December 15th, 2024
Winter Party Sign Up
There are still some open slots for the winter classroom parties especially in the preschool classrooms. If you have children in Ms. Hoyer's AM/PM class, Georges AM/PM class, Milner PM class, Llanes-Smith AM/PM class and Ms. Munoz PM class, please sign up. You must be signed up ahead of time to attend the class parties. Please click on the button below to sign up.
If your child's class sign up is already full, please sign up on the back up volunteer list below. If someone class in sick or is unable to make it to the winter party, the room representative for your class will reach out to you.
All class party plans are attached to the sign up.
Winter Party Back-Up Volunteers
Glen Grove Concert Flower Fundraiser
A big THANK YOU to all of our parents who attended the chorus and band concerts last week at Glen Grove school and supported our PTA by purchasing flowers and spirit wear for their performers! Our gators sure are a talented bunch!!! THANK YOU!!!!
WBGG PTA Website
Got questions about the PTA? Find most of your PTA related answers on our website! Visit often to learn about what we are doing, exciting get togethers, sign ups for parties, volunteering, spirit wear, membership and so much more!!!
PTA Membership
Now is a great time to show your support of everything we do by joining our Westbrook and Glen Grove PTA! Through your membership dues, we are able to facilitate assemblies, author visits, grants, parent and family activities and so much more!! There is no obligation to join meetings or volunteer but we would certainly love to see you in our schools!
Classroom Funds
There is still time to add to our classroom funds. The class funds support our 3 class parties per year. The suggested amount is $20 per child. Thank you for supporting our PTA and the 1000 students it serves in our two incredible schools!!!