RH Jr/Sr High Principal Corner 9/24
It's always a great day to be a Tiger!!!
First Mid-Term in the books!
Hard to believe that we are finishing week five!!! With the new information system we have had some learning to do on our side but things are linging up. Here is what to expect from the junior high and high school.
- Grade cards will be sent out soon. Please find on them your kiddos current grade, percentage, absences per class, and tardies per class.
- If students have a D+ or lower, they will need to adhere to our tutoring policy. It can be in the student handbook on page 8. Click here for a link to the handbook.
- You will also receive information on how to setup your PowerSchool Parent Account with your kiddos grade card. Please follow the steps outlined as the credentials are student specific.
- Canvas will still be the best place for up to date grades. We are in the process of PowerSchool and Canvas being able to speak to one another but in the mean time, please continue to use Canvas for up to date information.
- Virtual student grades will only be done quarterly. Please access Acellus for current grades for your kiddos. They will need to be 25% completed with full year courses by 10/19.
- Students who attend Vo-Tech will receive their grade cards next week due to Nevada's grading cycles being a week off from ours.
- Lastly, dual credit course grades will only be submitted quarterly.
What's Happening!
STUCO helping keep Rich Hill Clean
STUCO students get up early on Friday to pick up trash.
Student section cheering on the Lady Tigers to a victory!
A great crowd was on hand during senior night.
Football team ready for another battle
Your Tigers fought hard last week but prepare for Appleton City this evening.
Upcoming Events
Event Information
Family Night at the Book Fair
Thursday, Sep 30, 2021, 05:00 PM
Rich Hill R-IV High School, North 3rd Street, Rich Hill, MO, USA
Event Information
End of First Quarter
Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021, 12:00 PM
Rich Hill R-IV High School, North 3rd Street, Rich Hill, MO, USA
Helpful Links
Monthly Calendar
For athletics, activities, and events going on in the district.