One
24 ~ 3G OST Part Two
24 ~ 3rd G - Go West Music Concert, 7 pm
25 ~ Preschool Field Trip ~ Red Wagon Farm, 10-11:30 am
31 ~ Halloween Parade and Parties K-5, 1:45-3:00 pm
National Arts in Education Week
Fall Literacy Night
Parent Cafe
BCSD Statement On Artificial Intelligence
The Brunswick City School District recognizes the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education and the broader world. As part of our commitment to preparing students for the future, we continue to look for ways to integrate AI into our curriculum, always with the goal of fostering authentic student voices.
Our "Journey of a Blue Devil" initiative outlines five core competencies that every student should possess by graduation: Communication, Empathy, Responsibility, Critical Thinking, and Adaptability. These competencies serve as the foundation for our students' growth and development throughout their pre-K-12 journey.
When it comes to AI, we encourage students to explore its potential while maintaining academic integrity. Here are some key principles:
Authentic Voice: We believe that every student's unique perspective matters. Assignments should showcase their authentic voice, thoughts, and creativity. AI can be a valuable tool to enhance their work, but it should never replace their individual expression.
Teacher Guidance: Students are encouraged to leverage AI tools with teacher permission. Our educators provide guidance on when and how to incorporate AI appropriately.
Avoiding Plagiarism: Just as we discourage plagiarism from traditional sources, we extend the same expectation to AI-generated content. Students must understand that using AI to create work without proper attribution is considered cheating.
Critical Thinking: Integrating AI prompts critical thinking. Students should learn to evaluate AI-generated results, question biases, and consider ethical implications so that they can become informed consumers of technology.
Responsible Use: Responsible AI use involves understanding its limitations, biases, and potential impact. Students should learn to weigh the benefits and risks of AI in order to make informed decisions.
By embracing AI within these guidelines, we empower our students to be adaptable, innovative, and well-prepared for a rapidly changing world. As we share this statement with stakeholders—students, parents, teachers, and administrators—we invite their active participation in shaping our AI-enhanced educational environment.
Together, we embark on the journey of a Blue Devil—one that combines tradition, innovation, and the authentic voices of our students.
Fitness Club
Save the Date
Is there a Kidder teacher or staff member you would like to recognize who has gone above and beyond to make a difference in your student’s life? Here is your chance to sing their praises and share how this special teacher / staff member has made a difference. Please complete the following form and a certificate will be created and shared with the teacher. Kidder Shout Out Form
Engagement Announcements in the Lobby
Counselor's Corner
How Do I Get Help for My Child?
Literacy Corner
2024 Fire Safety Poster Contest:
The Division of State Fire Marshal is pleased to announce we are again conducting our annual statewide Fire Safety Poster Contest, which will take place during Fire Prevention Week Oct. 6–12! The purpose of this contest is to recognize individuals who have demonstrated an understanding of issues related to fire safety education and have shown the ability to visually demonstrate that knowledge. This year's theme is "Smoke Alarms: Make Them Work for You!"
Fire Safety Poster Contest Rules
- Posters must include a fire prevention theme. An example is “Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you!” Posters should display positive behavior statements of what students can do to prevent a fire at home. This may include identifying common places where fires can start, showing what steps to take when a smoke alarm sounds, and having fire escape plans with two ways out.
- Posters must only be on 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
- Any colors may be used; however, a white or light-colored background is preferred.
- Crayons, markers, pencils, etc., can be used.
- All artwork must be original. Computer-generated, photographs, traced images and clippings from magazines, newspapers, and books will not be accepted.
- The poster surface should remain flat.
- All posters become the property of the Division of State Fire Marshal and will not be returned. (Please copy or photograph your artwork before submitting it.)
If interested in participating, all entries must be turned in to Mrs. Biedron by September 20!
Click on the MemberHub hyperlink to pay for popcorn/water, birthday grams, membership & spirit wear!
Follow us on Facebook
Questions? Email the PTG at
Newsletters From the Superintendent
School Fees and Lunch Account
Over the summer, BCSD transitioned our lunch and student fee payment system to a new vendor, PaySchools. Click here for PaySchools Central to register and create your account.
Please note that any balances on your student’s lunch accounts (from MySchoolBucks) have already been transferred to PaySchools and will be available immediately upon creating your account in PaySchools. Also, any outstanding student class fees have been transferred to PaySchools. You will also have the option to pay any Athletic and Marching Band Pay to Participate fees through your PaySchools account.
Additionally, parents interested in applying for free and reduced lunches can submit applications starting July 31, 2024, using their PaySchools account.
There are no fees involved when paying your student's fees online.
There will be a small transaction fee for the Meal Accounts.
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions less than $25.00) $1.65 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions $25 to $49.99) $2.00 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions greater than $49.99) 4.5%
Electronic Check (All transaction amounts) $1.75 per transaction
Several PaySchool links are provided below. At the bottom of each informational document, you will find PaySchools customer service contact information. Feel free to reach out to PaySchools if you encounter a problem when creating your account.
If you have a district-related question regarding your fees please contact Tina Campbell, Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer, at We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this transition.
PaySchools Parent Registration
PaySchools Free and Reduced Application
Trike & Bike
Trike & Bike is a community-organized bike ride for children ages 3-12. 100% of every dollar raised supports pediatric cancer research at Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital. Please mark your calendars for Friday, September 13th at 6:00 PM at Brunswick High School. We look forward to sharing more details with you soon.
Parent Mentors
Kim Hawkins 330-225-7731 ext. 1533
Click here for more information
Final Forms
Free & Reduced Lunch
EXTRA CAR TAGS - Each family will be given two car tags. If you would like an additional car tag or need a replacement, complete this form.
SHARED PARENTING TRANSFORMATION FORM - Please complete the form for shared parent arrangements. Be sure to update the information in Final Forms
CAR RIDER ONLY - No Form Needed
WALKER- please email the teacher and Mrs. Canterbury at
Chromebook HELP
Common Chromebook Problems - click here
Parent Volunteers
Attendance Number
If you pick up your child early, please email the teacher and the secretary, Mrs. Canterbury, at