Weekly Newsletter
On a hot day this week, our students and staff enjoyed refreshing raspados to cool off. It was the perfect treat to beat the heat while enjoying quality time together.
Important Internship Opportunity!
Join us for a picnic in the quad as we Celebrate our Heritage- Celebrando Nuestras Culturas- enjoy good music, food, and great company as we honor the rich diversity of our community. Don't miss out on the fun!
Rise and Shine, Class of 2025: Senior Sunrise with Our Titans!
- Mon, Sep 9
- 5 Week Mark Reporting Window
- Girls Volleyball vs RFK JV 2:30 pm & Var 4:00 pm
- Instructional Leadership Team Meeting (Rm.3-173) 3:37 PM – 4:37 PM (Parent Center)
- Tue, Sep 10
- 5 Week Mark Reporting Window
- Tuesday Professional Learning- Department PD (see room locations below)
- WASC Faculty Meeting (MPR)3:37pm-4:37pm
- Wed, Sep 11
- Thu, Sep 12
- 5 Week Grades due by 9am
- Roybal Parent Meeting (Parent Center)8:30 AM – 9:30 AM (Hybrid Meeting)- Parking on Blacktop Parking
- Flag Football @ Maywood 2pm & 3:30pm
- SSC + ELAC Orientation & Election (Parent Center) 3:40pm-5pm
- Fri, Sep 13
- DMHS Picture Day (MPR)ALL DAY
- Football vs Westchester JV 4pm & Diego Rivera Var 7pm (Home Game)
- Sat, Sep 14
- STEAM Instruction Micro-Credentialing - MPR only 8 AM – 3 PM
Professional Development and Meetings
- See our Staff Useful Links Page for access to our PD and Faculty Meeting agendas for this week.
- You will meet by department this Tuesday from 2:27PM to 3:27PM. (Rooms: 3-145 Math, 3-167 English, 3-163 Social Studies, 3-156 Science, 3-152 SPED, 3-151 World Languages, 3-147 Electives)
- We will hold a Faculty Meeting this Tuesday from 3:37-4:47pm. We will meet in the MPR.
-Click here for DOI’s current and upcoming secondary professional learning opportunities.
- The EGI Micro-Credential Program provides an opportunity for classroom teachers to deepen their expertise of EGI-aligned classroom practices. Upon successful completion, participants earn a digital badge and 3 salary points. There is no cost to participate in the program (books and materials are included).
- Apply to join a community of educators committed to moving SEL forward. Applications are now open.
iReady Data Chats with Students
Now that the iReady beginning-of-year assessments are completed, please take a moment to engage in data chats with your students. We are linking a data chat template to guide the conversation. Once completed, students are to return their completed data analysis to their Advisory Teacher. Leads will pick these up on Friday, September 13. As an incentive, all students who submit their data chat by this date will be entered into a drawing for a special lunch. Let’s encourage them to take ownership of their learning and set goals for their success!
Instructional Resources and Support
- Read the Fall Grade Reporting Memo here. Grades are due in MiSiS on September 12, 2024.
-Need resources to support your instruction on writing? Access all the resources for the Writing Rope Framework here. We will have an opportunity to review some of these more in depth at our upcoming Instructional Retreat.
-Discover how the LAUSD Learning Library on Sora can transform your students' reading journey. Learn to unlock LAPL's collection, build a reading culture, and cultivate a love of reading that supports all students.
- Read the LAUSD's Division of Instruction Secondary Instructional News here
- Tutor.com now provides comprehensive access where you can find session completion rates, refer students to tutoring, and view individual student reports. You can view the "Fast Facts for Teachers" Guide for more information. Tutoring is free for all students in LAUSD and students can receive help at any time during the year directly from Tutor.com via their Schoology course. As a proactive measure, every teacher is being asked to help their homeroom class access and tour the tutoring platform so that students are familiar with how to leverage this resource and support throughout the year.
- Help your students gain access to all they need to be college and career-ready! Access the A-G site here
-Review some useful routines to support classroom management here.
- Our school-wide Titan tutoring has started. Please encourage all students to attend. Early intervention and support will benefit everyone. See Ms. Perez with any questions.
- Teachers and students can now sign up for a Tiggbee account through Schoology.
- Please continue to post the day's agenda and make sure to include the grade-level standard being taught, learning objective, language goal, and the WASC instructional Strategy being utilized for the lesson. Please ensure alignment between the posted agenda and the lesson being taught that period. Your lesson should reflect the 4 Phases of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Lesson Design. Feedback is logged in the MyPGS system. Please note, you are to reply to feedback via the platform within 2 weeks of the observation. Your observation will be finalized once the response is received. In some cases, your department administrator will schedule an observation debrief to discuss the lesson observed.
Safety and District Bulletins
- The purpose of this bulletin is to provide updates to the Homework and Makeup Assignment bulletin released on May 9, 2012, reflecting latest research and updated grading and marking practices bulletins.
-Read more on the important policies reviewed at our WASC Faculty Meetings here.
-Read LAUSD's Emergency Guide here. A copy is being placed in your mailbox.
-Read the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Requirements Bulletin 1374.5 here. Access the SCAR form here.
Administrative Announcements
- Here is an example of a hall pass system utilized by Mr. Faulkner and Ms. Duran to ensure students monitor their use of hall passes.
-Please submit hard copies of any IMA orders to Priscilla. As a reminder, students cannot be required to bring resources (i.e., folders, highlighters, notebooks, etc) to class. If you need specific instructional resources, you can purchase these using your IMA funds or request resources directly with your department admin.
- Please make sure your website page has a copy of your syllabus. To log into our website, please scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on “log in.” If your name does not appear on our staff roster, please email Andres Perez (andres.perez1@lausd.net) for access.
- Click here for mental health resources available to all LAUSD staff
Boost Your Grades: Tutoring is Now in Session!
Tutoring has started! We have tutoring Monday-Thursday. Talk to your teacher or Ms. Perez, in Room 3-169 for details.
Reminder: Tutoring is free for all students in LAUSD and students can receive help at any time during the year directly from Tutor.com via their Schoology course. See below for step by step guidance on how to access this free resource.
Got Data?
Students- now that the iReady assessment is complete, complete this data chat template by Friday, September 13 and share it with your Advisory teacher. As an incentive, all students who submit their data chat by this date will be entered into a drawing for a special lunch. Let’s take ownership of your learning and set goals for your own success!
New online form to schedule a meeting in the college center!
Mr. Gamez will be starting classroom presentations this week. Gear Up and Mr. Gamez will also be pulling seniors to make their college application plans during September. We're open for student meetings every day during lunch. Let's encourage students to apply and keep our expectations high!
Parent Meeting (hybrid-> zoom and in person)
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 08:30 AM
1200 Colton Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mental Health Workshop
This week we had an incredible workshop with Ms. Samaniego and Mr. Griffin. Roybal Parents learned about suicide prevention and the importance of recognizing the risk factors.
Students- as we continue to build a strong and supportive school community, we want to remind you of the importance of upholding our Culture of Care. Please remember to pick up after yourselves and keep our campus clean—your actions make a big difference! Also, please remember that cell phones should be put away during class to avoid disruptions; if not, they will be placed in a pouch. Lastly, when leaving class, be sure to have your pass ready—please note that passes are not issued during the first and last 15 minutes of class. Together, we can create a positive and productive learning environment for everyone
When YOU Attend, We ALL Win!
Ensure Your Child's Safety At All Times
Did you know that missing 15 or more days in the school year can leave students struggling throughout their academic career? School attendance is essential to academic success, but too often students and families don’t realize how quickly absences, excused or unexcused, can add up to academic trouble. Every school day counts and everyone can make a difference!
Deepening Rigor: Reflective Questions on the Tasks We Ask Students to Do
The Instructional Core
The Instructional Core consists of the teacher, the student, and the content. The success of teaching and learning depends on the effective interaction of these elements and of significant importance is the instructional task—what are students being asked to do? For meaningful learning to take place, tasks need to be engaging and challenging, not just easy or routine. As we reflect on our work and dive into addressing our Problem of Practice, we will focus on aligning all three parts of the instructional core: teaching methods, content complexity, and student roles. Below are a few reflective questions to consider as you reflect on the tasks you plan for students:
1. Alignment of Tasks:
- What specific tasks are you asking students to perform?
- Are the tasks designed to challenge students' thinking and deepen their understanding?
2. Student Engagement:
- How are students engaging with the content during the lesson?
- Are students actively involved in higher-order thinking tasks such as analyzing, evaluating, and creating, or are they primarily engaged in lower-level tasks like recalling and understanding?
3. Rigor and Complexity:
- Does the task push students towards critical thinking, problem-solving, and the application of knowledge in new contexts?
4. Instructional Support:
- Are you gradually releasing responsibility to students so that they can take ownership of their learning?
PDSA Cycle #1
Thank you to our Instructional Leadership Team for their dedication in helping us solidify our Problem of Practice (PoP) and Theory of Action (ToA) for PDSA Cycle #1. Their thoughtful feedback and collaborative discussions have set the foundation for our work ahead. The PoP and ToA will drive our cycle of continuous improvement as we work together to strengthen our instructional practices and outcomes for our young Titans!
Problem of Practice:
Roybal students are not afforded consistent opportunities to engage in structured, intellectually rigorous discussions with peers, texts, and teachers. In addition, writing is not systematically integrated across the curriculum to reinforce and deepen these discussions. As a result, our students’ writing ability and higher-level academic discourse is limited.
Theory of Action:
- Admin provides ongoing actionable feedback in alignment to TLF Focus Elements 3b1 and 3b2 to all teachers,
- The ILT team provides tiered professional learning opportunities and support, and
- Teachers provide students with ongoing, consistent, and strategic opportunities to engage in quick-write content learning or formal writing tasks, and
- Teachers implement WASC instructional strategies daily to engage in peer-to-peer discussions
- The school adopts one universal writing practice/strategy
Students will be able to engage in structured and intellectually challenging discourse and purposeful writing across the curriculum, which will strengthen their ability to critically analyze texts and articulate their understanding across disciplines.
JOIN arc after school program
Titans looking to join a club after school! stop by and join one of our clubs
Drivers Ed
The launch our new drivers ed club is doing well, if you are interested in joining see an arc staff member after school.
English Explorers Program
Titan Fall Sports
Get Your Physical Clearance for Sports!
Sports Clearance Due
Student UC/Common App Workshop
Gear Up will offer a UC/Common App Workshop
When: Sept. 14, 2024
Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Where: College Ctr./Gear Up office 3-179.
Please stop by the college center to RSVP.
Roybal's Wellbeing Center
Academic Decathlon
Reading Makes a Difference!
Don't forget to visit the library, where every book opens a new world of possibilities for you!
Mon Sep 16
Tue Sep 17
Wed Sep 18
Thu Sep 19
Fri Sep 20