Steele Report
Friday, August 30, 2024

Steele Announcements
First Grading Period Academic Recognition
Marion L. Steele High School is pleased to announce its Academic Honor Awards for the first quarter. Congratulations to all!
High Honor Roll
Students achieving High Honor Roll earned an average GPA of 3.65 or higher.
Honor Roll
Students achieving Honor Roll earned an average GPA between 3.00 - 3.64.
Lorain County JVS Honor Roll
LCJVS Honor Roll recognizes students who have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the second grading period.
End of Semester Exams
Exams for the first semester will take place on December 18th, 19th, and 20th. If a make-up exam is needed, time will be arranged between the teacher and the student.
Please click here or see below for a daily exam schedule.
Class of 2025 Senior Portraits Make up Date: November 12th
Retake day for Senior Portraits is on November 12th at Steele High School in the Main Gym, starting at 7:00am.
This retake day is for seniors who want retakes or did not get their portrait with Studio Q on October 17th. Remember that only portraits from these two days will be in the yearbook. This is NOT the same as the Ripcho picture you may have taken in August at Steele or whenever Ripcho went to the JVS. Mr. Rubinski shared a sign up sheet with students via email.
Please contact Mr. Rubinski with any questions or concerns.
Department Updates: Social Studies Department
The MLS Social Studies Department is active in displaying various themes of major historical events throughout the first semester of the school year. The department recognizes school-wide and beyond those honored for September 11, 2001 and Veteran’s Day.
Nearly 200 Social Students students participated in the annual American Legion History Test offered on November 7th. Scholarships are made available by the American Legion for exemplary performance on the test.
Students will feel a patriotic presence in the school in the month of November as 'Old Glory' American flags will be displayed in the hallway outside each classroom entry.
MLS students will attend the 14th annual Amherst Veterans Day Ceremony at Patriots Park. Many students will volunteer to help veterans in various ways at the mural and VFW.
In conjunction with the Amherst Historical Society, students can earn volunteer hours for several events including:
- Hooverville
- By My Lantern's Light Cemetery Walk
- Fall Festival
- Operation Market Garden - Best Years of Our Lives (WWII)
MLS Counseling Department
OHYES Surveys!
On November 26th, all students will be completing the OHYes! survey in their 3rd period class. A letter has been handed out to the students explaining the OHYes! survey. Links to the survey and a copy of the letter are listed below. Please contact your student's school counselor with any additional questions.
PSAT Scores
Starting October 24th, students will be able to access their PSAT scores. Students will need to go to the Collegeboard website. They will need to login to their account. If they do not have an account, they will need to create one. From there, students will be able to access their scores on their Dashboard. Please reach out to your student's counselor with any questions.
JVS Sophomore Career Day
On Thursday, November 21st, the Sophomore class will visit the Lorain County JVS for Sophomore Career Day. Our students will be exploring two programs of interest during our visit. We are excited for this opportunity and cannot wait to share this experience with our students.
For any sophomores who still need to submit their programs of interest, please see Mrs. Diaz or Mrs. Jones ASAP.
Lorain County JVS Open House
Lorain County JVS partners with industry leaders to build the best programs that support our region’s growing economy and workforce demand. From healthcare to engineering/STEM, manufacturing, liberal arts, and construction trades, Lorain County JVS blends in-demand jobs with innovation, technology, scholarly academics, and post-secondary pathways with regional colleges and universities to propel your child’s future!
Register today for Lorain County JVS’s Open House on November 24 and get an exclusive look behind the scenes, discover exciting opportunities, and take the first step toward launching your future on the right path.
Sunday, Nov 24, 2024, 12:00 PM
Lorain County JVS, Ohio 58, Oberlin, OH, USA
Genesis House Presentation in MLS Health Classes
Next week on November 11th and November 15th a speaker from Genesis House be presenting to Health classes to cover all information related to Senate Bill 288. Please click this link for more information.
Fall College Representative Visits at Steele
Every fall, Steele offers juniors and seniors with a valuable opportunity to attend college representative visits. These 30-minute sessions take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our Steele Presentation area, typically at 9:15 am. During these sessions, admissions representatives from various colleges stop in to give an overview of their institutions. They provide detailed information about admissions processes, scholarships, and important deadlines.
This is a great chance for juniors to learn about different colleges and universities and for seniors to ask any questions they might have about the admissions process, majors, scholarships, etc. Students can register for these visits through their SchoolLinks account, which is accessible via their Amherst Launchpad/Classlink login. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cooney.
Steele Athletic Department
Southwestern Conference Cheerleading Champions
Girls Soccer District Champions
Congratulations to our girls soccer team on winning their way to the OHSAA Regional (Sweet 16) for the first time in school history. They did so with a 2-1 win over Green on 10/26/24. Click below on the story on their historic win!
Football Qualifies for the OHSAA Playoffs
For the first time since 2008, the football team qualified for the OHSAA Playoffs. Their 6-4 regular season record earned them the nine seed and they traveled to Olmsted Falls last Friday (11/1/24). Thanks for a great fall season!
Important Dates
Important Second Quarter Dates:
Wednesday, November 13th: Family First Night
Thursday, November 21st: Class of 2027 JVS Trip
Friday, November 22nd- Sunday, November 24th: MLS Theatre Company Production of A Christmas Carol
Tuesday, November 26th: B-Schedule, Crazy Games
Wednesday, November 27th-Friday, November 29th: No School, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 16th: MLS Choir Alumni Concert, 7:30pm, St. Peter's Parish
Tuesday, December 17th: Band Concert, 7pm, Cafetorium
Wednesday, December 18th: Orchestra Concert, 7pm, Cafetorium
Wednesday, December 18th-Friday, December 20th: Semester Ending Exams
Friday, December 20th: End of First Semester, End of Second Grading Period, Two- Hour Early Release
Marion L. Steele High School
Email: joseph_tellier@amherstk12.org
Website: https://www.amherstk12.org/schools/steele
Location: 450 Washington Street, Amherst, OH, USA
Phone: 440-988-4433
X: @SteelePrincipal