Sunday Scoop with the Supe
May 12th, 2024
News and Notes from the VPSS Central Office
Happy Mother's Day
On this Sunday, I want to take the opportunity to thank and honor all of our Mother's on this special day. From our employees to the mother of our students we say a great big thank you. I also want to acknowledge the many grandmothers who have stepped in and are helping as part of the village to educate our children.
Have a great day and be honored in the way you deserve.
Congratulations Seniors
This week we are set to hand out diplomas to over 540 seniors who have completed their requirements for LDOE state diploma. We thank these seniors many who have brought recognition to our schools, our district and our state. From the classrooms, the performance halls, the athletic fields and in to our communities, the Class of 2024 has done many great things and we say "thank you".
We wish all the best of luck in their future endeavors. A complete schedule of graduations is found in our events section below.
The Final Countdown
Monday, May 13th
- VPSB Committee Meetings 6pm
- D2I Training - School Admins or selected personnel
- Round 3 Job Openings
Tuesday, May 14th
- D2I Training
Wednesday, May 15th
- VPSB May School Board Meeting (Date Change)
- Final Exam Windo opens
Thursday, May 16th
- Gueydan High Graduation - 7pm
Friday, May 17th
- Abbeville High and Kaplan High Graduations - 7:30 pm
Saturday, May 18th
- Erath High Graduation 11 AM
- NVHS Graduation 6 PM
- VPSS Surplus Sale Opens at 10. (Guinnauctions.com)
- May 23rd - 1/2 Day of School
- May 24th - 1/2 Day of School and Last day of the school year